reply to post by schrodingers dog
It was a sign of hospitality just like people across the pond drank tea, mother had to ask everyone in for a "cuppa" coffee. I had a boyfriend once
who I always thought would break down and enjoy the coffee but he never did. He was a weirdo anyway - didn't even like pie!
I remember once making a coffee pie! Freeze 1/2 coffee icecream and 1/2 cool whip in a chocolate shell. Well you know how much I like coffee, and you
know how much I like pie so, you can imagine how much I like coffee pie! Smart aleck punk. Glad I never married him.
Enough with the preamble. I can't drink coffee that has been standing on the burner for over 30 minutes. I can't drink American coffee. I think they
mix it with some other beans and seeds -it just never tastes right even the Folgers and the 8 Oclock which I think is among the best of the grocery
store variety...not counting Starbucks at $9 to 11.00 a bag! I used to invest in the Starbucks. Sumatra, yummy - but I have found similar flavors and
quality of brew for under 2$ Why spend the money if you don't have to?
There are 2 cheap brands of coffee that are very good but they may only be available in the south. I buy it on sale and send bags of Cafe Pilon to
people I know up north who love it.
Cafe Bustello is great and readily available, but it has a light brown color and a frothy creme, great for cappucino and espresso.
It runs about $2-3 a bag.
I prefer the slightly cheaper darker, less frothy, Cafe Pilon. I can buy an 8 oz bag for 1.99 on sale. It is espresso roast but I make regular coffee
out of it and people always compliment me on the coffee. We have a coffee pot at work and they serve coffee, but I brought in my tiny Mr Coffee and I
make my own (which my boss drinks instead of the restaurant coffee!)
Always use 1/2 and1/2 for your coffee. Why waste good coffee on cheap creamers? Creamora and Coffeemates are horrible chemical laden concoctions,
though I will use the Hazelnut to mask the disgusting flavors of restaurant or roadside coffee - if I have to.
After about my second or third cup of coffee - I found I was spilling the teaspoon of sugar all over the counter and missing the cup, so I figured
(all by myself!) I was getting a little too much caffeine!
I buy 1 bag of regular and 1 bag of decaf (hard to find and a few dollars more) 3.49 - 3.99 for the decaf Cafe Pilon and if they don't have the decaf
Pilon the Bustello will do, and I mix them in a large plastic container. You do not know you are getting half the caffeine and I can drink all the
coffee I want.
Another thing is sometimes I take coffee breaks, breaks from coffee...These can be used judiciously when there is a need for stamina or speed. If I
hold off on the coffee for a week or two (this is part of an all-fruit fast - much easier that way) and then have one cup of regular...
I have the energy to haul everything out and clean my garage.
I have used that super boost of hyper speed energy to do exactly that in the past.