posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 03:33 PM
Lithium is toxic though why would i want to take it? im serious, i mean really come on guys i know you know im not crazy but so for what?
Artificial earth environments designed for processing of pain to learn? and when i mention history are you saying im wrong or right? i have no idea
what your insults even mean. So basically there are tens of thousands of people here that all think strange stuff happens yet when i post everyone
assumes im 100% wrong? its like i mean can you guys at least do better than just say im crazy i might as well just go up to ronald mcdonald and ask
for a cheeseburger does that also make me crazy? im so tired of being called crazy - ok think of it like this someone on this board has to know
someone as crazy as me then - lead me to this person.
I find it hard to believe that i am the ONLY one in the entire universe that thinks like me eh?
Just consider this like a math equation run it through your brain and respond with out saying QUACKY QUACK - jeese its like im talking to 5 year olds
at 11:11 am on tuesday morning 2011.
What ever earth i was on had a 100% completely different history - im sorry i dont know how else to explain it. Im trying my best!
edit on
3-11-2010 by Sonata because: (no reason given)
edit on 3-11-2010 by Sonata because: (no reason given)