posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 02:59 AM
I know it isn't very relevant or meaningful, but while looking at those links it just seemed to scream that Bush is the antichrist. Look at this
little quotage of one site, presumably quoted from Revelations.
). This other one (horn), the Antichrist, who will come to power after the consolidation of the ten nation empire, will take control of the ten nation
empire by subduing three of them. But which nation will he, the Antichist himself, come from? Daniel, chapter eight, reveals this mystery. But first,
a hint while we're still in chapter seven: "As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away, but an extension of life was granted to
them for an appointed period of time" (Daniel 7:12 NASB). Interestingly, these kingdoms will again play a role at "an appointed period of time" in
the future.
Bush comes to power after the EU really starts to form. He then ends up subduing France, Germany, and England. The rest of the beasts? Left over from
the Ancient Empires, as earlier realised. These would reside mainly in the Middle East, and their dominion has been taken away, but an extension of
life has been granted to them by Bush. I wouldn't be amazed if they played a significant role in the future.
Someone else said that finding prophecy in the bible is impossible - Nah, it's way too easy. It's like finding 'patterns' in Pi. Look at it, how
many times do you see numbers that go 676 or 343 or 565 or 121? They're EVERYWHERE! Does that hold significance? No. Is that the 'pattern'? Not at
all! Is that interesting to think on a bit? Yes!