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Social Issues and Perspective

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posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 01:42 AM
It has become increasingly apparent that society continues to blur the line between what ultimately concerns one, and what does not. We've become a society that condemns others from the safety of our recliners. We morally attack those who do not share the same beliefs as ourselves.

Ultimately we have to start drawing some lines as to what we stand up for and what we let be. Our focus has been spread so thin that we fight tooth and nail for everything. It's a distraction from things that should be the most important things in our lives.

At the end of the day, you have to rationalize by asking yourself this one simple question. "Does it directly affect me?" 75% of what we argue over with each other does not meet this criteria. It is this 75% that has led us to where we are today and ultimately lead us to the loss of all personal freedom.

No two people will ever agree on everything. We have to start respecting that. There is a long list of things that need to be looked at in a different light. I don't want to turn this into an issue for debate by listing them as it would be counterproductive to my point.

If we focused on just the things that infringed on our own personal rights (not the neighbors or a stranger), we would be able to set aside our differences and unite. Leave morality, religion, and political affiliation at the door.

Ultimately the only things that matter are the things that take away our choices and give advantages to others based on arbitrary conditions. We have to return to a sense of accountability for the outcomes of our own lives. The ability to thrive only comes by way of ability to fail. No measure of legislation or imposing of will upon others will improve on that concept. It will only lead to complete mediocrity and eliminate the need to act responsibly.

In the end, you only have one law in life you must follow. Live. It is your duty to do so by any means necessary as long as it doesn't interfere with the another's ability to do the same. This protects against murder (not a fist fight), theft (fraud), and damages to personal property. Beyond that, everything else is a choice.

Ingesting something - choice.
Transactions/trade - protected by the "any means necessary" as a basic right free from any "pay to participate" clause.
Property - protected by the necessity of such to follow the one law. Once acquired, repossession of such an item after the complete payment is fulfilled is a violation.
Right to reap food from the land (animal or plant) - protected by the one law.

The list goes on and on. It is a simplistic idea, yet it covers the majority of things that affect our lives. The point is that it deals in black and white issues. The gray areas should be left as personal choice. Whoever is "right" about these topics and live by their own code of conduct will have an advantage. They will have better lives, a better chance at survival, and ultimately outlast whoever is "wrong." They win without having to argue about anything. Those who lose have no one to blame but themselves and will probably still be happy because they ultimately chose their own fate.

So please, everyone at least consider these things the next time an issue of morality comes up for debate. Share your opinions if you must, but don't force them on others. State your viewpoint, then let it be. There are too many threads about topics we will never agree on that distract us. We have far greater issues facing us than those fought on the grounds of morality.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 02:29 AM
Please, forgive me.

From time to time my ego overrides my common sense.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by PayMeh


I seem to be disagreeing with everybody today so why stop now.....

At the end of the day, you have to rationalize by asking yourself this one simple question. "Does it directly affect me?" 75% of what we argue over with each other does not meet this criteria. It is this 75% that has led us to where we are today and ultimately lead us to the loss of all personal freedom.

I respectfully disagree. See the part that I but in bold?? That's the problem with society nowadays.

What you are saying though makes perfect sense and I think it can be brought back to the simple line:

"One should treat others according to how one would like others to treat one's self"

But we have to really drop the "me" attitude, if you ask me.......

Just my 2 cents


posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 03:03 AM
Deepred, It's ok bro! I am guilty of it too. But I'm going to try and do better. Hey, whatddaknow.. I have "hope" for "change!" lol

I agree that it's the "me" part that is ruining it. It's pretty much what I was getting at too. It's part of the "I'm right, you're wrong" attitudes that plague us today. Frankly, I think it's the "My child is perfect." stance that seemed to be the understood definition of the slogan "Every child is special." It fostered arrogance which led to the "me" generation and believing their personal views were of the highest value. And then we're back at the heart of the problem.

I just didn't want to go and leave it at blaming it all on the "me" generation as it selectively points the blame at one group. They may have started the movement, but we've all followed suit.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 07:19 PM
I've been thinking about this.

I don't think the "me" people would ever be able to handle letting the ego go. Maybe if we make them listen to more Outkast they could "let bygones be bygones and then go on and get the hell on." lolol

Yeah, this is a shameless bump too, but ATS was so dead when I started this thread. =/
edit on 1-11-2010 by PayMeh because: (no reason given)

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