posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 08:31 PM
I heard, through a friend of a friends barber ....
That if you make a thread opposing ATS or its founders, you are immediately targeted for a "blackout" ..... where they send a team of ninja
assasins to your house to completely annihilate every trace that you ever left on this earth.
personally the OP is just upset because his thread got 404'd, .... personally I think alot more threads should get 404'd. .... like this one.
But it really shows the integrity of ATS, Springer, and Skeptic Overlord, ..... to allow it to stand for all members to see, ..... while they pick it
apart with facts and the truth.
If they were really hiding anything they would have trashed this one too dontcha think OP ??
Unfortunately the only conspiracy here is one comprised of the OP's imagination.