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Obama To Be Outed as Gay? Blackmailed Into Criminal Activities?

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posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by DuceizBack
Who gives a damn if he is gay?
Only ugly men worrying about who another guy is screwing.

Only ugly heterosexuals would get butt hurt over a gay president.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 12:11 PM
Of course he did it! Its probably even worse than we can imagine!

The only question now is how much else he has been hiding about himself and what other things has he been blackmailed into doing?

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by xiphias

There are a lot of people out there, right or wrong, that would disagree with his lifestyle. He probably would have never been elected, as such he chose to hide a lot of information about himself. He is leading a double life which exposes him to a lot of external pressures which surely do not serve our interests.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 12:52 PM
Now we are reduced to discussing cheap gossip.


posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by sp00n1
reply to post by xiphias

There are a lot of people out there, right or wrong, that would disagree with his lifestyle. He probably would have never been elected, as such he chose to hide a lot of information about himself. He is leading a double life which exposes him to a lot of external pressures which surely do not serve our interests.

That's understandable, but to say you're not leading a double life is a lie to yourself, because every adult on this planet has skeletons in their closet. The way I see it, his lifestyle has absolutely nothing to do with his role as President and Commander-in-chief. If he wants to smoke a cigarette, play basketball, or get jiggy with it - it doesn't matter as long as the interests of the people come first (which, apparently hasn't been a priority since JFK was in office). The only people who really care about his skeletons are the ones who want validation for their dislike or mistrust of him.

I'm not saying he doesn't have anything to hide, or that he's not trying to hide anything. All that matters are the decisions he makes now and in the future, not the personal decisions he's made in the past, before he was elected. Bigons, and whatnot...

High school gossip belongs in high school, not in Washington.
edit on 31-10-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:09 PM
we are facing real problems in this country people

and who obama is swapping spit with isnt one of them

that part of the op is a non issue for me

however the meeting in afghanistan if true and that's a big if is infuriating.

and the other parts do need further investigations

all that is is hearsay allegations and conjecture.

investigate not instigate i say!
edit on 31-10-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by xiphias

Is the vatican sex-abuse scandal just gossip?

Was the Lewinsky affair, and Clinton's lies about it just gossip?

The fact of the matter is that this can be used as leverage against him to get him to do things that clearly do not support the interests of the people.

Just look at the obama justice department. Tony Rezko?! Blagojevich?!?!
edit on 10/31/2010 by sp00n1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by neo96

It is important to note that the insider who blew the whistle on the watergate scandal also chose to remain anonymous for personal safety reasons.

He went by the code name Deep Throat for over 40 years before revealing himself. He was the all time greatest source in history.
edit on 10/31/2010 by sp00n1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by sp00n1
reply to post by xiphias

Is the vatican sex-abuse scandal just gossip?

Was the Lewinsky affair, and Clinton's lies about it just gossip?

The fact of the matter is that this can be used as leverage against him to get him to do things that clearly do not support the interests of the people.

Just look at the obama justice department. Tony Rezko?! Blagojevich?!?!
edit on 10/31/2010 by sp00n1 because: (no reason given)

I wouldn't exactly classify the Vatican sex-abuse scandal as an issue of personal decision. That's more of a moral dillema, especially when perpetrated by priests and covered up by one of the most powerful and influential organizations in the world. The Lewinsky affair, on the other hand, was a personal decision, and I honestly feel a man shouldn't be chastised for expressing his sexuality. Even if he did abuse his power to get his rocks off, almost every man on the planet would do the same thing. He lied because he had to, as I'm sure most men would.

You do make a valid point about personal decisions being used as leverage, and in that sense I can see why it could be an issue. But the fact of the matter is that most Americans don't care about the potential outcomes of the decision (eg, blackmail), but rather the decision itself, and this is the real issue that people are gossiping about.

The reality is, such a decision can be used as leverage for blackmail ONLY because Americans give a hoot about that decision.
edit on 31-10-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by xiphias

I really don't care if he is gay, but a lot of other people do. If an openly-gay person ran for president it would bring out all of the extremists and 'energize' the opposition. Even many democrats might be less enthusiastic about voting. Swing states in republican areas would be lost for the dems.

Its unfortunate, but its true. As such Mr. Obama chose to keep his private life secret and opened himself up to political blackmail.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 02:02 PM
...about obama allegedly walking out of the alleged meeting that was allegedly about afghanistan - - - - even if it is true, it has no bearing on anything - because - if you still believe the potus controls anything or that his input means anything, you are not in control of your own brain...

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 02:16 PM
If true, the potential is a world wide game changer. How much dose Putin and the KGB know? "Put the missile defense shield anywhere near Poland we will out you....." and "Oh we need a couple hundred million...for uh...I don't know....maybe call it condoms for commies and put it in this account"

And all of his Muslim outreach, go-ahead and tell me that would not be personally devastating to Obama should this be true.

Remember the flack over the Whitehouse Christmas tree and the gay and transgender decorations?? Anyone remember Michelle's trip to Spain on his birthday so he could celebrate with some close personal friends?? Sure made me think.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 02:20 PM
The only way him being gay could be made into an issue i would care about is if he allowed himself to be blackmailed into doing something because of it.

When you are POTUS, your job must always come first. 300 million people depend on it, and demand it. You cannot let your fears over your own "secrets" allow you to comprimise this great nation.

Other than that, plook whomever you choose.

Having said that, the real key here is the Emmanuel/Blago link, and I suspect that will be what is going to be pushed to the front.

They likely won't get him impeached. But it would not surprise me to see an attempt at a coup, even if murder is required. If they were willing to try to take out Clinton, they would take out Obama in a heartbeat.

disclaimer (for the spooks out there): i in no way condone violence, especially against our elected officials.
edit on 31-10-2010 by bigfatfurrytexan because: personal disclosure statement

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 02:27 PM
The issue of being gay is really negligible, its his desire to keep it secret that causes issues.

If Rezko was pardoned 'under the table' and if Blagojevich wasn't convicted because evidence was withheld, then what else don't we know about. The Black Panther voter intimidation investigation was thrown out and im sure theres all sorts of other stuff.

The fact of the matter is that obama took advantage of millions of desperate and needy people for the sole purpose of furthering his own interests.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 02:30 PM
Let me tell you why sexual preference matters - because it matters to Obama. Stated simply, if it didn't matter to Obama that people knew, then it wouldn't become a serious national security matter. Any time that the POTUS is subject to blackmail (because he cares if the American public knows) that can and will subject him to pressure to do things that are not in the best interest of the country. THAT'S WHY IT MATTERS.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 02:32 PM
Fractured Facade and Wyn Hawks, right on.

Obama is a puppet, and as we know, puppets are on strings, being pulled by those really in control. When are people going to wise up to this game?

With elections this coming week in the US, how many will continue to "play" this game? Vote fraud is real, and it means that your "vote" won't count for much when it comes to serious issues. Don't fool yourselves. What your vote really does is send info to our masters about how successful, or not, their current deceptive programs are. Are the sheeple buying it? No? Make adjustments then, fine-tune it. Are they really that gullible? Ah then, it's time to really roll out some big plans!

Focusing on Obama being gay is yet another distraction. Bush and Clinton were just as "gay". In the occult "religion" that all those elected to high office must adhere to these days, homosexual acts have played an increasingly important part, ever since it's "power" was (re) discovered by Aleister Crowley (almost a century ago), and woven into the highest orders of occult practice.

If this is new info for some out there, I encourage you to remain open to the idea in your investigations. The power of sex (including same-sex) within the occult goes back thousands of years. It doesn't mean that this power is always "bad", as some Wiccans would probably tell us, but my point is that this power is not ignored. Rather, it is harnessed, and as Crowley found, the power derived from homosexual acts, exceeded that of heterosexual ones, which is why when he took over OTO, he added his controversial highest degree, that specifically dealt with that aspect to the occult ascent to power.


posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 02:34 PM
I found this quote representative of many of the people I know who voted for him:

Then I think to how fast it all went wrong, how soon we all started to see that there was so little to the man. We got caught up in the moment, and forgot to consider the consequences of electing someone who was simply not prepared to be President. We screwed up. I guess in a way, these interviews I am giving you are a way to…make up for that. At least in some little way.

Except that the people I know are going to use votes not interviews.
edit on 31/10/2010 by Iamonlyhuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by JR MacBeth

this IS new info to most people.... thats why its important to get it out there. The truth will bring down the facade. More people need to start asking more questions.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:26 PM
Is this the same president that was caught looking at the young woman's behind during the G8 conference? Should I be outraged that he dared to stare at a women's behind like a heterosexual male while he is secretly gay?

Obama looking at girl's behind at G8 conference

edit on 31-10-2010 by Kaploink because: oops

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Kaploink

yea, no.......

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