If you have never heard of the phrase "Going Galt" you should pick up "Atlas Shrugged"
The phrase "Going Galt" refers to removing oneself and ones creative capacities from society in protest over the inherent selfishness of society to
exploit producers to profit lazy consumers.
This is a section from "Atlas Shrugged" entitled "This is John Galt Speaking"
It spells out the topic quite nicely....
It is 16 parts... and very good.
I would like to suggest "Going Galt V2.0"
And that is, Allow yourself NO CREATIVE PRODUCTIVITY, except that which challenges, and attacks the Status Quo.
Give them nothing of value they can use for their benefit or Profit.... Give them only the Plans that will dismantle their power system, their
Control Grid.... their Prison.
I'm confused: nothing productive except that which hurts the system? What do you mean by that?
If I invent a new way to watch television and smell what is on tv too, is this good for the system? If so, should I decide to not market it and lose
out on that profit potential?
What I am saying, is that the System Uses your creative potential, and Creative works, to Profit itself, to stay in power, and to maintain the Status
Quo that Exalts those who conform, over those who are original.
What I am saying, is that instead of creating things that will PROFIT the system, and thus, maintain the Status Quo... One should Create plans that
will REMOVE the Status Quo from reality, and create a New world where the Original Creators of Intellectual productivity are exalted above those who
conform to what the SYSTEM wants you to be.
Create a Novel way of removing from power, those who's power is based upon how much they can flatter the peoples Ego's, and Emotions.