posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 07:05 AM
Ok, guys
There is a orange/whiteish light thatsbeen hovering for about 10minutes to my east
and while looking at it threw the binochulars, its shining 3 or 4 very light lights down to the floor
its noto far away or up, maybe about 150 to 200 feet up. and maybe about half a mile away ???
there is no other lights on it..... no green or red
its still there
Still there; 5:08am
ADD; its still there, could tisbe a star? ts getting higher, this mug is very bright
Help please ???
edit on 14-11-2010 by VenomVile.6 because: adding texts
edit on 14-11-2010 by VenomVile.6 because: (no reason given)