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Voters ban judges from using international law

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posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 10:57 AM
well good on OK.

separation of church and state ftw

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by wayouttheredude
reply to post by Curiousisall

In Oklahoma law makers only make about $38,400 per year and that is all they get. Their expenses for their office and any staff comes out of that tiny pay so your notion that they wasted precious resources on this law are nonsense. Just thought that bears pointing out.

I never said anything about gobbling up precious resources. In fact, my response to that came after reading three different threads about made up money people think Obama is spending and all the hardcore righties reminded me "It doesn't matter how much it cost, it is our money and they have no right to waste it on nonsense" I guess that logic only follows when we are bashing who we want to bash? I am just coming around to the "right" mindset on ATS. If they all spent a total of one minute on it, that is still just government waste of our hard earned tax dollars. Isn't that the message I was supposed to get after this election?

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Becoming
reply to post by Curiousisall

Apparently its how the people of Oklahoma wants their tax dollars spent since they voted to ban it.

Unless your a resident of Oklahoma I don't understand your worries on how they decide to spend their state tax money. I don't hear any of them complaining about it.

I learned it from the Tea Party on ATS. They have taught me well that if a Democrat spends one dime on anything, it is waste. If a single penny is spent on a social program, it is socialistic waste. On and on and on. This is just government waste and thanks to the Tea Party people on ATS I am totally against any government waste.

Unconstitutional government waste at that. I finally agree with the Tea Party and you all abandon your principles? Did Boehner tell you all to quit it now?
edit on 11/6/10 by Curiousisall because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:23 AM
Not trying to be a racist or to generalize anybody, but there seems to be a pattern with US muslims about these kind of issues.

I don't really think that trying to interfere with the majority of the local public's opinions (voting) regarding a pathetic religious law that is unconstitutional, just because it's more comfortable for their life-style, is a sign to a very "open minded", "accepting", "peaceful", "loving", "co-operative" religion.

Would you like your Sharia-law to be enforced? Go live in Saudi Arabia!
..Ofcourse, none of the US muslims would EVER give up the chance to live in the US and move to a place such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, or any place under Islamic law. I WONDER WHY!
Instead they prefer to migrate to more 'advanced' countries and instead of moving along with the times and progress, they insist to stay primitive and stick to their ridiculous religious laws.

Again, not trying to sound racist but facts are facts - look at what Sweden has become. Look at UK and France. There is a pattern here.
edit on 8-11-2010 by IsraeliGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:01 AM
I live in the great state of Oklahoma , and I fully support what the majority of other voters also supported . Where is the problem ?

I don't support it out of any religious bias or bigotry , either ., as I don't favor one over the other .

This is the United States , people . Our laws trump all others when deciding cases within these borders .

And no , I also don't agree that christianity or the ten commandents should be considered , when deciding cases in court .

Proud to be an Okie , have lived all over this country and this is the only place I considered grand enough to call home .

Go OU !

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:50 AM
Reply to post by aptness

It does not violate the Constitution. All treaties are the law of the land, i.e. US law.

It is not rocket science here folks.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

I haven't heard of this happening. Are there any sources that support this? I would be very interested in reading them. Thanks.

Google is your friend. Try it sometime[4832FCB1-4327-457A-9EB3-DA09A9196263]

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

That link doesn't tell me ANYTHING. I asked for proof that judges are using International law to override US law. This link doesn't do that. It's just calling for a Constitutional Amendment to keep government out of parental rights.

But never mind. Member "aptness" has already answered that concern. We NEED to follow International Law. We are a nation. What I actually wanted is sources showing that judges are considering SHARIA law in cases.
edit on 11/8/2010 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by aptness

Explanation: St*r for you! [btw I'd appluad you if i could

@Everybody else.........

Here is the proof that international law supercedes all laws elsewhere [even in heaven and hell!

And before I post it I would like to REMIND everyone that if youd don't 1st extend a right to someone else then you ARE not entitled to it either...

Universal Declaration of Human Rights []

Article 2.
•Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Now remember that if you dont agree...then you aren't human!

Personal Disclosure: This document trumps everthing in any constitution or laws anywhere! IT IS THE LAW! PERIOD!

P.S. I am NOT a human btw... I am a monster, but that doesn't mean I am unaware of the law! Oh and if your a monster... then this universe isnt big enough for the both of us and I WILL KILL AND EAT YOU!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I see. So the majority can make laws that discriminate against a minority?

Shouldn't laws be made based on what the majority of people want? Needs of the many, that kind of thing...

I for one think that far too many exceptions are being made to accommodate people fleeing countries, in an effort to make the receiving country more like the one they fled.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by v3_exceed
Shouldn't laws be made based on what the majority of people want? Needs of the many, that kind of thing...

Absolutely. AS LONG AS those laws don't discount the rights of other citizens.

See Tyranny of the Majority

And Majority Rule with Respect to Minority Rights

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by v3_exceed

Explanation: Nope...because THE laws already exist...

Here... Universal Declaration of Human Rights []

It doesn't matter where people flee from or to.. these laws cover all of them... unless you are a which case I will deal with that as I stated above!

Personal Disclosure: See here for the why Australia is a racist country....

Australian Constitution []

Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act
Chapter I. The Parliament.
Part V - Powers of the Parliament
51.The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to: -
[edited to redact unrequired text]
(xxvi.) The people of any race, for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws:

No, there is only one race... it is THE Human Race!

If your nation/country/culture etc. do not 100% endorse and support [by action not just words] the Universal Declaration of Human Rights... then they are a MONSTER and therefor outside the protection of this document. OUTLAWS get can be killed at anytime and anyplace without any LEGAL comeback for the executioner!

Edited to add...

Hey BH... I fully agree and its covered here in the document I provide as both eveidence and HARD CORE PROOF!

Article 1.
[•All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

edit on 8-11-2010 by OmegaLogos because: Edited o add more for clarity and to also agree bith BH!
star for you!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Absolutely. AS LONG AS those laws don't discount the rights of other citizens.

See this is really the problem. Where I live we are seeing exception after exception to our laws based on religious claims by a minority of people of that faith. This shouldn't be happening. There shouldn't be any exceptions for Christian or Muslim, Buddhist, Spaghetti monster beliefs.

A person can believe what ever they wish, but when they face the courts each person should be standing equally before the courts based on the law of the land, and not some exception based on their pseudo belief in a potential alternate reality.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by v3_exceed
See this is really the problem. Where I live we are seeing exception after exception to our laws based on religious claims by a minority of people of that faith. This shouldn't be happening. There shouldn't be any exceptions for Christian or Muslim, Buddhist, Spaghetti monster beliefs.

Please don't think that I support exceptions being made for people of faith or anyone. I DON'T I believe in equality. What I'm saying is that the majority cannot get together and vote to keep Jews out of a certain school. Or the people can't vote to allow all religions except Islam to have a certain right. Just because the majority vote for it is not a good enough reason to discriminate against anyone.

I DO NOT support ANY religious law being considered with judges make decisions, but by specifically stating that Sharia law will not be considered (and not mentioning ANY other religious law) it is discrimination. The new legislation should read that NO RELIGIOUS LAW should hold weight in a legal case.
Then I would support it 100%. Separation of church and state and all.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by v3_exceed

Explanation: I agree and its all covered in these articles... [St*r for you btw]

Article 18.
•Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19.
•Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 20.
•(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
•(2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

But that doesn't mean that this article should be overlooked at all...[Note I bold the importanty bit for emphasis ok]

Article 1.
•All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Personal Disclosure: Me and my dad argue about the law all the time... he says INTENT is everything [i.e. Motive] when it comes to determing if someone breaks the law... I disagree and say the LAW is everything and my proof is the laws of the universe... try jumping off a building and fly with only just intent and THE LAW of gravity will punish you regardless of whether one is aware of the law or not! These Universal Human Rights are inalienable and are the LAWS of the Universe [as applied to humanity].

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:56 AM
Religious laws should not supersede the law of the land. This is what radical Islam wants. They want to rise above our nations legal infrastructure so that they may only be held accountable to Shariah law. It cannot work this way. No Way. No How

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I starred your clarification as I completely agree. Each person may believe whatever they wish in the confines of their home, but once they leave that home those beliefs should be suspended in favor of both the social contract and the laws in the areas they are in. I would be happy if they simply discounted all religions and reverted back to that people are people.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by OmegaLogos
Personal Disclosure: Me and my dad argue about the law all the time... he says INTENT is everything [i.e. Motive] when it comes to determing if someone breaks the law... I disagree and say the LAW is everything and my proof is the laws of the universe... try jumping off a building and fly with only just intent and THE LAW of gravity will punish you regardless of whether one is aware of the law or not! These Universal Human Rights are inalienable and are the LAWS of the Universe [as applied to humanity].

Interesting point, kind of chicken and the egg. I'm going to agree with both you and your dad, as it is the intent of attempting to fly that puts one into a course where nature will punish you for that course. Without intent, there is no action, and without action there is no consequence.

I think it is the intent of the religious sect, (note denomination unspecific) to take action to change the laws to suit their beliefs in whatever might be convenient at the time. As a human, I believe I should have the same rights as the next person and follow the same laws, but I should be able to shape those laws based on the needs of my region or nation.

ie: I live in a very ocean oriented region. So urinating/dumping directly into that ocean should be controlled. If I were to live in a desert, then less control, but more burying would be in order. Not based on belief, but on the practicality of everyone's benefit for living.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:55 PM
A judge has blocked the amendment.

US A Today

A federal district judge has issued a temporary restraining order to block an amendment to the Oklahoma state constitution that would prohibit state courts from considering international or Islamic law when deciding cases.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:07 AM
When people move to the US they should be willing to accept our laws plain and simple, changing our Constitution will erode the only thing that keeps the US so unique.

We should never bend to laws that are the laws of other nations, for the contrary anybody coming into the US looking to enjoy our freedoms are also to enjoy our laws.

Because that is what make our nations freedoms.

So yes, I am oppose to any foreign laws to be even considered in this nation, if you don't like our laws move back to your country of origin to stay oppressed, don't come here to try to change our ways.

That is what Islam has been doing in the nations that they are migrating too, already Uk is feeling the pressure from this foreign groups when it comes to accommodating their "needs" and "believes" into their culture.

The hell with that, I say anybody that love Americas constitutions should protest any foreigners trying to bend them to their own believes.

If people doesn't like my point of view so beat it.

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