posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 06:11 PM
I'm not going to get personal or anything but I'm not buying this at all for the following reasons:
1. This person's math is horrible, x+1 DOES NOT equal x (or 1x (same thing)); also it's kinda strange to write an equation like y2+Y2=yY2. This
implies that y and Y are two completely different variables. However, y2+Y2 DOES NOT equal yY2, nor does y2+y2=yy2 (2(2y)), nor does y2+Y2=yY2^3 (I'm
really not sure what equation was actually intended, but none of them are true anyway).
2. This individual refuses to answer any specific questions.
3. The OP has made some pretty bold claims, some of which are easily falsifiable (i.e. writing that book).
4. The OP is displaying some pretty classic troll type behavior.
Don't take this personally Sonata (unless you really are just trolling), but look at how you write your posts. If you want people to take you
seriously you need to put in the time and effort to produce a decent, serious, and compelling thread.