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Prop 19 results, honest ?

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by v3_exceed

I think thats just San Franciso. Hopefully the rest of Cali has that amount of voting yes.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 01:01 AM
Prop 19 did not loose because of "old people", one of which I am proud to be, and stand behind legalization. Prop 19 lost because the LEO agencies raised more money, and made more noise than anyone else. They raised a lot of money and made a lot of noise about it passing. There is a rat, and it will be found. More than likely it was the FEDS that cinched the deal. a time of totally illogical thinking, which is where the world is right now, how dare someone give California, or any other state a way out of the hole of unemployment and debt. They would rather see everyone in a pit...period.


posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 01:01 AM

double post
edit on 3-11-2010 by Holly N.R.A. because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by v3_exceed

Just checked CNN and they are reporting it voted down 55% -45%.

what gives????

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by missvicky

its just a projection. only 35% of precincts are reporting in so far.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 01:27 AM
It's not going to pass because of the tea baggers, who are mostly baby boomers. This generation is one of the most susceptible to brain-washing tactics by the media and what they've been told growing up. So in their minds, weed is demonized and to be avoided like arsenic, but at the same time alcohol and tobacco is passed off as an aphrodisiac. Non-sense....

Bring Prop 19 to Washington and I bet it will pass. It's going to be on the ballot next year, so they say...I'm happy to be in one of the most secular states.
edit on 3-11-2010 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 01:35 AM
The fact that this will probably be unsuccessful in the end almost makes me want to explode with pure rage. Your able to buy things like alcohol and over the counter drugs, some of which could practically serve as amphetamines, that are more harmful than marijuana. Pisses me off to no end.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:05 AM
I was hoping the prop would pass and it looked like it would, i bet someone rigged the ballot!

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:08 AM
Prop 19 was designed to fail because:

1) The largest proponent of legal cannabis was left out; hemp production.

2) Our governor already decriminalized possesion of less than 1oz, instead opting for a $100 fine.

Hemp is the real danger to the corporate conglomerate. Plus with "decriminalization" pot maintains its street price (apeasing the cartels) while at the same time increasing government revenue ((where a cop would normally take the pot and let the person go, now you get a smile and a $100 ticket) and yes, this isn't texas in the 70's, CA cops do let simple users go).

When i recently confronted a "peace" officer (a bicycle cop in Burbank who was polite enough to stop and give my friend a smoking-in-public ticket) about the fine and wether it was enforceable on persons who have obtained a medical marijuana card, guess what, it sure can and it will.

edit on 3-11-2010 by mbzastava because: typoo

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:11 AM
Just for an update of people following this thread, according to cnn link , 45% yes and 55% no, out of 50% of precincts reporting.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by admriker444

Originally posted by sremmos

Originally posted by ugie1028
watching it live as it comes in on Its been locked at the same % since it opened.

yea something doesn't seem right.

If there is foul play it will be discovered. Be patient, and also accept that unfortunately there is a lot more ignorant people than there are enlightened people, and it may take multiple attempts to win this long battle.

We've waited for a long time, but 2012 is not that far away. We have to be vigilant in this battle for our rights, we can't get tread on because we faced a loss here. It's clear where we failed, we didn't fail to convince people about whether or not cannabis should be legal, we failed to motivate people to get up and vote.

Low voter turnout defeated prop 19, because the old people all turned up to vote (at least when I voted this morning, it was me (24), and then EVERYONE ELSE THERE was 55+.

Well, except one of the poll workers, he was like 18. But seriously, the voter turnout where I live was (at least while I was at the booths) nearly 100% old people.

This is what defeated prop 19, if indeed there was no foul play.


whats happening in 2012 ? is there another state attempting to legalize it ?

Look at it this way, we were defeated but we had a pretty strong percentage in support of legalization. Nationwide, 46% support full legalization.

The marijuana movement in California is NOT dead just because we lost. We lost a battle but we will win this war, it's inevitable as long as we keep trying.

Our mistake was we didn't get the young to get up and vote nearly effectively enough. When I was at the poll station it was ALL old people except for ME and one worker.

There is already a movement building to put another legalization proposition on the ballot in California in 2012, is what I mean. We've already shown that we can get it on the ballot any year that we want to, so we will build up the campaign for two years and then BAM, try again.

If we fail, but get closer, so be it, but we got closer. Eventually we will win.

Alcohol prohibition wasn't ended instantly either, it took a lot of try and fails.
edit on 3-11-2010 by sremmos because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:34 AM
I agree with mbzastava

This bill was designed to fail. The only reason it was allowed to become a bill, IMHO, was to have it fail. SO the next time someone brings up the suggestion to make it legal, they can turn around and say "We gave you your chance to make it legal and no one wanted it that way"

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:40 AM

100% of precincts reporting: passed 69%
and CNN:

Legalizing Marijuana
California Proposition 19:
Legalizing MarijuanaFull results »
Updated 2 minutes ago
County Results | Map
| Exit PollNo 2,739,589 55%
Yes 2,258,241 45%

of precincts reporting

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:44 AM
To tell the truth, with all of the voting fraud things in the news lately, I wouldn't doubt that it was fixed. I wouldn't put it past them.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 03:48 AM
Of course it is fixed, do you guys really think they would let this pass? I live in San Diego, CA and all the people i know (teachers, co-workers, friends) were going to vote YES on Prop 19.

You can ask anyone that lives here, if a cop catches you smoking with a "personal" amount they just let you go. Everyone knows marijuana is no big deal...ask any cop here if they would rather deal with a drunk or a pothead and see what they say.

What I'm trying to say is the general public here doesn't mind weed i don't see a reason they would vote NO, but then again this is only in SD.

edit on 11/3/2010 by Aztek87 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 04:58 AM
Legalization is just a formality at this stage. I'm sure the California voters are depressed prop 19 failed, and so they consoled themselves...with a toke. It's almost funny to think about it. It just goes to show that democracy is only favored when you win, otherwise you'll just do whatever you want regardless. I am a bit surprised by this, and every other marijuana measure also failed, seems hard to believe. We need some accountability on this issue and make sure the votes were counted correctly. No Al Gore's for this moment please.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:33 AM
On the CNN website right now, at 6:25 AM Eastern Standard Time, Prop 19 has 3,686,748 voting No, and 3,159,876 voting Yes with 89 percent of precincts reporting. CNN had "called" the outcome when only 30 percent of precincts were in.

If you look right below the Prop 19 results, you'll see the results for Prop 25. Again, 89 percent of precincts have reported, but CNN hasn't yet projected whether it has won or lost, even though the difference in votes is greater than that of Prop 19. 3,612,710 voted Yes, while 2,964,314 voted No.

Why was CNN so quick to "call" Prop 19, but not Prop 25?

CNN Election Results

edit on 3-11-2010 by nick112 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by nick112
On the CNN website right now, at 6:25 AM Eastern Standard Time, Prop 19 has 3,686,748 voting No, and 3,159,876 voting Yes with 89 percent of precincts reporting. CNN had "called" the outcome when only 30 percent of precincts were in.

If you look right below the Prop 19 results, you'll see the results for Prop 25. Again, 89 percent of precincts have reported, but CNN hasn't yet projected whether it has won or lost, even though the difference in votes is greater than that of Prop 19. 3,612,710 voted Yes, while 2,964,314 voted No.

Why was CNN so quick to "call" Prop 19, but not Prop 25?

CNN Election Results

edit on 3-11-2010 by nick112 because: (no reason given)

It seems every news website is doing this, look at

They posted that at 7:09PM PST...i thought the poll results weren't even going to be posted until at 8:30PM PST.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Aztek87
Of course it is fixed, do you guys really think they would let this pass? I live in San Diego, CA and all the people i know (teachers, co-workers, friends) were going to vote YES on Prop 19.

You can ask anyone that lives here, if a cop catches you smoking with a "personal" amount they just let you go. Everyone knows marijuana is no big deal...ask any cop here if they would rather deal with a drunk or a pothead and see what they say.

What I'm trying to say is the general public here doesn't mind weed i don't see a reason they would vote NO, but then again this is only in SD.

edit on 11/3/2010 by Aztek87 because: (no reason given)

my sister went to vote at san diego state university and was told they ran out of ballots. she waited for an hr then left. someone she knew in line from school told her they said there wasnt enough envelopes to seal the ballots so they were turned away as well.

college campus where most of the voters were likely to vote yes on prop 19 and people were turned away. Im not saying there is a conspiracy but it just seemed rather fortunate for those against the prop that this happened.

and considering the blatant voting fraud just discovered in Missouri, we know it does happen.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Holly N.R.A.
Prop 19 did not loose because of "old people", one of which I am proud to be, and stand behind legalization. Prop 19 lost because the LEO agencies raised more money, and made more noise than anyone else. They raised a lot of money and made a lot of noise about it passing. There is a rat, and it will be found. More than likely it was the FEDS that cinched the deal. a time of totally illogical thinking, which is where the world is right now, how dare someone give California, or any other state a way out of the hole of unemployment and debt. They would rather see everyone in a pit...period.


from what I've read, it seemed likely that had prop 19 passed the federal govt would have sued the state of california just as they did to Arizona to stop their immigration law.

I'm really disappointed by these results. and disheartened knowing that even if a state does manage to pass similiar legislation in 2012, the feds are likely to stop it regardless.

the odds are the next sitting President in 2012 will be a republican. that party is pretty much very anti-marijuana so any state attempting to legalize it will be fiercely attacked by the feds.

this was the opportunity of a generation last night. we have a president thats not totally anti-marijuana and a nation in a deep recession. the stars had aligned themselves just right.

in 2012 the economy might be on the mend and a republican will likely be sitting in the Oval Office. that takes the odds of a state passing and keeping marijuana legal very low in my opinion.

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