posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 11:23 PM
Even as a christian, I had this idea for a long time that humans might have been the product of a creation, genetic manipulation, or cloning by a
superior race of beings, who would be aliens. The missing link between Homo Neandertalus and and Homo Sapiens Sapiens has not yet been found, after
more or less 150 years of research since the birth of Darwin`s theory of evolution, 90% of the human gene originates from ape gene code, while the
remaining 1% is unknown. Adding to that the oldest religions from Mesopotamia, Egypt and pre-colombian american continent had to say about the
creation of Man, it might point out that we have an evidence that Man was indeed created, instead of generated by natural process. The "God created
man" concept could be more like "Man was made by angels, under the strict guidance and commands of God". Some people in the Catholic church did
recognized that alien intelligence exists and that they might very well be the "angels" that the Bible refers to. So the angels should be beings
that are superior to humans and closer to the absolute of God.
One question remains: if aliens created us, then where are they now? What has become of them? How even it is that angels TOO have not been around for
some time... The last time they were "officially" seen was in the dark ages... and even that! There are actually many things in the Bible that at
least suggest that there was an alien presence, but coinsidering the poeple of the ancien times did'nt had the techological notions that we have,
they were reporting seeing chariots of fire and large wheel floating above the ground. But still God, His Absoluteness, our Father, is far above
everything in this universe!