reply to post by xyankee
I tried telling you earlier it isnt going to happen, and all youre going to get is more frustrated talking in this circle.
This birth certificate issue still rides on the fence with me as well, I'm not convinced either way, simply because of all the doubt cast around and
mainly because of the lack of personal reply by Obama,
and when I say that I mean, IF it were myself being challenged on this front, I would have long long ago stepped up and loudly without doubt thrown
all of my paperwork and my balls on the table and put an end to this,
like a man with a plan and a stiff spine,
so yes I can see where you'd want to stay engaged in this but it's more of a distraction now than anything.
Obama, is more or less the latest face on the box of wheaties known as america,
he's the current salesmen and marketing tool offered to us and to the world but he's not our body of governance,
it's still our reps and senators and theyre controlled by who has the most influential access to their continued funding and continued 'career' as
elected waste, (the entire system is corrupted).
So dont let others who call you nuts or crazy get you down or upset, theyre just as deceived and neutered as a constituent as the rest of us, and dont
worry too much on this subject, actually try and figure out what the next move is going to be by those who really run our country and the world by
using the given clues we see in pending legislation, current created crisis', legislation passed but not yet used, etc etc.....
At times it's overwhelming and often the only foreseeable outcome is bleak but another day always manages to go by and the time passes and it's
always more of the same,
try not to give up too much of your tme and happiness to issues, things and idiots you cant control,
and know, youre not alone.