posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 01:23 AM
Sometimes I feel this site is the internet version of that classic street-corner wacko with the "The End Is Nigh" sign.
I mean, yes, your statement is somewhat interesting. But there are countless more threads just like it.
People have been saying the world is going to end since the dawn of civilization. We are fascinated with it.
Granted, one of these days they will be right, and the world will end, possibly billions of years in the future when the sun dies.
It must be noted that there are people out there who have not only realized that the internet is a very useful tool to share information, but have
also implemented plans and ideologies that serve to promote disinformation, or counter-intel if you will. They draw their salaries from
misleading people. (important note: I'm not accusing anyone here of anything, just stating my educated guess-work)
I really feel that sites like this overwhelm peoples imagination input levels and serve only to lower them, like red-lining a Ferrari until its engine
How many of you refresh this site constantly, expecting that each click of the refresh button will be the one that shows you the truth? The click
that finally gives you the answers you've been craving?
If there are aliens out there (nearby Earth), then they most likely have already cataloged all forms of DNA on this planet. Perhaps they are
interested in viral RNA the most, who knows. All we can do is take shots in the dark to even begin to comprehend the motives of such beings.
I know this post is kind of scatter-brained, but ask yourself:
How long has this site been up and running?
How long have you been a member?
How many shocking and startling and mind-blowing predictions and "breaking news feeds" have you seen?
Now ask yourself:
How many have come true?
Just like David Icke, screaming from the rooftops:
Every president is a baby-blood drinking reptilian entity.
Every corporation is evil
The Illuminati control everything
Satan controls everything and is evil
The church controls everything and is evil
The Israelis control everything and are evil
Tony Blair controls everything and is evil
The U.S.A controls everything and is evil.
-Buy my book for the answers you seek!
Do you see the theme here?
There is an idea that people are waking up, that the "sheep" are waking up.
How is wasting a great portion of your life scouring the internet for non-existent answers deemed "waking up"?
All the good stuff is most likely not even on the internet, because if sensitive information were put online, people would have a chance of finding
/venting procedure.
Thanks for even taking the 30 seconds out of your precious lives to read it.