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Is there an attack on your childs mind?

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:07 PM
The fake violence of today is nothing compared to the real violence children in past centuries experienced. Yes some kids in modern times experience it especially in certain countries but in places like amercia, not so much.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by calstorm

Originally posted by calstorm
The fake violence of today is nothing compared to the real violence children in past centuries experienced.

True but the display of violence back then wasn't classed as fun or entertainment like today...

I like your avatar by the way

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:27 PM
I've been playing video games since i was 7
I've played almost every single widely known game console,
I've played almost all the most violent games there is.

I've played most of the GTA games
I've played Dead rising 1 + 2
I've been playing Call of duty from when i can remember.

I played Gears of war when it came out.
And i remember playing doom after school when i was younger.

During the summer i play around 2-8(sometimes even 14 LOL) hours a day

I love taking the head off a zombie with a thrown saw blade,
Or shooting someones head till i hear a pop.

Oh, and with all that,
I've been beaten up before because i refused to swing a hit on someone, because i was opposed to violence.
I've stopped fights before and taken the hits to stop them.
I would risk myself just to put an end to violence.

I don't see my connection into this violent world you speak of.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Anttyk47

Originally posted by Anttyk47
I don't see my connection into this violent world you speak of.

I'm not saying each and every person who plays this type of 'entertainment' is subjected to becoming violent. To say all kids who play violent video games will eventually be violent is just stereotyping all children. What I am saying is that the most impressionable people are the one's it effects (the most). And when you include the music, T.v shows, cartoons, movies and all other sources of influence then the 'impression' is stronger.

There is no longer a debate on whether media violence has a connection to violence in real life, that is not the arguement...

Over the years, there have been literally hundreds of studies examining the connection between media violence and violence in real-life, the results of which were summarized in a joint statement signed by representatives from six of the nation's top public health organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychological Association, and the American Medical Association: "Well over 1000 studies…point overwhelmingly to a causal connection between media violence and aggressive behavior in some children. The conclusion of the public health community, based on over 30 years of research, is that viewing entertainment violence can lead to increases in aggressive attitudes, values and behavior, particularly in children."

Today, the connection between media violence and aggressive and violent behavior in real life has been so well documented, that for many, the question is settled. In fact, a position paper by the American Psychiatric Association on media violence begins by declaring: "The debate is over." According to Jeffrey McIntyre, legislative and federal affairs officer for the American Psychological Association, "To argue against it is like arguing against gravity."


posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:05 PM
Well the way you put it, it seems that it could be put in a different way.
It's not Media Violence taking over the Youth, causing them to do violent things.

Perhaps its the media taking advantage of lesser minded/weak minded/more influential people into doing violent things, which is just as bad, if not worse sounding

Sorry for my negative rant, and i appreciate the positive response

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Anttyk47

Originally posted by Anttyk47
Perhaps its the media taking advantage of lesser minded/weak minded/more influential people into doing violent things, which is just as bad, if not worse sounding

Thankyou for understanding the arguement/debate and for your positive comments...I would just like to add that the amount of medias bombarding kids today is greater then when I was a child (I'm only 30).

When I was young I didn't have mp3 players (we had personal cassette players) with over 10,000 songs, nor did we have video games untill the mid-80's with the introduction of the Spectrum 128k. And we certainly didn't have it all in the palm of our hands. But then again as a child, we wouldn't go around stabbing our elders or peers because of the way they looked at us, this seems to be a modern problem.

What worries me is with all this 'influence' available in the palm of your hand as of 2007 what will the next generation of children be like?
edit on 3/11/10 by UnderstandingWisdom because: More Details

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by UnderstandingWisdom

I found out that they where using electroinc mind control in uk schools in 1992. So if they used this in 1992 in schools, they are most definitely using this stuff in uk and usa schools today battering people like they did me.

Never ever bring someone into this world, and it will save you all the hassles.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by andy1033

Originally posted by andy1033
I found out that they where using electroinc mind control in uk schools in 1992. So if they used this in 1992 in schools, they are most definitely using this stuff in uk and usa schools today battering people like they did me.

Thankyou for your input there any chance you can link me to where you found out this information

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:43 PM
If we should all find ourselves in TSHTF scenario I wonder how the kids will ever be prepared to live without technology? Even many adults.

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by UnderstandingWisdom

It was 1992, and it was while i was doing my alevels at school. I cannot show you documents, but what started back then is still in my life today.

Everyone who knows me knows i am monitored 24/7 by these techs, and was also in school, to totally humiliate me at first.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by UnderstandingWisdom

Perhaps the assualt is on the common sense of parents, or rather the incompetence of them. Why would you suspect that that parents who don't govern the lives of their young children have problems with them.

My kids watch no TV during the week unless the next day is not a school day. They read (at first had to be forced now they do it readily for pleasure) 30 minutes a day. No violent games are allowed in the house and I specifically ask parents whom are hosting a play date if they are allowed in their homes and if so, request they not be allowed when my kids are there. We control all movies and keep it to PG/13 at the most. They must do at least two activities, one being sports related at all times.

Its basic parenting and the lack of it is the problem. This "under assault" business is nonsense. People who have kids need to step-up and be responsible parents and quit blaming society for their troubles - or their kid's troubles
edit on 3-11-2010 by dolphinfan because: correction

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:07 PM

Don't forget about electromagnetic radiation..

Age: Younger organisms show greater electromagnetic sensitivity than older ones; children especially must be protected.

How a cell phone penetrates a child's brain much more than an adults.

Notice the green shaded area to the left. This notes the maximum safe level for limited duration exposure, and the chart notes CONSTANT radiation levels in a major city. Note the parabolic function, and the date ends in 2009, and that wi-max was not yet rolled out at this time...

Do some research. Antioxidants help shield against EMR. I take ascorbic acid, and it helps out with EMR:

Antioxidants decrease painful side effects Vitamin supplementation may help treat side effects of radiation therapy. Vitamin E (400 IU) and vitamin C (500 mg) have been shown to offer protection against proctitis, a painful chronic injury that affects 5–20% of people receiving radiation therapy for cervical and prostate cancer (15); a striking regression of chronic radiation-induced fibrosis was seen in a clinical trial that combined radiation treatment of head and neck cancer with vitamin E (1000 IU) and pentoxyfylline (0.8 g/d) supplementation
Antioxidant Treatment for Radiation Therapy

edit on 3-11-2010 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Originally posted by dolphinfan
My kids watch no TV during the week unless the next day is a school day.

Why no "TV during the week unless the next day is a school day" if you don't mind me asking?

Originally posted by dolphinfan
Its basic parenting and the lack of it is the problem. This "under assault" business is nonsense. People who have kids need to step-up and be responsible parents and quit blaming society for their troubles - or their kid's troubles

Again I'm sorry but I think you are missing the point...It's the governing over what children watch/hear/play 24/7 that you don't now (or wont soon) have control over.

As of 2007, all the medias (music, t.v shows, video games, youtube etc) are now available in the palm of your hand, so for the first time in history kids will grow up with this multi-influential device. You can't stop kids coming into contact (eventually) with these devices when your not there (they are portable). The iPhone is the most sort-after "Toy" for the kids of today.

And when I say, you won't have 24/7 control over the medias, I mean for example, your children go to school and one of their classmates might have one and has brought it to school. If that child wanted to, they could show your child all the disturbances, of whats on say...YouTube, you don't have any control of that. Now I ask you, what will the next generation of children brought up on this technology be like?

This is starting to feel like my own personal 'groundhog day', if you back track and read all my replies to people, you will find my answer is virtually the same through-out, yet I still see people refering to bad parenting and the like, as the blame...There is no longer a debate on whether media violence has a connection to violence in real life, that is not the arguement...

"Well over 1000 studies…point overwhelmingly to a causal connection between media violence and aggressive behavior in some children. The conclusion of the public health community, based on over 30 years of research, is that viewing entertainment violence can lead to increases in aggressive attitudes, values and behavior, particularly in children."

"The debate is over." According to Jeffrey McIntyre, legislative and federal affairs officer for the American Psychological Association, "To argue against it is like arguing against gravity."


And this is all now in the palm of your childrens hands (or their friends), to wander away from prying eyes with and fill their hearts content.
edit on 3/11/10 by UnderstandingWisdom because: More Details

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by andy1033

Originally posted by andy1033
It was 1992, and it was while i was doing my alevels at school. I cannot show you documents, but what started back then is still in my life today.

Everyone who knows me knows i am monitored 24/7 by these techs, and was also in school, to totally humiliate me at first.

Hmm, sounds interesting, any chance you can elaborate alittle further for us please

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by UnderstandingWisdom

Firstly, I need to edit the post - TV is OK if the next day is a holiday.

Certainly there is no way to be around the kid every day, but during the formative years, where they learn what is acceptable and what is not, you can counter much of that influence. My kids don't have phones and at the point in time I get them one it won't have data and they will pay for it. They also only use the computer at home in a public space. I also make it a point to meet the kids my kids hang with and their parents and have stopped my kids from hanging with kids I did not like. Do they still hang with them at school? Maybe, but certainly not as much and never in a non-school environment.

I don't know that its any different than when I was a kid in the 70s when kids were smoking dope in the bathrooms at school and worked to get you in the mix or when the metal heads were into watching Ozzy bite the head off of bats. You said no and you said no because your parent told you what was right and what was not.

One of the areas our society has failed us is that back then, your parents could and sometimes give you an ass beating. DHS did not knock on your door and force you into family counseling. Am I condoning a stiff beating? No, but the threat of one is effective, no different than the cold war. Discipline is no where what it was 30 years ago. I once got grounded for an entire summer vacation for forging my report card. Nobody does that kind of thing any more.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by UnderstandingWisdom
we have the worst cases in history on kids having kids.

...thats incorrect...

...50 or 60 yrs ago, among a wide assortment of common folk right here in the good ol usofa, it was still very "normal" for a female to get married (or be given to a husband by her parents) when she was barely a teen... pregnancy would rapidly follow or it was the reason for the marriage...

...passing age of consent laws created the false impression that kids are having kids... truth is - teens have always been sexually active and producing offspring...

Originally posted by UnderstandingWisdom
How can 13/14 year old parents have the mental stablity to teach another life how to have etiquette and decorum when they are still devolping it themselves? Let alone be aware of which material to watch or monitor. do you think we managed to get to this over-populated modern age?... do you think it was only females over 18 that were birthing and raising the future generations?...

Originally posted by UnderstandingWisdom
some will say "well my child doesn't have a modern devices that does all this, so this doesn't affect my child", my answer is they will know someone who does have one...and you can't monitor what they see or hear when your not there.

...thats right, you cant monitor your child 24/7/365... no parent has ever been able to do that - and - that is why one of the first principles you teach your child is self-reliance.... too many parents discourage independence and encourage co-dependence, which is why kids give in to peer pressure and why so many older teens and young adults still behave as if they're pre-pubescent...

Originally posted by UnderstandingWisdom
the display of violence back then wasn't classed as fun or entertainment like today... must have had a very sheltered upbringing and limited education because you're basing your awareness on either crap science or hearsay but certainly not reality...

...humans have always been violent - some more than others... there are countless examples of adults condoning and or laughing at the violence of their children and even teaching it intentionally... bullies are not a modern era manifestation...

Originally posted by UnderstandingWisdom
the amount of medias bombarding kids today is greater then when I was a child (I'm only 30).

...thats true but whether or not thats good, bad or inbetween is a matter of perspective... kids are a little older than you and i bought them commodore, then atari, then nintendo, then something else and something else, lol - but - never for free... i saw everything as a tool, still do... when pcs came out, they took to it like a duck to water - effortlessly... grandkids are amazingly savvy to new technology... i think thats wonderful... it can turn into a bad thing but so can eating too many cookies or jumping off the garage roof because tommy said a cape would make me fly like superman...

Originally posted by UnderstandingWisdom
we wouldn't go around stabbing our elders or peers because of the way they looked at us, this seems to be a modern problem, its not...

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Originally posted by dolphinfan
Firstly, I need to edit the post - TV is OK if the next day is a holiday.

Kind of thought so...I was just being a pompous ass, sorry for that

I do agree with what you have just said (to a degree)...but even if you control what your child has (technology wise), it doesn't stop their peers showing them this type of stuff. And bingo indirect influence, I'm not saying all children are or will be affected, but definately some and more because of these devices then without.

We won't know the effects of this untill these children have reached adulthood, and if the violent acts amongst teens and younger people increases...then this would only solidify my claims.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by UnderstandingWisdom

Well first it must be established that our youth ARE becoming more insane. In truth I don't think they are.

Kids having kids (being parents), this is more of a modern problem (I think)

Wrong. This is nature. As soon as puberty hits people want to start having sex, that's just natural, there's nothing modern about it. In fact "children" having children was far more prevalent before modern times. Used to be that as soon as someone got into their teens they were treated as an adult in many cultures and societies. People only lived to be in their thirties or forties and with the lifespan being so short people had to get a jump on reproduction so as soon as they were physically capable they were usually considered legally capable as well.

Now that we live to be in our seventies, on average, there is less of a need for a quick start to life. Modern society, in other words, is what allows for things like Age of Consent laws and effective contraception to keep kids from having babies.

Violent Video Games, movies, videos, and all other content you deem questionable:

It is the responsibility of the parent to regulate what content gets into the hands of their children. If there is something you deem inappropriate than keep your kid from viewing it. If the kid DOES view it you can explain it in context and why such behavior is inappropriate for real people but tolerable in fantasy and fictional situations. In fact I would hope that regardless of whether or not a kid is exposed to violent content that they are taught that violence isn't the answer anyway.

Also, once again, life was FAR more violent BEFORE video games and violent movies. I for one think that ancient humans had far more violence in their lives than we do today and their violence was altogether real. Being chased by jungle cats in Africa, hunting Mammoths in Siberia, tribal warfare. And you think there's an attack on today's kids?

Congratulations, you are the winner of my Daily Face Palm award:


posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

reply to post by Titen-Sxull

First off only 1% of this debate is about young parents...I put it in as an added bonus if you like. This discussion is about the type and amount of different media available in the palm of your hand, where you can take it outside of the home away from prying eyes.

You can monitor what your child does or doesn't have or watch but you can't stop their peers showing them this type of stuff...I understand fully that good parenting is what stops the child from being influenced by media...but what if your child (or anyone's) has these impressions put on them whilst you are still teaching them morale codes and practices. All kids at some point have had rebelous type of attitude against their parents, this is when they start to experiment and open their minds to the worldly influences...maybe the situation in USA is a little different to across the pond in little 'ol England.

We wont know the effects of this untill the next generation has reach adulthood...only time will tell.

Sorry, I'm very tired at the moment it's 01:48 here I will address any more questions/rants when I re-awake good night, god bless and I'll speak to you again in the morning.

Why do people keep missing this...

Over the years, there have been literally hundreds of studies examining the connection between media violence and violence in real-life, the results of which were summarized in a joint statement signed by representatives from six of the nation's top public health organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychological Association, and the American Medical Association: "Well over 1000 studies…point overwhelmingly to a causal connection between media violence and aggressive behavior in some children. The conclusion of the public health community, based on over 30 years of research, is that viewing entertainment violence can lead to increases in aggressive attitudes, values and behavior, particularly in children."

Today, the connection between media violence and aggressive and violent behavior in real life has been so well documented, that for many, the question is settled. In fact, a position paper by the American Psychiatric Association on media violence begins by declaring: "The debate is over." According to Jeffrey McIntyre, legislative and federal affairs officer for the American Psychological Association, "To argue against it is like arguing against gravity."

edit on 3/11/10 by UnderstandingWisdom because: More Details

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by UnderstandingWisdom

Why do people keep missing this...

I'm not. I never claimed that violent content was good or okay for kids. Personally I think such content should be kept away from children until they have a good grasp on fantasy versus reality which usually only happens when they reach adulthood.

I'm aware that its hard to keep children away from it but really I still think it is better for them to be exposed to fantasy-violence then to be in actual violent situations like they would have been more likely to centuries ago. Also, if a child is taught that violence is not the answer in real situations and gains a good grasp on reality early on such media is less likely to have an effect. So the studies point far more to poor parenting than to irresponsibility in media. I'm all for content ratings and trying to keep violent content from children but the parents have the primary responsibility.

edit on 3-11-2010 by Titen-Sxull because: (no reason given)

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