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Aliens are here!! What do you do?

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posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:10 PM
Lets set the mood....

You're sitting there reading and posting on the ATS board.. TV humming in the background. Suddenly the hum changes.. voices sound more urgent, your attention stays afixed to the computer.. and then.. that irritating ALERT howl blares from the TV. Out of some form of ingrained motivation to pay attention to these warnings you look over to the TV.

Scrolling under a frantic but silenced news reporter, at her desk.. is an alert from the emergency broadcast system.

This is an alert from the emercency broadcast system: Several unidentified objects are appearing over cities across the USA. PLease stay tuned for further information or instruction. The ALARM continues to howl as it scrolls once more across the screen.

"....don't know what's going on!", you catch from the reporter once the emergency broadcast finishes it's rounds. "Wait..wait.. we are getting reports that they are appearing in the cities of countries across the globe!! England, France, Spain, Russia...!

The screen splits and you are shown footage of an alien craft flying over NYC.. there is some sort of fighter plane, obviously ours following close behind. .. The repoter explains the scene.. "To everyone watching this is NYC, the saucer shaped craft, believed to be alien in origin is flying low over the city. Although we have yet no official report from the military it would seem they are on top of the situation. More and more countries are reporting stange crafts, this seems to a global...."

Suddenly the American Presidencial Seal appears on the television. The TV HOWLS and again another report scrolls across the bottom of the screen.

This is an alert from the emergency broadcast system: In moments the President will address the nation, please stay tuned for further information and instruction, it scrolls across the screen three times, and each time you read it, your denial that it could possibly be true is shaken up just a bit more.

Finaly the camera shifts to a shot of the president, standing somber behind a podium. "My fellow Americans, at this time we do not know what these other wordly visitors want. Our airforce has been alerted and are following some of these crafts. At this time american and other forgien diplomats that share our concerns, are urging every nation not to make any aggressive action toward these crafts. Atempts to contact these crafts have been yet unsuccessful but the best scientists around the globe are working on different methods in hopes that we may breach the silence. I would urge you not to panic, please stay in your homes and tuned into a local news station. Please America, stay calm.

THe television goes blank for a moment, and then it comes back to life, picturing the newsroom and the familiar reporter. She is talking fast, and again you see a split screen of a craft over some city, followed by a fighter plane...

You are no longer paying attention, you are wondering what you are going to do....

(excuse the bad writing
i'm not turribly edumacated.. )

So that's the setting and the question is... What are you going to do?

My best theory on me and my families reaction.........
I call my mom!! We discuss a plan.. we are aware we were warned to stay home but we want to be together. My mom and my sister are going to start bottling water and non perishables.. while dad heads over to pick me up. I should gather some clothes then proceed to bottle water and grab anything non perishable. Once dad get me we head back to moms house. We pack the SUV and the car with everything we managed to gather and head out caravan style to my aunts house. All this takes longer then it should because the streets are packed despite the plee to stay home and some roads are nearly blocked by people standing in the street with binoculars and telescopes. We finaly get to my aunt's house and start hauling down our supplies to the basement... my aunt is busily bringing down what they've gathered to the basement, with the cell phone glued to her ear... My uncle has managed to get my cousin from school but is having a hard time getting home in the traffic.

The house phone rings and I answer... it's my other cousin two hours away at school. Attempts to even get out of campus in the confusion has left her feeling hopeless, and the news reports of traffic, accidents and people all piled on the streets have left her seeminly stranded, she can't get home. I tell her to find other level headed students and gather supplies.. then try to find a secure basement or bomb shelter.. making sure to bring a radio...a cell and hope there is a land line phone hookup. THen we say goodbye

Before I can put the phone down to tell my aunt, it rings again and yet another cousin is on the line. Shes' stuck at school too in another state, she spoke to our great aunt, but she's over an hour away and conditions there are identical to here. I advize her the same as I did her sister.. then get off the line.

I have the unforunete job of telling my aunt that her daughters are going to be stuck away from home or family. She doesn't take it to well but she manages to keep a level head.... soon my uncle arrives with the youngest cousin.. all goods finaly in the basement we all huddle down there watching the news and hoping for the best. Of course for as long as the telephone lines and cell towers can keep up with demand of service while millions of people call loved ones.. we make as many calls as possible...
If they turned out to be friendly.. we would likely still stay at my aunt's for a period of time.. get my cousins home.. and continue to stay bunkered till we were positive it were safe.
If they turned out not to be friendly well.. we might be insantly vaporized.. but if not . we would most likely head to the nearest army base.. with our supplies.. and take shelter there

So answer if you like.. or at least stop by and tell me that I'm terrible long winded

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:23 PM
Sounds too drastic to really happen.
anything can happen though!
more on this later...

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:26 PM
when i read this, i felt shivers going down my spine. it is what i have been waiting for to happen all my life.
there is not much i could have done about it before i know wether they are friendly or not. only time will tell. i only say, mankind needs such an event to become united and lay aside their petty differences.
i would have tried to make telepathic contact with "them"....
i know i am just crazy!
but that is what i would do if such an event was to occour.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:34 PM
Well you know as silly as it sounds to say now I'd probably try that too.. lol

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:35 PM
First off I must say I would not be surprised. Second, I would be so excited and to display this excitement I would run around my house exclaiming..."I knew it, I knew it!!" Then I guess I would pray for guidance and then I would try and call as many loved ones I could to see how well they are taking the mom and dad are elderly. Then I would watch the news agencies and hope to God the government doesn't do anything stupid and screw up a wonderful first contact opportunity!
I would be more afraid of what the military/gov would do than the aliens. I do not buy into the "War of the Worlds" or "Independence Day" mentality. I feel races advanced enough to travel to other worlds must haven "gotten their acts together" a long time ago and are here for peaceful intentions. If I see UFOs blasting lasers, etc....I would be more inclined to think it was an elaborate charade by the gov/military instead of an extraterrestrial attack. If I see that this is the case....a staged "Independence Day" event....well let's just say I'm getting my gun & supplies and heading for a nice hide away location in the hills because marshal law and an iron fist dictatorship are not far behind.

[edit on 6/28/2004 by Starlight_Rebel]

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:41 PM
humm, well my first instinct of course would be to run for the hills. Yet knowing LA this would be a bad thing as everyone else and their mother would be (trying) to do the same thing, yet have no clue where to go. So there would be a merrid of accidents, road rage shootings, riots it would be a mess here.

I would absolutly make a b-line for the store to get non perishables. Water whatever I could get. Then I guess I would just wait.

If what people say (supposedly) about UFO's is true then pretty much anything electrical may not work, so that rules out driving anywhere if there happens to be a UFO (s) nearby.

If there started to be a ground invasion, large scale landing of beings with weaponary. Then I probably would soil myself and begin to freak out. I am sure if they were hostile I would either die by some Alien weapon or be vaporized by my own goverment in an attempt to minimize the loss of all life by the invading alien ground forces. I am sure that is the goverments plan as it would be with an outbreak of some biological agent. To vaporize a few million people to save a few thousand.

I would shoot any of them that I see and probably draw the ire of their weapons teams resulting in my entire family and probably neighborhood, crispified by some Alien weapon.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:43 PM
O hell yeah.. I'd be up for making a few ... "told you so calls" Honestly I'd most likely be as elated and sure they were friendly as you are.. however I prefer to air on the safe side.. and in a situation as the one I've outlined, bunkering down is the safest bet to protect against humans who might take advantage of the situation.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:44 PM
I'm going to sell novelty items to the aliens. I though of starting with a t-shirt with "My friend went to Earth and all they bought me was this stinking t-shirt" printed on the front. I'm not sure what sizes I need to pre-ordering though.

[EDIT : seriously though, I'd get in touch with all my family and friends and figure out what we all made of it... then go from there]

[edit on 28-6-2004 by muppet]

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:45 PM
Yeh cool(movies movies), but they would not come as a surpraise thoe...
It's like jumping in a lion cage wouthout even knowing it.
EDIT: What i would do well i would relax alot and afteerward I would jump crazy around because of happiness... NO I really dont know what i wuld do.
One thing is sure I would get a really Nice Kick in the brain

[edit on 28-6-2004 by Cardu]

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by muppet
I'm going to sell novelty items to the aliens. I though of starting with a t-shirt with "My friend went to Earth and all they bought me was this stinking t-shirt" printed on the front. I'm not sure what sizes I need to pre-ordering though.

Ooo I want in.. how about
bobble head rednecks
ship bumper stickers that say "I brake for Humans"

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:50 PM
Interesting... but I don't understand why many people automatically think the aliens would be here to invade us. It is obvious aliens have been coming to Earth for centuries. They have had every opportunity to invade us. It would make more sense to invade us and take over when we were less technologically advanced thus we would be an easy mark. Or if we are a perceived threat why not wipe us out right after we tested the first A-bomb or even the first H bomb? It seems sometimes there is an orchestrated effort by "someone" to paint alien life in a bad or dangerous light. Not picking on anyone here at ATS. Maybe it is natural for humans to do this because we have a fear of the unknown. The old, "it's different than it's bad...kill it before it kills us" mentality.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:53 PM
I would say that the tv is showing crap and go on with my normal life.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:55 PM
I'd come report it on ATSNN, then advise the family that we are on DEFCON 2... they all know what they have to do

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:59 PM
Well the point of the story.. is to bring you to a state of mind where they are here but, intentions unknown, and what you would do given that situation.

I tend to believe they are friendly based on my own experiances.. however as I've stated before (sometimes I just feel like a broken record) ... THey could be waiting for us to discover a key technology and base their opinion of what to do with us.. on how we handle our new technology.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:59 PM
To be cool I will say that I would most likely Run into my front yard, pop in a Maroon 5 CD, and start dancing, hoping to get a sexy partner from far across the galaxy. Or Id turn up the Operation Ivy and hope to find some fellow skanksters...from far across the galaxy.

But honestly, being secretly girly, Id probably look at a bunch of old photos, crying, praying, and talking to my lover.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Starlight_Rebel
Interesting... but I don't understand why many people automatically think the aliens would be here to invade us. It is obvious aliens have been coming to Earth for centuries. They have had every opportunity to invade us. It would make more sense to invade us and take over when we were less technologically advanced thus we would be an easy mark. Or if we are a perceived threat why not wipe us out right after we tested the first A-bomb or even the first H bomb? It seems sometimes there is an orchestrated effort by "someone" to paint alien life in a bad or dangerous light. Not picking on anyone here at ATS. Maybe it is natural for humans to do this because we have a fear of the unknown. The old, "it's different than it's bad...kill it before it kills us" mentality.

Well it maybe because of they have wached Movies You know, and the place in the braine they store Alien stuff come from well maybe some movies they have seen, and then they automaticilly use that shi_t.
Aliens ETs Humans What is the difference? We are both Aliens when we are facing eachother.

[edit on 28-6-2004 by Cardu]

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 07:05 PM
I would pack my 30 gallons of water in my car. Then I would grab several blankets. Then I would cook as much food as I could and store it however I could. Then I would wrap a towel around my face, put some underwear on my head and walk across the street to the student convience store. I would carry a box with me and put as many non perishables as I could in it. Then I would walk out (against the clerks' protestations, most likely) and get into my car. Then i would drive straight into the middle of the desert as far as I could. I would then wait for 3 weeks. By then most people would have died of thirst. From there I'd go back and salvage what's worth taking..

Finally, I would find a gas station, pump up a full tank and my gas container (which is in the car right now). Then I'd drive to the closest large water source.

[edit on 28-6-2004 by ktprktpr]

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by UnusualMe
Well the point of the story.. is to bring you to a state of mind where they are here but, intentions unknown, and what you would do given that situation.

I tend to believe they are friendly based on my own experiances.. however as I've stated before (sometimes I just feel like a broken record) ... THey could be waiting for us to discover a key technology and base their opinion of what to do with us.. on how we handle our new technology.

I think it would be one of those situations where you would just want to be with other people to get an idea what everyone thought... I'd probably be out with my binoculars trying to get a better look... (unless they were nowhere near the UK in which case I'd have the news on the telly while reading ATS to find our more!)

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 07:21 PM
Starlight Rebel its just human natures defense mechanizm that we consider anything that is unknown to be potentially hostile. At least the smart ones do. I can just see some dufus, happy go lucky alien loving person walking up to one and putting out his hand to shake and the alien whipping out some micro cosmic tail/whip like thing and slicing the persons head off and then sit there and stare at your seperated body in amusment. While an alien may not be openly aggressive we would have no way of knowing what it may take offense to, so caution would be the most prudent course of action. Similar to what someone said about jumping into the lions cage, if you do this what do you think your chances are to come out of the cage without at least being clawed or bit ??? Do you really think the lion is just going to come up to you and start purring ??? If you do then , well GOD speed.

Besides you would not send hundreds of ships down into the atmosphere of a world that YOU KNOW to be populated, WHO YOU KNOW posses weapons of mass destruction and just expect everything to be fine and dandy. You would only do this if you had the upper hand and could defeat their weapons with ease.

It would seem to me to be more plausable that one of our own space crafts returns to earth with some sort of carbon munching self replicated spore that ends up destroying all life as we know it on the planet. Then little green men in shiny ufos invading the skies over our cities.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 07:27 PM
This scenario has a different meaning for those who believe that they've been abducted.... simply because the tales that have swirled around the abduction phenomena for a decade or so often involve the idea that some humans have been genetically 'bred' for a specific purpose by the aliens.

As someone who has seen (what I believe to be) an alien, I would wonder if one of the following was about to occur:

1.A smaller scout ship lands and takes me and my sister away to the larger ships.
2.I lose control of my body --- It turns out that they put an implant in me that can control my actions. I then go on to do... whatever.
3.I've been subconsciously programed to follow some type of message they might send out over the airwaves... after some gibberish appears on the tv screen something like #2 happens to me.
4.The GOVERNMENT somehow knows that either I or a relative has been abducted. Police show up at my door and take me away for good. Though the aliens might be non-dangerous, the gov doesn't know that and chooses to cart me off in case possibilities #2 or 3 are about to occur.

So... what would I do? Pack.

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