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Bob Lazar, your opinion.

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:42 AM
I was watching this documentary yesterday concerning area 51. Here is the link to the documentary i watched:

Now i found the program highly interesting and thought provoking. Bob Lazar seemed like a believable guy. The documentary contains all types of information as to proof that he did indeed work at area 51 like he claims. Like his payslip and the strange zip code and adress on it.

Apparently he also received many death threats and intimidation tactics, to shut him up.

On the other hand there has been many that suggest he was just a big fraud or hoaxer. For example, no proof of his claimed MIT and Caltech degrees could be found.

The suggestion that he was indeed, or is, a disinfo agent for the goverment also surfaced.

Other people believe he is indeed telling the truth, stating that his whole educational history was wiped by the goverment as to discredit him.

Me personally don't know what to believe of the man, or the claims that he makes.

Maybe he is a fraud, maybe a hoaxer, a disinfo agent or maybe, just maybe he is telling the truth.

What is your opinion on this man?


posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:54 AM
I've done a ton of research about him.

I went in a believer, came out thinking he's a hoaxer.

His schooling is what caught me, same time he says he was at prestigious schools, he was registered and attending a California community college.

When asked who his professors were, he names only one, and it's the one from this community college in California.

He was working at one time at Los Alamos, but for a contractor, for just a few months, and a NON-classified position.

That's why his name is in one phone directory, and that is not in dispute. Him saying he worked at Area 51 and on any projects other than the few months at Los Alamos is in dispute, and he has no proof of any of that.

What can be proven, he did learn science, just not where he says, and he did work for Los Alamos doing math problems in an unclassified sector.

Off of what he says, and the proof that's out there, at the very least he's a complete liar about his education and has been caught with his foot in his mouth.

Then there's the fact he got with John Lear and others who have made a living off of telling such stories and joined the circuit so to say.

Now that this info is out, he doesn't do public appearances.
edit on 3-11-2010 by Jeanius because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:57 AM
I believe he is the biggest liar on the planet as we speak.
With that out of the way I see Bob Lazar as the biggest liar on Earth.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by Jeanius

Thanks man, interesting.

Me like you also wanted to believe the guy, but the more i see, the more it looks to be fake.

I still hold a little piece of hope that the story might be true.

When was the last time he actually did a public appearance?

I remember at the end of the documentary he said that he got proof of everything and people that could colaborate his story, but up to today, none such evidence has been brought forth.

Pity really.


posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 03:09 AM
Im still just not sure about the guy. He has passed polygrah tests, but then, like you say he has no proof of any of the schooling he claims he had but it's obvious that he is an unbelievably intelligent guy, look what he is doing now for instance. He must have had some great schooling somewhere.

I'd like to believe it's true but you would think the government would have done something about him if it were true. The last thing they want is a former employee running around telling everyone that aliens exist nd the government have been lying to us about it for years.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by jexmo
Im still just not sure about the guy. He has passed polygrah tests, but then, like you say he has no proof of any of the schooling he claims he had but it's obvious that he is an unbelievably intelligent guy, look what he is doing now for instance. He must have had some great schooling somewhere.

I'd like to believe it's true but you would think the government would have done something about him if it were true. The last thing they want is a former employee running around telling everyone that aliens exist nd the government have been lying to us about it for years.

Indeed mate, but would they not, by "doing something" about him, indeed just indirectly confirm that they have something to hide?

This is the question that always pop up.


posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep
well he did recently build a particle accelerator in his back yard.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 04:49 AM
I think he's for real, but I forgot most of his story already.

Oh yeah, he saw an alien at Area 51?

He saw 9 flying saucers?

Woman up the road from me saw hundreds of aliens and huge FTs. I believe her. Course he's telling the truth.

If everything he's said is a lie then he must be insane. He doesn't look insane. He's the John Boy Walton of Ufology.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:53 AM
We start off as believers, because all of us love conspiracies. Then we do the research and it all just crumbles down. Its sad that there isn't one credible former Area 51 employee out there. Maybe because the moment they open their mouth, its the last thing they'll ever say. But that's just me, with my conspiracy mind working.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by MZYYY
We start off as believers, because all of us love conspiracies. Then we do the research and it all just crumbles down

Speak for yourself.

I have not authorized you to speak on my behalf, nor has anyone else here.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:01 AM
My opinion is that Bob Lazar is a fraud. A secret UFO research team would only hire PhDs and other experts in the engineering, science, and military design fields. Bob is some dude who went to community college for a while.

edit on 3-11-2010 by kristobal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:19 AM
I want to believe but one thing gets in the way...

How on Earth is the guy still alive????

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Signals

How on Earth is the guy still alive????

He does more damage for the UFO cause than helps it.

Just like the other charlatans, he gets a free pass, or maybe even some money to keep going.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by MZYYY

The Roadrunners are former Area 51 employees. Even if their projects are very old, their information has some merit. The only way I found out about "HAVE GLIB" was by talking to one of the Roadrunners.

You need to realize everything flown at Groom Lake was made elsewhere. There are thousands of people who known tiny bits of the projects due to compartimentation. While it is possible Lazar was one of these folks, it doesn't look likely.

Bob Lazar wasn't and isn't about making money regarding Groom Lake. He doesn't peddle Groom Lake gear. I don't know if Testars paid him money. His W-2 was from the Navy and not for very much money. I suspect Lazar wishes he never started this nonsense.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:44 PM

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:20 PM
Hypothetically, If he indeed was who he claimed to be and he whistleblew like he did I feel he would have been killed. However, since his sudden fame, maybe the government felt like he was untouchable. Their next option would be to discredit all of his claims of his education etc.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:02 PM
I think there have been way too many threads on Bob Lazar, and we really dont need another lol

Should we believe bob lazar

Is bob lazar full of it

Bob Lazar a total fraud?

I could keep going, but the search feature will surely do better for you then me posting the numerous threads.....

Not trying to be rude, it just gets really aggravating that lately people keep posting threads over and over and over again..........

As for your post, I think hes a very very intelligent man, and a fraud........

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:05 PM
Listen to the guy VERY carefully..

He ALWAYS says "supposedly" and "reportedly" and "it's been believed".. etc

Clever liar.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 09:43 AM
I've watched Bob Lazar's documentary a number of times and I am of the opinion that he is a fraud. There are a number of claims he makes which are fascinating and believeable but ultimately he cannot show hard evidence or proof of any kind to back these claims up.
One person who I personally respect and admire is Stanton Friedman. He has dedicated so much time, effort and money in his research into Ufology. So when he puts forward an opinion on something in the feild I generally take note and listen. I found this video of Stanton Friedman discussing UFO frauds and his research into Bob Lazar and his findings. As a short summary of what he has to say on Bob: he basically did extensive research into him and believes him to be bogus.

Google Video Link

As to why Bob Lazar would have faked the whole thing? I personally believe its for the same reason that Ray Santilli released the fake Roswell footage during the 90's. Both the Lazar video and the "Autopsy" video were highly ellaborate and convincing in their own right.They both did it to get the public wondering if its real, so they would be talked about and get world wide recognition for their story (and in Bob Lazar's case 20 years on and people are still wondering).

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 11:16 AM
He always struck me as the average attention whore. I've known one or two people just like him. Chronic liars who are always going on and on about something. Then when you call them on it, they try to lie their way out of it or dance around the question. I'm sure everyone has met somebody like that at one point or another.

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