I just would like to say hello and thank you for being so nice to me so far.
I have enjoyed almost all post's on ATS for over a year now. Please keep up your works and I really hope i can contribute to all the idea's and
20 posts!!!! And still counting. I cant wait to tell u peeps my theorys~!!~~!!
Hi there, well I look forward to the contribution of your thoughts and ideas after having spent so much time on this site. I hope mine become part of
the equation. I'm still relatively new here as I joined and then got sidetracked as I have other sites I post on so I still haven't done my 20
posts, bummer because and I had an important message for the elections I wanted to post.
Enjoy this video 2012 is NOT the end: Embrace the Beginning www.youtube.com...
Hi Matt, and welcome to the ATS community. For now, you can reply to any thread in any member forum you wish, as well as send & receive
(PM's)Private Messages to Staff only. Once you have achieved 20 posts, you will then be
able to start your own threads and additionally send & receive messages to and from fellow ATS members.