posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 07:42 AM
Thoughts and opinions all? Ive often wondered what the answer(s) would be.
Probably something like "We came from the Stars and are really Alien ourselves, and they are us...and are here as well from the future/past. The US
is responsible for 9-11 and there was more than 1 gunman who killed Kennedy 1 and Kennedy 2, and Martin Luther King and Marilyn Monroe. There never
were weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq (because they were moved), the Illuminati/Templars/Freemasons control everything for the New World Order to
be commandeered from under the Denver Airport with all the strange murals, and will zip about with the Reptilians in the underground Dulce tunnels
while the world above as we know it burns to a crisp.(Global warming, Nuclear War, Solar Flares, Alien Invasion)".
So you see where Im going with all this? My own thoughts are what if the real story of us, our past, futures and our present realities, are the real
truth in life? Maybe that is the real-reality. One could go on and on, over and over and keep adding events to things to the above.
Ive heard once before that reality itself is an illusion. And that perhaps, we are all part of someone else's dream. And when they wake up? ....We