posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 08:26 AM
In my neighborhood, when I was a kid, there were dogs that sort of showed up, hung out for a while with us kids, and then moved on to other
neighborhoods. Just neighborhood dogs. Every now and then there would be one with only three legs, and the missing leg was always the front left leg.
I remember asking one of the older kids why the missing leg was always that front left leg, and he told me "That's what happens when a dog catches a
I can't wait for these GOP Tea Partiers to get swept into the legislature. Then we'll all get to see the GOP leadership lose a limb over what they've
allowed to develop, and have even encouraged, in order to "rebrand" the GOP after destroying that brand during the 8 years they held the power in
Washington. It can only get worse for people who still have jobs and own businesses that are still holding on, and ironically those are the folks who
will be voting GOP this cycle. There will be a lot of limbs lost over the next couple years as a result of the GOP's efforts to shut down Obama's
ability to "be successful" as a president, so that they'll have a shot at the WH in 2012. I wonder if there'll be anything to be the president of if
they succeed?
Frankly, people do generally deserve the government they get, but never has the result been more deserved than what's going to come out of this
election. Party on Tea Baggers. I can't wait to see the kind of stuff that washes up as a result of this wave election. It'll truly be historic.
edit on 11/2/2010 by NorEaster because: typos