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10 Year Old Girl Gives Birth!! What is the World Coming to?!

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:44 AM
Just because the body is able to give birth, does not mean a 10 yr old has the mental capabilities or the maturity to raise a child.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by virraszto
Just because the body is able to give birth, does not mean a 10 yr old has the mental capabilities or the maturity to raise a child.

Perhaps in eons gone by 'we' did?

I mean if you think back to before the techno era if a mother spent all day every day with her daughter teaching her to cook, clean, look after her sibling, prepare the house etc etc then perhaps once the body reached maturity and 'looked' female then the female may well have been mature enough to cope with motherhood.

but now even well meaning parents spend hardly any time with their children and when they do they treat them like children not mini adults... well they should, some allow their children to act like mini adults but that's another thing.

I know some women of 20 who haven't the first idea how to even boil an egg nevermind care for a sick or crying baby.

And now I have lost myself in my own words... I did have a point honest! Perhaps someone else will pick up on it... school run time here!

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
sorry op but i find your view offensive.. It is young to be having a child. But who knows she might end up being the best mother ever. Her biology says its ok to have a child, are social conditioning says its not. If one of my children was pregnate at the age of 10 i would offer her the love and support she needs. What is the use of looking on in disgust. How is that going to help. This is a new life we are talking about.
Life give unto life... and always will...
how quick to judge we are, how sure we are of what is wrong and right....

best wishes


Sometimes when others have judged me...I later saw the reasoning they had behind it. It later helped me in life see things and face things I should work on in myself.

Im very thankful for the Aunt that was strong minded enough and cared enough to keep giving me her opinions of that I could 'do better' for myself as a person on this world. If it was not for her...I dont think I would of finished high school or later at the age of 32 went to college for an associate degree.

My parents were not 'pushers'...they were lovers. They allows boys to come stay at my house when I was as young as 16. They didnt really ever push me to 'be' better...but gave me everything I 'wanted'. They never held to any punishments...and had a hard time telling me no. My father found a 'bowl' (ya know the kind you dont eat things out of) in my car when I was 16 and ended up giving it back to me.

The world needs people to encourage 'better ways' to those that may not have the will to 'be better' or see further potential of their being here on this earth amongst many other beings.

We have to remember too....many young parents end up on welfar and foodstamps because they didnt take the time to produce or achieve a skill in life and now adays, you pretty much NEED a skill to get by...we want to encourage pathways that can help people become a benefit to society...not a hinderence. Im not bashing people on aid...for I have been there myself and was very thankful for it. But seriously...I felt that while I was receiving aid...why werent they drug testing me, why werent they looking into my life to make sure I was not abusing aid to 'aid me in not growing up'.

We, as a species, that share a world together....need to criticize and come to united ideas and thoughts for the best ways to 'grow up' so we can help the younger generation be prepared for the world of 'skills' they are coming into. Usually....if a child is not being 'all they can be' they just need a little push, encouragement, something to make them think a little bit more about their self worth as a being amongst other beings.

Im not saying that all of the above is the case with this child....but as a world, as a society, I think we do need to have a 'prime' idea of what are the better pathways for 'growing up' and becoming a 'part of society' as a adult.

The parents of this 10 year old are to blame...and if that society supports such things to occur..then also that society needs a wake up call for things like this will only hold them back in their true potentials of 'becoming' all they can be.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by jexmo
reply to post by TWILITE22

Definitely. Its a shame that it has come to this. The culture of todays children is so different. I was an explorer, a tree climber. Obviously I knew of sex but nowhere near enough to actually go through with it. Nor would I have wanted to at that age. I am going to sound old now but internet porn is so easily accessible to children and I think it is half the problem.
well I sound old myself but did I look at their websites and e-mails(when they were in their early teens)that's a big h*!!yes we always put the computer in a place where one of us could always see what they were doing.The way I see it you can't be politically correct and be a good parent at the same time. they eventually forgave me.There was no way my kids were going to become teenage parents.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by yzzyUK

That is all good and all but that is not the case today and not the case with her and i would still question that with all that help from a parent, that a 10 year old girl would be able to care and look after a baby. She is a 10 year old girl, in today's society not before the techno era. We are talking about a situation that is happening now, todays era. Previous eras have no relevance, she wasn't alive then.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:02 AM
I heard someone say...they dont have the right to say if or if not this is a 'right thing' to do.

Right...but who is going to stand up for this 10 year old that is likely being 'ruled' over by an adult? Who is going to step in to societies that sell their young females ect....and, you are not going to sell a 10 year old, and we as a part of her human family as a species are going to give her back her right to be a child?

Just because someone is a parent of a child....does not mean they have the best intent for that child and their own desires or needs of money may over ride their values or morals and they will put money before their child.

As a world...we need to step my opinion.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:12 AM
I assume everyone here saying it was abhorrent was 18 the first time they had intercourse.. What no? My my, well.. I was going to let you cast the first stone, but..

Before you jump on me because you think I'm condoning it, stop. I'm not. But really this world needs a dose of detached logic.

The following does not address huge age gaps between parties. That's one area I think we all can agree on.

If I were to ask what the proper age was to have intercourse (always with the possibility of children resulting), everyone would come back with a different answer, or simply parrot what the local laws are. The fact is that it is largely a personal preference. What we have is a conflict between biology and the level of taboo that has been placed on reproduction. To make the conflict worse, we have hormones in dairy products that set the female body into action at younger and younger ages.

The truth of the matter is, there is no clear cut right or wrong answer. I know 30 year old men and women that are still too immature to make decent parents. Should we adjust laws and perception because the majority of people in their 20's are still financially unstable and mentally unprepared?

What's the youngest age a girl has become fertile? Three. Yes three years old. Wait. Don't press the reply button just yet. Hear me out. Is she ready? Hell no. 10? Still not ready. 13? Well that's when the gray area begins. The average age, yes that means 1/2 do so before and 1/2 do so after, for one to lose their virginity is 16. If you look at this compared to current structure over half the people alive have broken the age of consent law. This proves that the laws are in direct conflict with nature.

Ok, so if you've stayed with me and read my post rationally we're to the point where my logic is sound in principle, now we're just haggling over where to draw the right/wrong line. Why do we always come back to this point in every social debate? *sigh* This is the problem with legislating social issues. Set a recommendation, take away the safety nets, and let those who make responsible choices thrive and allow those who don't to either bust their butts to survive, or fail. The "right" answer will always show itself without having to debate it until we're blue in the face. The "right" answer would also be able to change slightly and adapt in this variable dependent world. Rigid laws cause problems because the world is not static. It changes.

I'm not going to add my two cents about this one incident. It's not any business of ours to judge the situation without knowing the people involved and the circumstances. What I will say is this. There's no fixing it. Things like this will just get worse and worse. Why? Because we've marketed sex. It's not about reproduction anymore. It's turned into a viable sporting event complete with it's own MVPs and merchandising.
edit on 3-11-2010 by PayMeh because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-11-2010 by PayMeh because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

No, we need to take care of who we can inside our governing bodies. The moral state of the world as a whole is no one's concern. It is the local people's concern. Your argument is the one that people with aspirations of world governance use to justify their actions. The world is full of conflicting moral values.

Is the sex trade wrong? Yes. But is it your responsibility and duty to make sure it is fought on the other side of the world? No. As a moral person the duties only go so far as to lead by example and not help promote ideals or actions that are in conflict with yours.

If you believe it is your duty to make the "world" the morally aesthetic place you envision in your mind, then you have already lost. The world is a place too diverse in beliefs for everyone to be happy with one universal set of laws. The minute you start trying to enforce them, even the most egregious ones like in your example, you open the door for all sorts of hell.

Take care of you and your own. Live. Promote peace and morality in your life. Defend your way of life. Let others do the same.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:29 AM
Read, digest, understand that not everyone is like you.

MADRID – A Romanian Gypsy woman whose 10-year-old daughter just gave birth in Spain says she's delighted to have a new granddaughter and doesn't understand why the birth has shocked anyone — let alone become an international sensation.

What is shocking - or maybe not so much - is the hypocritical arrogance voiced by some on these pages. Do you think this never happened in your family's history? Not ever? Really? Do you think it doesn't happen in the USA? Do you think that everyone has to feel as you do, be as you are, do as you do in order to be "right" and "good"? If you truly feel that way, there's a big wake-up call awaiting you. No one escapes it.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by fooks
unless you are mohammed, i'm pretty sure it's just about illegal everywhere to have sex with a 10yo.

everyone involved should be slapped and the dad should be jailed.

Why should the Dad be jailed? By all accouints, he was a kid himself. I suspect some have read the headline and nothing else. Takes two to tango, you know. At his age and even younger, I used to "mess about" with girls. It's perfectly natural and you want to send him to jail for it? It's hardly a case of a grown adult molesting a child.

Firstly, the girl was from Romania (only arrived in Spain 3 weeks before birth), which even after joining the EU is still a peasant backwater. Secondly, the whole "sky is falling, what is the world coming to?" panic in the OP is uinwarranted as cases like this are in fact rarer today than they were in the past.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:34 AM
She was 10. You are right, who are we to decide whether its wrong or right? People who want better for their children

In my opinion it is not right. Im sick of these, 'i know a 30 year old who couldn't look after a kid' comments. They would deal with the pregnancy, contractions, hormone issues, cravings, morning sickness etc a whole lot better than a 10 year old and adapt to being a mother/father a hell of a lot quicker than a 10 year old. She probably hasn't even had a goldfish to look after.

We all know its not her who will have to look after the baby anyway. Its not possible, so her mum will have to pick up the pieces, hopefully she can afford it. The only thing I am worried about is the poor child and her child. They are all that matter here. I couldn't care less if my opinion is right or wrong. Its my opinion and i don't think it is acceptable that a child that age has been through what she has.

I understand people will come on here and try and take the moral high ground as usual but like you all agree, this is a little girl, a little 10 year old girl. The same age as the children that play on swings and slides and think money grows on trees and sulk when they don't get what they want. Still has to go to school, still has the best years of her life ahead of her that will now be interrupted by a screaming baby.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:38 AM

Take care of you and your own. Live. Promote peace and morality in your life. Defend your way of life. Let others do the same.

That is a ridiculous statement to make. It's not my business so I'll pay no mind. Lets just accept that this is actually normal in some cultures because virginity is sold, but we won't help these kids. We will leave them to suffer because we should just worry about ourselves and our own.

Its a good job everyone doesn't take that attitude because world pverty would be a hell of a lot worse.

If thats their way of life then they can defend their children having sex at 10, I will argue with them to the grave.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by jexmo

So you're claiming ownership of all the children of the world? Pretty bold that you should know best. Does that mean you have failed this child?

The "world" is no one's moral jurisdiction. Sure, I get you're shocked by it. What worries me more and more these days is that the rhetoric has gone from "why I would never allow MY child to..." from the 50s to the "I'm NOT going to allow YOUR child to..." of today.

Your opinion is noted. Take care of your children the way you see fit, and stop this petition to lynch everyone involved in this Romanian family. They are wonderful people as a whole. A bit backwards and 50 years behind everyone else, but still good people.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:44 AM
It's pretty normal in the city I live they are even talking of a day care in the middle school because the one in the High school is so far away. if they manage to graduate it's not unusual the have 2-3 children

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by jexmo

World would have isolated areas of poverty yes, and your way of life would be better because the coffers wouldn't be drained year after year to try and fix problems in every other country in the world.

Here in the states, we're trying to raise up those who are in poverty and look at where it's getting us. We've got permanent credit lines to other countries to help them overcome problems they caused themselves. We support those inside the country with entitlement programs and is any of this helping bring society up? No, it's bringing everyone down. The ironic part is, these countries we have life lines to HATE us because we try to meddle. Who is anyone to say that another is suffering. We thought the same thing about the Native Americans too. The fact is, they were perfectly happy with how they were living until the white man started to meddle.
edit on 3-11-2010 by PayMeh because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by stumason

Lets accept it then. Its fine for kids to be sold to men to have their children? Whats with all the references to years ago. We are a bit more sophistacated now and we should be giving our children the best lives we possibly can.

Escuse me for being shocked at the thought of a 10 year old child going through a pregnancy at her tender age won't you. It's not normal here, its still a shock when a secondary school girl gets pregnant, let alone a child not in her teens. The fact that there is a lot of 10 year old girls who are not yet developed enough to have a child makes it disturbing.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by PayMeh

You disgust me. Im clearly not as selfish as you.

Shall we just stop helping people and, 'live it up' ourselves because we can. As long as you are ok.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by jexmo
reply to post by stumason

Lets accept it then. Its fine for kids to be sold to men to have their children? Whats with all the references to years ago. We are a bit more sophistacated now and we should be giving our children the best lives we possibly can.

Escuse me for being shocked at the thought of a 10 year old child going through a pregnancy at her tender age won't you. It's not normal here, its still a shock when a secondary school girl gets pregnant, let alone a child not in her teens. The fact that there is a lot of 10 year old girls who are not yet developed enough to have a child makes it disturbing.

I understand your passion. So just take a breath and hear me out.

The society we live in now, with reality TV, fast food that doesn't even decompose, and the general degradation of moral values. You're saying that's the best life you can give your children?

Those things, you have all the control in the world over. Why set your sights so far away? There are far bigger issues that face all of us. My point throughout this has been that we do far more change when we fight the things we have control over. If you have kids, take care of them. If everyone paid as much attention to them as they do these issues that get us ranting, the world would be a far better place.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by PayMeh

If you believe it is your duty to make the "world" the morally aesthetic place you envision in your mind, then you have already lost. The world is a place too diverse in beliefs for everyone to be happy with one universal set of laws. The minute you start trying to enforce them, even the most egregious ones like in your example, you open the door for all sorts of hell.

I understand your point...I do.

But as a world or as a society or as a nation....I do think we need a 'united' agreement in pathways of life.

Thank goodness some of the hard drugs are illigal...because the pathway I was choosing earlier in my life would of led me down some dangerous ways. Thank goodness it was hard for me to find the things I was wanting when I refused to think critically. Thank goodness there was people, society, place some guidelines for me to make certain things I wanted to do...a bit harder to do.

Thank goodness for people like Martin Luther King who stood up for a 'change' in a 'nation' when it was ONLY his limited VIEW of what should be over what was.

Yes, its hard to say 'what is best' for all. Its hard to call many or white. There is always a grey area.

But this does not mean that we cant come forward....especially if a 'majority' thinks with the same voice of encourage a better way or guideline to 'be'.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by jexmo
Lets accept it then. Its fine for kids to be sold to men to have their children?

How odd. I don't recall ever saying that or even anythign remotely close to it, but seeing as you said I said it, I must have done... Silly me..

Originally posted by jexmo
Whats with all the references to years ago. We are a bit more sophistacated now and we should be giving our children the best lives we possibly can.

Read the OP... Oh that's right, you wrote it! You said "We have clearly got some major issues in todays society if 10 year old CHILDREN are having sexual relationships". Forgive me if I read an implication there you didn't mean, but that is really your fault for not writing clearly.

You see, when someone says something like "we clearly have issues in today's society", it can be reasonably inferred that you are claiming it wasn't always this way and today's society is somehow worse. Hence, I said what I said about cases like this being rarer than they were in the past.

Originally posted by jexmo
Escuse me for being shocked at the thought of a 10 year old child going through a pregnancy at her tender age won't you. It's not normal here, its still a shock when a secondary school girl gets pregnant, let alone a child not in her teens. The fact that there is a lot of 10 year old girls who are not yet developed enough to have a child makes it disturbing.

You live in England you say it is still shocking when teens get pregnant? Where do you live, Dartmoor? Jeebus..

Is it really "society" that is shocked by it, or just you?

Teen pregnancy is neither anything new or particularly shocking, to be honest. It is undersirable, but shocking implies unexpected and horrible. It is neither, teens WILL enage in sexual acts and some will get pregant. Stuff like this has happened for centuries before, except people got married younger (read 14, or in some cases 12) or just got married when someone got pregnant.

Like I said, if antyhing today's society is better and your "shock" is misplaced.

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