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The Politics Of Fear. BBC Documentary reveals campaign of disinformation. The power of nightmares..

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posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:16 AM

THE POLITICS OF FEAR. BBC DOCUMENTARY reveals campaign of disinformation. The power of nightmares....

Documentary reveals an incredibly effective campaign of disinformation by the western governing bodies.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:
edit on 6/11/2010 by Mirthful Me because: All Caps Title.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:17 AM
Hello, first thread here at ats. I've been reading a lot of incredibly mind blowing things here recently and i have to say I am just fascinated by some of the stuff i've come across on ats, its just great.

I saw a documentary a few weeks back that had a lot of incredible insights into the war on terror and the need for and the application of a looming threat over the western world. Historically speaking I believe many of the things presented here have a lot of validity.

I hope i've done this all correctly, sorry if i have not. You can watch it in 6 parts on youtube.
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 2-11-2010 by sir_slide because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:40 AM
Welcome to ATS! Great to have you here amongst us, and awesome that you are contributing. It would be great if you could give a brief summary of the content matter that is covered throughout the documentary so that people are aware of whether or not it will be worth their time watching it in its entirety

Unfortunately I do not currently have enough time to watch the whole thing, but I will certainly find some time and get back to you.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

Good choice. The Power of Nightmares is a great documentary. I think its in these documentaries that shows how Al-quaeda was set up. Anyway very well put together analysis by Adam Curtis, who has made some other brilliant documentaries worth checking out

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:57 AM
Welcome and thanks for this!

Seeing as you are new, you might want to check this thread out:


The BBC has done a lot of these types of programmes, and they serve as a very good introduction to most of the topics here on ATS. Unfortuantely, the thread kept getting buried and I would bet 80% of the members here have not seen the videos.

Check it Out! Not a shameless plug, just trying to get some good information out there, just has you have done!

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 06:41 AM
Thanks a lot for the welcome! I'll definitely remember to put down some more details in the description next time.

It's mainly concerned with, as was mentioned, how Al qeada was set up, and the actual lack of any structured organization capable of large scale attacks on the western world. It shows a very interesting history of relations with afghanistan and the middle east also, and basically explains how this supposed organisation came into being in the first place, a very notable point. I found it rather shocking to think back to when it was all kicking off, correlating memories with the evidence presented. It was just such a well orchestrated program, I mean i really don't believe we've even gotten CLOSE to some of the more shocking and shady goings on during this time.

Again thanks for the replies, i'll certainly check out that thread also.....nice one

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

Great stuff! Again, not another shameless plug, but you have jsut mentioned Afghanistan which is also on my list of top topics.

If you are interested in knowing the real reason behing the War in Afghanistan, then look at the info on this thread:

Afghanistan: A Modern Silk Road Strategy

Also, I do believe I have a VERY interesting article on how the Al-quidea group were set up, I will hunt around for it and post it. Don't think it has ever been psoted on ATS.

I watched the trailer, I will be watching the series when I get chance. Don't know why I have never seen it, living it the UK? My guess is that it was first aired on BBC2 at 1.00Am.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 08:08 AM
The Government says they will protect you from this new evil....but at the same time under President Bush they announced they would not inform the public if the radiation level is too high for your area.

When Washington DC had to start using lots of chlorine for their water supply the chlorine broke down the lead water pipes and the water became TOXIC. They at first refused to tell the public the water supply was poison and tried to hush it up. Eventually they told the public...but the damage to those people was done. It does explain why Congress has gone mad...they've been drinking toxic levels of lead in their water and soft drinks from the local fast food joint.

The evil our Government attempting to keep control of society. They won't tell us any longer of the real threats we face and are now accomplices in the poisoning of our children/ destruction of our DNA.

God help us.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 09:03 AM
Adam Curtis is the man, excellent film maker


posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 09:36 AM
I find it interesting the point he makes about the fact that they tried to sell us a 'liberal dream' ideology which the public didn't buy into, and so then created the 'nightmare' scenario.

We now MUST stop buying into this evil propaganda and step out of the matrix of lies and fear they have built around us.

I was just looking for statistics on the number of terrorist attacks which have actually happened. I used the UK to start with, because of the 30 years of IRA terrorist attacks there. When seen on paper, the contrast is stark to say the least.

During the IRA bombings there was no hysterical hype, the country got used to living with the threats and going about life as usual. There was NO massive stripping of civil liberties, yet, as you will see from the link below, the number of actual attacks - not just threats - was dramatically higher then than it is today.

This alone makes me see that what is going on is a total charade.

Here is a similar list for US terrorist attacks.

The list is longer, but it also includes bombings outside of US against US targets, and assassinations of US citizens.

Basically, one of the things I see in this list are a lot of attacks against US embassies in Middle East.
My thinking is that this is in part at least, likely to be because of the Palestinian genocide and the US unconditional support for Israel.

If these are put to oneside, the picture starts to look different.

I want to say that I am deeply sorry for any lives lost in terrorist attacks - and wars too. At the same time, does this list seem to you to justify the draconian, tyrannical measures which are being rolled out across the Western world at an increasingly alarming rate?

This data suggests a few things to me:

a) Despite the tragedy of lives lost, the numbers of attacks and numbers of victims do not justify the quasi martial law which is being imposed on the pretext of 'protection against terrorism'.

b) If Israel is removed from the equation - ie. those terrorist attacks which are likely a retaliation against Western support for the genocide in Palestine, there are very few terrorist attacks.

c) Therefore, the ongoing support for Israel is in fact on-going support for terrorism.

I actually believe that many, if not all, of these attacks were actually perpetrated by US/UK/Israeli governments, but I'm not putting that into the equation here....just kind of looking at it based on the BS official story, and even then, it just doesn't add up.

edit on 2-11-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 04:00 PM
The British SAS soldiers who were arrested in Basra are a good example of such goverment terrorism.
They were dressed as arabs and were armed to the teeth, attempting to place bombs in basra.
The British armed forces actually attacked the Basra jail to get them out.
This type of sneaky soldiers imitating rebels to incite other factions to violence, and the rest of the dirty deals we send the armed forces to perpetrate (like fallujah) are more helpful to creating rebels than all the elqueda recruiting in the world.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 04:18 PM
Adam curtis is a great documentary maker.
You should check out A CENTURY OF SELF It's a real eye opener.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:23 PM

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

Great post man!
I'm with you 100%, I think one of the main grievances and causes for actual attacks CERTAINLY has a huge amount to do with the support for israel, i mean it's a real grievance.

One thing that i find very interesting, well, rather more saddening, is that as you stated, while this terror threat is apparently still very real etc etc and as they increasingly take away peoples civil liberties, bit by bit, they can actually argue that their policies are working. If there was never a threat to begin with, it's makes their job of 'saving us from peril' all very easy, i terror attacks? The policies MUST be working, assume the less inquisitive.

It's a very clever plan really, they show us a lot of americans dying on home soil, very scary stuff, tragic, really tragic stuff, how could a threat be effectively introduced to the public in order to absolutely shatter their very notion of homeland security? Seems to me that there probably isn't anything more effective than what took place at the towers, 9am, NYC, millions of people watching.......very frightening for the american public. So anyway, after this, no more large scale attacks on american soil. The government MUST be saving us, i mean we all saw bin laden say hes going to crush we hand over liberties and let an illegal war in the middle east rage on.

I think this is all very familiar territory on here though. I really liked the british army journo who was in Tora bora with the allies looking for those giant underground bunkers that have helicopters and surface to air missile capabilities etc, wonder how long it would take to build one of those....."but there aren't just one of those, there are MANY OF THOSE"-Rumspheld.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by stirling

Absolutely, and it leaves a really nasty mark on a generation, i find that very concerning, a generation of people in the middle east who have watched the west kill their families and destroy their towns. Very worrying.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by sir_slide
reply to post by wcitizen

Great post man!
I'm with you 100%, I think one of the main grievances and causes for actual attacks CERTAINLY has a huge amount to do with the support for israel, i mean it's a real grievance.

One thing that i find very interesting, well, rather more saddening, is that as you stated, while this terror threat is apparently still very real etc etc and as they increasingly take away peoples civil liberties, bit by bit, they can actually argue that their policies are working. If there was never a threat to begin with, it's makes their job of 'saving us from peril' all very easy, i terror attacks? The policies MUST be working, assume the less inquisitive.

It's a very clever plan really, they show us a lot of americans dying on home soil, very scary stuff, tragic, really tragic stuff, how could a threat be effectively introduced to the public in order to absolutely shatter their very notion of homeland security? Seems to me that there probably isn't anything more effective than what took place at the towers, 9am, NYC, millions of people watching.......very frightening for the american public. So anyway, after this, no more large scale attacks on american soil. The government MUST be saving us, i mean we all saw bin laden say hes going to crush we hand over liberties and let an illegal war in the middle east rage on.

I think this is all very familiar territory on here though. I really liked the british army journo who was in Tora bora with the allies looking for those giant underground bunkers that have helicopters and surface to air missile capabilities etc, wonder how long it would take to build one of those....."but there aren't just one of those, there are MANY OF THOSE"-Rumspheld.

Yes, I agree - it becoms circular. The measures we have implemented are working, therefore we'll put in more to keep people even safer!

I believe that is why we must demand proof of these things BEFORE they pass more legislation. There has to be an independent criminal enquiry. They get away with making statements, showing some photos, and then putting the boot into civil liberties a bit more. It really is insane, and of course, evidence will be withheld because of 'national security'. But I still think kicking up a stink and demanding evidence will let them know we are not going to keep taking this lying down.

Oh, and thanks!

edit on 3-11-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

Absolutely. Double edged sword......
That's why i think it's so very important to expose the initial BS, then we can start dismantling the entire thing. Because, if this organization actually never existed and it was a total scare job, and people know this, then it will make the process of enlightenment much easier, i think it's the first step, it's so very vital.

I think in general though, we are completely bamboozled, we have such an access to information that it makes it a difficult task to really find anything 'REAL', and the strength of opinion regarding matters such as these is dangerous. But I'd love the day to come when papers announce: "AL Qeada....what a scam that was".

Thanks again for the replies, its replenishing chatting to like minded individuals. Cheers

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

Amazing how you guys all fall for the bbc.

If you give out things the uk gov does not want or upset the wrong person, they will use the bbc to ridicule you.

The bbc is as bad as any other media group.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

Originally posted by sir_slide

Hello, first thread here at ats. I've been reading a lot of incredibly mind blowing things here recently and i have to say I am just fascinated by some of the stuff i've come across on ats, its just great.

I saw a documentary a few weeks back that had a lot of incredible insights into the war on terror and the need for and the application of a looming threat over the western world. Historically speaking I believe many of the things presented here have a lot of validity.

I hope i've done this all correctly, sorry if i have not. You can watch it in 6 parts on youtube.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Welcome aboard and thanks for bringing this documentary to my attention. I wasn't "enlightened" at the time of this documentary's release so it's not surprising that I missed it.

Part of me says "Great program" and another part says "How can they be so insightful and still think that 9/11 was the work of 19 hijackers?" Could they really present this amazingly detailed case proving neo-con and bipartisan skulduggery and then completely miss their own point? No doubt it was because to claim anything else would have prevented the documentary being accepted by the BBC and it would have turned off those who cannot believe that our politicians/leaders would murder innocent people for their own gains.

But if they can overlook, intentionally or otherwise, the "elephant in the room," what else will they have overlooked or misrepresented?

I've watched a number of BBC conspiracy investigations and they have a common theme of present some of the evidence or queries raised by the "conspiracy theorists" and then debunk them at the end with arguments that wouldn't hold water under real examination. They are in no way committed to unbiased programming.

Links to a number of these are available here. One case in point is the 7/7 Conspiracy documentary.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by sir_slide
reply to post by wcitizen

Absolutely. Double edged sword......
That's why i think it's so very important to expose the initial BS, then we can start dismantling the entire thing. Because, if this organization actually never existed and it was a total scare job, and people know this, then it will make the process of enlightenment much easier, i think it's the first step, it's so very vital.

I think in general though, we are completely bamboozled, we have such an access to information that it makes it a difficult task to really find anything 'REAL', and the strength of opinion regarding matters such as these is dangerous. But I'd love the day to come when papers announce: "AL Qeada....what a scam that was".

Thanks again for the replies, its replenishing chatting to like minded individuals. Cheers

Yes, and their objective is just that - to keep us bamboozled. But we have to keep dismantling their game by demanding facts, I think.

The thing is, there is already a lot of info out there which supports the thesis that Al Qaeda is a CIA/Zionist created fiction - but TPTB don't care because they've constructed a wall around themselves and they believe we can do nothing with it. I mean, even though it has been proven that they lied about WMD, what happened to them? Nothing that I'm aware of. That;s why I think we just have to keep kicking up a stink about it.

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