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Prop 19 results, honest ?

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by admriker444

I would think of that as a conspiracy , and If that had happened to me, I would have made a big ol' stink about it.
Hopefully we will see similar props in other states soon. It will just take some time. Didn't it take over 10 yrs for the medical use to finally be accepted after it was passed?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 01:33 PM
Even though we lost ( thoughts of conspiracy and still counting the mail in votes aside ) this is still closer than any other state has gotten to legalization in the history of the US. It's still an awesome step, and I hope it will galvanize supports and nonbelievers alike to get out and spread the word through actions, drives, and all over leading a good life.

It's a matter of time now is all - The people will be heard, whether we have to whisper along the rocks or scream through the forest!

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 01:51 PM
I'd suspected that it would fail despite overwhelming national
approval but I KNEW it would when the news stations just
before Halloween had a story blurb of ...and I quote...
"Snap, crackle, POT!! Marijuana disguised as Halloween
treats! Story at 10..."
How's that for nailing the coffin with blatant scare tactics??
I almost threw my TV off its stand in pure disgust...

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by SmokeyDawn

Prop 19 was Irrelavant to begin with . People who wish , will continue to Partake in the Weed , and it's illecit Value will still be an incentive for growers all over the U.S. to make an Untaxable Profit from it's Sales . Another factor to consider concerning it's Defeat is the Fact that with the Republican take over of the House and their new Power in Controlling the Appropreations Committee , Certain Goverment Agencies Budgits will be Cut in order to reduce the Deficit , the most recognized amoung them is the D.E.A. . Drug Inforcement concerning Pot will now be designated to a lower Priority when these cuts are finally introduced . Whether it Passed or not , the Recession we currently are in will have a Drastict Effect on the Enforcement of the Federal Drug Law against Pot .

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by admriker444

Originally posted by Aztek87
Of course it is fixed, do you guys really think they would let this pass? I live in San Diego, CA and all the people i know (teachers, co-workers, friends) were going to vote YES on Prop 19.

You can ask anyone that lives here, if a cop catches you smoking with a "personal" amount they just let you go. Everyone knows marijuana is no big deal...ask any cop here if they would rather deal with a drunk or a pothead and see what they say.

What I'm trying to say is the general public here doesn't mind weed i don't see a reason they would vote NO, but then again this is only in SD.

edit on 11/3/2010 by Aztek87 because: (no reason given)

my sister went to vote at san diego state university and was told they ran out of ballots. she waited for an hr then left. someone she knew in line from school told her they said there wasnt enough envelopes to seal the ballots so they were turned away as well.

college campus where most of the voters were likely to vote yes on prop 19 and people were turned away. Im not saying there is a conspiracy but it just seemed rather fortunate for those against the prop that this happened.

and considering the blatant voting fraud just discovered in Missouri, we know it does happen.

That's where i went to and i found it too convenient that they had run out of ballots, i hear this also happened in other colleges/universities around SD.
edit on 11/3/2010 by Aztek87 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by admriker444

let's face it, most of america has been brainwashed since birth and programmed into beleiving and acting on the beleif that prohibition of marijuana is a good thing

i beleive the proposition 19 could have done alot of good, it's too bad that for whatever reason it didn't fall through

the good thing is that marijuana is a plant, it grow wildly all over the earth, and is grown by humans all over the earth as well, there is no chance the plant species will ever somehow disapear despite any strength of political opposition to it's existence and use.. basically it's just a matter of time before prohibition ends, it may not have been 2010 but it will happen eventually
edit on 11/3/2010 by indigothefish because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:30 PM
Prop 19 was a bill that was made at the spur of the moment. It was not thought all the way through, and if I lived in california, I myself wouldn't even vote for it. Its a good start, and I am sure there will be more proposals. 19 was just not a good idea.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:51 PM
I for see prop 19 passing in the next decade whether in cali or in a neighboring state, although it didn't pass the votes were more pleasing than not as far as the yes turnout. This election very well could have some fraudulent tinge to it, after all it is the government who process the whole ordeal.
edit on 3-11-2010 by maxhile because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:42 AM
Maybe it's up to Canada to pass a law that's similar. That would mean the Liberals would need to get back into power with a majority government. I don't see that happening to soon because there seems to be a worldwide backlash towards liberalism in democratic countries thanks to this recession.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:51 AM
Prop 19 was also defeated by people who are currently making money off the medical cannabis in CA. If you look at the results, it lost in Humboldt county, where EVERYBODY grows it. Because they are greedy and selfish, they would rather see other people continue to go to jail than have to get a job. Karma is a B.

Also, anybody interested in turning this around, should symbolically stop using the word "marijuana". It was an obscure Mexican slang word that Dupont, and a few others used to get it outlawed, before anybody knew that they were banning HEMP. When doctors realized what the hell they were talking about, it was too late, and had already been outlawed.

edit on 5-11-2010 by 27jd because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by admriker444

Originally posted by Holly N.R.A.
Prop 19 did not loose because of "old people", one of which I am proud to be, and stand behind legalization. Prop 19 lost because the LEO agencies raised more money, and made more noise than anyone else. They raised a lot of money and made a lot of noise about it passing. There is a rat, and it will be found. More than likely it was the FEDS that cinched the deal. a time of totally illogical thinking, which is where the world is right now, how dare someone give California, or any other state a way out of the hole of unemployment and debt. They would rather see everyone in a pit...period.


from what I've read, it seemed likely that had prop 19 passed the federal govt would have sued the state of california just as they did to Arizona to stop their immigration law.

I'm really disappointed by these results. and disheartened knowing that even if a state does manage to pass similiar legislation in 2012, the feds are likely to stop it regardless.

the odds are the next sitting President in 2012 will be a republican. that party is pretty much very anti-marijuana so any state attempting to legalize it will be fiercely attacked by the feds.

this was the opportunity of a generation last night. we have a president thats not totally anti-marijuana and a nation in a deep recession. the stars had aligned themselves just right.

in 2012 the economy might be on the mend and a republican will likely be sitting in the Oval Office. that takes the odds of a state passing and keeping marijuana legal very low in my opinion.

My apologies for the tardiness of my reply. Thank You for yours.

I agree with your thoughts on the next sitting president, Although we may get one that can see past the end of his/her nose, if their "greed" wishes to be fulfilled and they can figure out a way to make the best of the money potential of hemp/marijuana.

We can only hope that their greed will push them into making the correct decision...


posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:32 AM
Legalization of marijuana is one of the clearest and logical policies the government could implement. But the reason it has not been is two-fold: money and morality.

It's the same reason that Nixon started the Drug War and cannabis has been under assault since the early 20th century. Big money (tobacco and alcohol in particular) are against it. Then you have the morality people who feel it is their right to dictate what adults should do with their bodies because their god said so. It's disgusting. Now we have people filling our prisons, costing us billions, ruining the lives of millions who will be condemned to a life of meager livings (since a prison sentence or drug charge pretty much kills career opportunities for the rest of your life), killing thousands abroad in an international drug trade, ruining neighborhoods, fostering crime, etc. Nixon has to be the worst contemporary president, if not the worst in history.

Logic was never official policy of government. The masses are stupid and deceived. Not because of mind control, but largely because they never wanted to get out and think critically about themselves, their beliefs, and their world. It's why anti-intellectualism is cherished and why religion rules American society. Old people and their morality showed California that when the youth don't rise up to vote, they will.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:10 PM
I'm all for legalization myself, but I didn't see Prop 19 as the step forward that we need. I voted against it, seemed too rushed and thrown together. Not 2 weeks before we had a bill established that reduced possession under an Oz. to a civil infraction instead of a misdemeanor, so that is at least something forward in motion.

It would be interesting to see if the Federal Gov't would step in (as they already do with medicinal out here--see: raids/busts on farms/medicinal dispensaries) should legalization happen in CA before/if it ever does on a Nationwide level.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by LeftKoast
I'm all for legalization myself, but I didn't see Prop 19 as the step forward that we need. I voted against it, seemed too rushed and thrown together. Not 2 weeks before we had a bill established that reduced possession under an Oz. to a civil infraction instead of a misdemeanor, so that is at least something forward in motion.

It would be interesting to see if the Federal Gov't would step in (as they already do with medicinal out here--see: raids/busts on farms/medicinal dispensaries) should legalization happen in CA before/if it ever does on a Nationwide level.

Pray tell, what step forward do we need? Silently hoping for results is a useless endeavor. By voting for something that will incite federal controversy you bring the issue into the national spotlight even more than it is now. It was never about the practical effects of Prop 19, it was always about the symbolic gesture to the rest of the country and world - a stand against ignorant and nonsensical laws.

Honestly by not voting for it you just reaffirmed the establishment as it is and acted against the logic and critical thought behind the choice. You think it would just be you, but if every person who thought like you voted the same, then you just prevented needed progress in this country in regard to drug reform.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:04 PM
I am not surprised in didn't pass. As I speculated before the scare tactics were in full swing before the election. Hopefully California and other states will have similar but better written laws on the ballot in 2012. Unfortunately for me I am stuck in Florida and we are in the dark ages, no medicinal marijuana, doctors only prescribe Marinol to cancer patients yet handout Oxycodone like candy. I even saw someone posing as a pro-medical marijuana activist getting signatures and names for a supposedly medical marijuana initiative when the guy was actually an undercover cop getting names and detailed information of cannabis friendly people.

It will take a powerful Republican to come out and be pro-cannabis for any change to happen in the country. Ron and Rand Paul are the only ones in power right now that can maybe get the ball rolling and help give the people of the United States some of our liberty back.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:24 PM
It didn't pass for two reasons, reason one the elderly flocked to the polls and reason two the Republicans also flocked to the polls. These are the two main groups that agree with prohibition. These two groups are most like to vote based on fear and morality.

The good news is that these two groups will not likely to be as motivated to vote after the group they just voted in doesn't follow there will, as what usually happens in American politics. Politics as usual will continue right upto the 2012 election and this will disenchant this group of voters, they expect results but will only get flip flop as the TPM moves closer to main stream conservative Republican right wing ideologue.

It is the wave of the future, I expect this issue to become more of a national issue very soon, possibly in the next election.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:26 PM
Having been born and bred in SOCA.

I'd say many who use marijuana - - use it freely - - and probably have no interest in voting for it to be legal.

Once legal - - it will be regulated and taxed. I did not read this bill as I now live in Arizona (which just past medical marijuana).

I would be interested in what it says about home grown for personal use.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 04:57 AM
Not likely to be a popular stance in this forum, but I certainly voted against it. I'm sick to death of dealing with idiot stoners. The people who use weed for legit (and non-legit) medical reasons can already get it legally and easily and we already have a law allowing an amount to be carried for personal use without a fine or jail sentence. What we don't need are more distracted people on the roads or job sites nor Mexican drug cartels to be able to move more freely north of the border. Now, if it had been a proposition about legalizing 'shrooms....

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 01:11 PM
Prop 19 was rigged, the results should have been opposite. IMO.

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