posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 08:46 PM
That is why the US of A is a Republic. Just look it up. A Republic puts rules on the government not on the people. If you look back to your grade
school days, you will notice that they pushed that the US of A is a democracy. This is completely wrong! The Republic that this country has turned
into a democracy because we, as citizens, have allowed it to happen. As citizens, we have voted our rights away through numerous laws that are
completely unconstitutional based on the The Constitution. For instance, the 16th Amendment allows the "government steal money from you each pay day.
This gave a huge amount of power to a central government that was to be prevented by the Republic. Remember, the Revolutionary War was partially
started by a fraction of one cent tax on stamps! The 17th Amendment allows for Senators to be elected by a majority vote. This is completely wrong!
That is first steps into a Democracy! Originally, the State Senators were selected by the elected officials of each state. That way, when they did
come back from Washington to the state, the state Senators could be fired for not working for the best interests of the state. That is not possible
now! Read your history and you will see that a Democracy is a bad form of government, but a Republic is one of the best!. The people of the US of A
need to their country back to the Republic foundations that it started on.