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Are We the First Intelligent being’s of Earth?

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posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by ScarletNyx

Well for clarity I am referring to “intelligent being” as any species who can construct, manipulate and expand on technology. For example a being who could use a PC or Car.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by amari
No we are not at least 1.1 million years ago a massive exodus took place from Mars and landed in the Western part of The United States of America.

Massive? Please define massive. ...and whereabouts in the Western United States, I've lived in, or travelled in, most parts of the Western United States, and Canada, too, for that matter. I'd be curious to know what I've missed...

The Martonians built massive temples, structures and embedded their images that to this day can be seen. Magnificent etched statues exist and can be seen if you know where to look. The public has been misdirected of what really is there. ^Y^

Where? Magnificent etched statues? and Temples? They say that seeing is believing. Point me in the right direction, and I'll take it from there. I've got 3 weeks of vacation time to use up...and nothing better to do. You imply that you know where these temples and statuary are... Do tell.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

According to, technology is :

1. The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.

This is not kept just to PCs and cars and whatnot. Yes, those are OUR technology, but if we follow that definition the wheel is technology. Many wheels together are better. The Romans had tanks thousands of years before we even put the idea on paper. They were huge and could not maneuver well, but it was the same idea.

Now, technologically advanced would mean a civilization of our caliber. Maybe. Just because the Aztecs did not have cars does not mean they were not technologically advanced -for their time-. This is important. For each and every period of history, we will have one group of people who share the same cultures and beliefs who will be struck down by some sort of combination of inside and outside forces, either brought on by their technology/the threat is so simple, their tech cannot help them. The Aztecs and Mayans met this fate, all of the Reason in the world did not stop Rome from falling to the Visigoths and inner turmoil.

So to get back to your original post, yes, we are not the only technologically advanced culture on this planet. We are the current one, and the MOST technologically advanced to date, but in the scope of things we may not be the smartest one.... Yet.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I just want to let you know there's something about the pics you posted, especially the one with the two figures together, that gives me a weird though comforting feeling of familiarity. Many will no doubt think I'm a couple of bricks short of a load, but I can't shake the feeling that this a scene I have personally been witness to.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 03:41 PM
I think it is important to define what we mean by "intelligent life". If it is merely being aware of your surroundings, aware of your "self", and the implementation of 'systems' for the two to coexist and survive amongst each other, than what are we to label as "unintelligent"? Let us define these things because maybe there is no separation at all between "us" and "them", maybe our perception of "intelligence" is an illusion of our own creation. What is "intelligent life" and what is "unintelligent life"?

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 03:45 PM
wade through s8int dot com for a direction on he answer to this

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

The only other intelligent species on this planet are cockroaches. Unlike homo sapiens they have managed to perfect the "survival gene". They are also the only insect species which are known to be able to survive, unprotected, in space. So where did they come from? From Serious of course. Well, from a planet that goes around Serious.


posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by ScarletNyx

I think you are being somewhat pedantic over the definitions but that is beside the point, I know what technology is I don’t need to Google for a precise definition.

I am not talking about the Aztecs, Romans or even the Cavemen rather I am talking about a species that is possibly not even primate in organ something non-human but still native to the earth that could have existed possibly over a billion years ago. I am talking about a species that had a similar mastery of knowledge and technology as ourselves, if not grater.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

You have brought up some good points, and I also can't believe we humans are the only intelligent species to have lived and thrived on Earth. Personally I don't believe that the ancestors of all human races are apes, and that we all originated in Africa, unless there was some experimentation and alteration of our DNA. The three most noticeable differencies are in the facial features of Orientals, Blacks and Caucasians. Out of all three, the only race that appears to me to have a direct link to apes, are the Blacks. If Whites and Orientals are indeed also decended from apes, how can such distinct facial features for instance (even with mixed breeding), be explained without the inclusion of some form of genetic manipulation in a lab? Perhaps we are the results of experimentation performed by a highly advanced species, before they left Earth, and maybe Earth wasn't even their home planet.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Bkrmn

That’s a interesting take on things, thanks for your input.

I personally believe what our current scientific theory dictates, that we evolved from apes and all crawled out of Africa. When the science changes so too will my view’s that however does not necessarily mean i am not open to any alternative views provided they have evidence to back them up. As for the hypothesis i have proposed I am only open to the idea, I recognise it could be a possibility, however with out evidence i can not say that i truly believe that there was “intelligent life” before man.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:38 PM
Earth is pretty old and it wouldnt be suprising to learn humans werent the only intelligent beings.
Im sure other animals like dolphins would love to walk.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by xiphias

I agree, it is our own hubris that makes us believe that we are the top most intelligence on the planet. But consider bee and their hive mentality. Their genetic understanding of mathematics and astronomy (the sun) is amazing.

Also consider the intellegence of the orcas and dolphins. Just because they don't strive against nature does not mean they dont ponder the purpose of their existance or meaning fo life.

That fact that we defy nature using our technology and ultimately our desire leave the planet leads me to believe that we may not be at home. We may be the aliens.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 10:01 PM
Based on our current understanding of the earth, yes, we can say 4.5 billion years. As we explore, quite often we come to the possibility that our current understanding of "nature" might be wrong. A good example would be a relatively recent realization by some scientists that some stars appeared to be older than the space in which they occupied.

To have an open mind that allows for us to challenge traditional conceptions of the world around us, is the foundation of new discovery. Our understanding could be flawed (flat earth, center of the solar system and universe, etc.) Since we've discovered cities that date further back than what we thought humanity existed, with astronomical markers that align with a celestial time thousands of years before the conventional date of humanity, of course this is laughed at by main stream scientists. When there have been unearthed thousands of tiny carvings of various extinct animals, of which were supposed to be absent for the last 65 million years, how could we not consider that "other" humans may have existed here before us.

It is my opinion the earth holds far many more secrets than we will be able to uncover during one lifetime. I think it's impossible to say with certainty that no other form great intelligence existed before us. Some say there's no fossil evidence. . .yet we know that all someone has to do is say "I found human and dino footprints side by side", and the media ridicules it, and scientists who want to keep their jobs will deny it.

If Egyptian artifacts were found in the Grand Canyon. . .would you know about it?

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

You beat me too it.

Everything that we know (publically) about the 300 million ish years that the dinosaurs reigned comes from roughly 1200 skeletons, this includes ALL remains of all known species

I watched a show a while ago about the T-rex; It was interesting to watch all the 'facts' presented about the species considering there are only 26 skeletons.

Think about that for a second; an entire field of research (with literally TONS of documentation) based on a statistically insignificant number of remains.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 11:52 PM
Let's not forget that all of this conjecture is based on what we are allowed to know. What we are allowed to know that has been discovered. We don't know what we don't know and we don't know what we think we know. What real truths are being intentionally hidden from us and how are they being twisted to ease our pallets? Great facts on the dinosaurs, BTW.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

Well, first we need to establish some standards for what we are deeming intelligent versus non-intelligent. Now assuming that the bear minimum for intelligence is it asking "Who Am I"? From there we can build in my opinion atleast that once it starts thinking of other then survival that it is starting to form intelligence. If there was intelligent life I imagine that it's population probably wasn't in the billions like us. I also assume that any structure would probably crumble after millions of years of corrosion. As to what happened to them, either they up and left and took everything with them; or nature wiped the slate clean and started over with us. That was a nice thinker and you got a star and flag from me. i like your threads I've read there before, real thought provoking...
edit on 31-10-2010 by agentofchaos because: forgot to add something

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

Mankind have developed knowledge through previous technology and faith. We are not the first species to inhabit Earth. Man only truly developed knowledge when the information in the Pyramids were known. Approximatly 5760 years ago.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:04 AM
Thanks for all the responses guys, some very interesting Ideas.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

Hunny, a billion years ago we barely had a breathable atmosphere and the only lifeforms able to survive without some serious biohazard suits were single celled organisms floating on top of acidic lakes and oceans.

Why are you looking into our past for thriving civilizations of inhuman origin when our own human history has so much to offer?

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

SLAYER, you've popped open a big ole' can of worms, there.

Skeptical as I can sometimes be, funnily enough that SAME idea has occurred to me, too. Distinct possibility of reptiles achieving sentience AND technological abilities/sciences that, given enough time (as we are currently on track to "re-create", IF they did precede us) could have included space flight capabilities.

This all could readily have occurred back ~65,000,000 million years ago....the Earth is, after all over 4.5 Billion...and, assuming the ability to detect the incoming asteroid, and incapable of deflecting/destroying it, they could have mounted an exodus.

What made me choose to (jump) to a very weird "possible" connection is the current trend to believe, in certain "UFO/ET" circles in the so-called "Reptilian Overlords". Not sure if they've fleshed out this scenario, but these stories often involve the "claim" that the "Reptoids" consider this planet "theirs", and us as interlopers.

See where this leads? Hypothetically, "Reptoids" flee 65,000,000 years ago, travel and settle somewhere else in the Galaxy, (doubt the local planets are suitable for them, had to go inter-stellar), re-group and re-populate and re-build their civilization and technology, to someday seek out their "home" world again. Of course, the climate is very different today, from most accounts of evidence gathered from fossils of the era, and the biota, flora and fauna.

Is this the premise of the old (and the newer re-make) TV series "V"?? Or, were those TV "reptilians" just supposed to be from another planet originally? Intent on conquering this one? I forget.

Kevin?? Did I cover everything?

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