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Spirits Impossible Maneuver

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posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by zorgon

I see nothing wrong except for the sinking of the right wheels?

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by _Highlander_

Must of been when the NASA employee went out to Death Valley to put new batteries in it.
second line.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:25 AM
The rover has ground clearance of about 1 foot. There is no reason to think the rocks are taller than that.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Deaf Alien
I see nothing wrong except for the sinking of the right wheels?

Sorry no cookie for you

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by anglodemonicmatrix

Maybe, but Death Valley has Green stuff growing

Now Atacama Desert in Chile... where NASA does the "Mars on Earth" stuff... nothing green there

edit on 31-10-2010 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by KrypticCriminal
I know im clutching at straws

Hmmm well okay... here is a straw...

Tell me what is wrong with this picture

Where is this photo taken? And who took it btw

Ps: my avator is cut of. Ok. But your feet are missing! Ouch
edit on 1-11-2010 by Lunica because: Must be filled out

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by zorgon

hi zorgon,

could you elaborate on what you are getting at with those two pictures please? i think im missing something !



posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by RICH-ENGLAND
reply to post by zorgon

hi zorgon,

could you elaborate on what you are getting at with those two pictures please? i think im missing something !




I see some tracks going from Spirit to "mission control"
, maybe the tracks from "mission control" to Spirit are missing? But still, is this taken on Mars and who made the picture?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by Lunica

Unless I'm mistaken, the photo is a fake image, created as a 'What it will look like' picture.

Is that what you are getting at?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 12:51 AM
Rocks can move, seemingly on their own. This phenomenon has been studied in Death Valley, strangely enough. If the surface of the ground freezes and there is enough of a wind present the rocks and some quite sizable ones at that, can move like a curling stone does across the frozen ground. Freaky idea, but has been shown experimentally to work.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by Lunica
But still, is this taken on Mars and who made the picture?

Yes it's taken on Mars and NASA made the picture

This is Spirit watching the Martian Sunset... dusty sky, but still blue

Spirit on Flank of "Husband Hill"

But yes good answer WHO took the picture?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by FireMoon
Rocks can move, seemingly on their own. This phenomenon has been studied in Death Valley, strangely enough. If the surface of the ground freezes and there is enough of a wind present the rocks and some quite sizable ones at that, can move like a curling stone does across the frozen ground. Freaky idea, but has been shown experimentally to work.

Ah yes wind and ice making rocks move

Care to tell me what forces would make THIS rock go for a walk on the Moon?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by _Highlander_

Unless I'm mistaken, the photo is a fake image, created as a 'What it will look like' picture.
Is that what you are getting at?

So are you saying that NASA 'fakes' images?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by zorgon

you make a good point, if the pictures are real then there is the problem of who took them, if they are faked then it raises the question, how can we trust anything they show us is actually real or not faked in part.

its hard to know for sure what to believe. if the pictures are from a test run on earth, then how do we know the pictures we get from mars are not from earth? i have tools that can filter out color leaving mainly red, you can do it with all sorts of things. all we have is somebody telling us things, and we believe them based on trust, we have no actual way of knowing for sure.

i am on the fence here, i don't know if they are faking it, but can see how easy it would be to pull off. can anybody show something that proves 'this picture is from mars, not earth, not faked'?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:47 PM
That hill behind the tracks seems to be reasonably high. Isn't it possible the rock fell down there after the Rover had gone through?

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by zorgon

The particular image I am talking about I was lead to believe was created by NASA to show case the rover and what it might look like when on the surface of mars.

As to whether NASA fakes images, well... you would be more qualified to answer that don't you think?

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Hmmm well okay... here is a straw...

Tell me what is wrong with this picture

the only thing " wrong " people ignoring the caption that came with the origional image ,

allow me to quote :

Special-Effects Spirit in 'Columbia Hills'
This synthetic image of the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover in the "Columbia Hills" was produced using "Virtual Presence in Space" technology. Developed at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., this technology combines visualization and image-processing tools with Hollywood-style special effects. The image was created using a photorealistic model of the rover and an image taken by the Spirit navigation camera during the rover's 438th Martian day, or sol (March 27, 2005); see PIA07829. The size of the rover in the image is approximately correct and was based on the size of the rover tracks in the navigation-camera image.

Because this synthesis provides viewers with a sense of their own "virtual presence" (as if they were there themselves), such views can be useful to mission teams in planning exploration by enhancing perspective and a sense of scale.


posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by lifeform11
you make a good point, if the pictures are real then there is the problem of who took them, if they are faked then it raises the question, how can we trust anything they show us is actually real or not faked in part.

That is indeed the point. Those images are from the NASA Rover website. Now here is NASA's explanation for the first one;

This synthetic image of the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover in the "Columbia Hills" was produced using "Virtual Presence in Space" technology. Developed at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., this technology combines visualization and image-processing tools with Hollywood-style special effects. The image was created using a photorealistic model of the rover and an image taken by the Spirit navigation camera during the rover's 438th Martian day, or sol ( March 27, 2005); see PIA07829. The size of the rover in the image is approximately correct and was based on the size of the rover tracks in the navigation-camera image.

There you go...

NASA says it uses "Hollywood-style special effects"

So between them creating these 'special effect' images, them changing the color of the moon to grayscale, and creating and enhancing images to pretty them up for the press... makes it hard to trust anything they show us.

And on top of that, as Jim Oberg likes to tell us, they are all a bunch of jokers (just read some of the Apllo transcripts) and this from a presentation to scientists HA HA NASA... jokes on you in the end

Obama told you you can't go back to the Moon on taxpayers dime, you can't go to Mars for 25 years but you get to land on asteroids

edit on 4-11-2010 by zorgon because: ArMaP did it!!

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Spirit on Flank of "Husband Hill" .........................But yes good answer WHO took the picture?

again - the caption explains :

Title: This synthetic image of the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover on the flank of " Husband Hill " was produced using " Virtual Presence in Space " technology Developed at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory , Pasadena , California , this technology combines visualization and image processing tools with Hollywood style special effects The image was created using a photorealistic model of the rover and a false color mosaic The size of the rover in the image is approximately correct and was based on the size of the rover tracks in the mosaic The mosaic was assembled from frames taken by the panoramic camera on the rovers 454th Martian day , or sol ( April 13 , 2005 ) see PIA07855 Because this synthesis provides viewers with a sense of their own " virtual presence " ( as if they were there themselves ) , such views can be useful to mission teams in planning exploration by enhancing perspective and a sense of scale Image note : Rover model by Dan Maas synthetic image by Koji Kuramura , Zareh Gorjian , Mike Stetson and Eric M De Jong


where is this going ? are you attempting to create a " conspiracy " by ignoring the captions ???????????

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
where is this going ? are you attempting to create a " conspiracy " by ignoring the captions ???????????

Conspiracy nuts say NASA 'manipulates' photos
NASA says they 'manipulate' photos

No conspiracy... cased closed

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