posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by philosophies
Hey philosphies! Welcome to ATS! Glad to have you aboard!
RATS (Really Above Top Secret) is something you'll get access to once you've been around long enough to earn some points for posting things - it
costs points to get to it! But fear not, there is more there than just 404 pages!
Somebody will come along, at some point, and drop a few links that explain everything you need to know about ATS. There is a lot of good info
contained in them and they are worth the read.
I think you'll find that ATS has an endless supply of interesting, informative, and entertaining threads!
If you ever have any questions (once you've passed 20 posts) feel free to U2U (private message) me and I'll do my best to help you out. Or you can
just click on the chat button (again after 20 posts) and you'll always find friendly folks there who will do their best!
I look forward to seeing you in the threads!