It seems many are under the impression that the "1st world" oppresses or extorts or uses the "3rd world" but this is not true.
After WW2 two organizations were created, one to solve the problem of "depressions" which struck EVERYWHERE, not just the great powers but the
little colonies and nations as well. Another organization to reconstruct Europe and Japan.
The International Monetary Fund, a "fire truck" if you will to collapsing economies, was mainly created to bail out 3rd world countries before they
collapsed into economic crisis and wars.
The World Bank was originally created as the (actually the name slips my mind for the moment) anyways, was created to first Reconstruct Europe and
Japan and to then develop the 3rd world.
Before the end of the 1940s India would become the first "3rd world" nation to be developed by the World Bank in the Asiatic region, even before
Japan was fully reconstructed.
This led to the creation of the world we exist in today.
The 3rd world, mainly was developing fine under the institutions established by the 1st world, but there are always surmounting problems to any
idealistic goal.
3rd world nations mainly have "one product" economies.
3rd world nations have cyclical debts.
The second problem was not really a problem at all until OPEC raised the oil prices in 1973 which forced developed nations to raise interest rates.
Because the developing nations had taken out loans to pay off previous debts, this meant suddenly they had to pay an excrutiating amount to pay off
their former debts, thus their economies collapsed.
If you'll open a history book, you'll notice that shortly after 1973 most of Latin America and Africa errupted into civil wars and regional
This is to be expected when you have a collapsed economy.
So in that sense it's not even the developed world's fault, it is the Arabs and their greed and attempt to gain more power for themselves.
30 years of progress was ruined thanks to that Oil price hike.
The first problem can not be solved, these nations are so small and their resources so meager they can not become vast producers of many things.
These problems make their economies already highly volatile, if a need for one good suddenly drops, many developing nations suddenly lose vast amounts
of revenue. The IMF and World Bank exist to aid them in times like this, but the developed world was so battered by the Oil price hike that they have
yet to even recover.
So this is a short very brief thread about how if you think that the West, or the developed nations are some how using the developing nations of South
America and Africa and Asia for their own benefits, you are just dead wrong.
Since WW2 the West has done as much as it can with several institutions of which I named the two largest to try and create a better infrastructure and
economy in the developing world.
Anyone wants to try and debate this however, and state that America and European nations are acting like "vast Empires" sucking the resources out of
3rd world nations and paying them next to nothing leaving them to starve, be my guest. I'm more than willing to just bust out some books to further
my point, but I like to be focused by someone else's misconceptions otherwise I am too broad and end up going over peoples' heads.