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What do Anti-Feminists Really Want?

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by tiger5
reply to post by Brood

And you are prone to gender generalisation also. What does your sexaulity have to do with anything? Do you think that only the Jocks condone sexism. Do you think that gay men are free of sexism? Or even woman hating??

Who said anything about my sexuality? Being gay does not reflect my sexuality, to think so is typical naivety. I never said that being gay meant I was less prone to anything, I'm sorry it was, apparently, so difficult to read properly. I said being gay means I have much better grounds to be hating straight men than many of these women do, they simply need to "MAN UP" if you catch my drift. Hating a group of people for something is never a healthy attitude and that needs to be adressed just as much as why they are being hated.

I posted to look at the causes of man hating in some women. Do you have anything to contribute on the topic apart from Straw man arguements?

I've already looked at the causes of women hating men and adressed them in other areas. As soon as it comes to men hating women, however, the women are incapable of doing just that. If men behaved like this their masculinity would be attacked, building the gender barrier... that same gender barrier that you claim to be trying to annihilate.

Sorry to bring dynamic to your surface argument. Have fun continuing to label it a "Straw Man" because you are incapable of dissecting it

Simple minds post straw man arguments, simpler ones regurgitate propaganda.
edit on 7-11-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by tiger5
Why do some women become man haters? Is there such a thing? Why do some men hate women?

...a million years ago, lol, someone told me that for every mindset i could imagine, there was someone somewhere living it... so, to answer your question "is there such a thing?" - probably....

...but why?... it could be that there are as many reasons as there are people who feel that way... if we tried to categorize the reasons, seems logical that abuse would be a very crowded category...

...there would also have to be a category for those who are abusive and hate those that fight back or leave... i've known a few of that ilk and they lend validity (unintentionally) to the old adage "needs killin for the betterment of society"...

...they say hate comes from fear - and - violence is the manifestation of hatred... i can agree with the first part but not always the latter - because - sometimes your only choices are be violent or be dead... put in that situation, survival mode usually kicks in and hate doesnt have to be part of the equation...

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Jenna
Eh, why not? Some men think all women are satan anyway.


Nice dodge.

Originally posted by Jenna
Most of the time when laws are brought up here because someone thinks they are unfair to men, the only solutions provided by male posters are ones that would just make it unfair to women.

This is completely illogical, because even your faltering defence is suggesting that the views on these laws are subjectively worthless.

Naturally, you'd think that laws that are unfair to men are justifiable, and any male discontentment and logical suggestions on how to improve these laws are ''unfair to women''.

Sadly, you are just proving my point;

Feminists are interested in what's best for them, regardless of what is fair.

You couldn't have proved my point any better if you'd tried ( and I'm not entirely ruling out that possibility

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by tiger5
Actually I am a lot older than you and I saw the excess of sexism thatyou did not.

What did you see ?

Originally posted by tiger5
You may feel at 29 that you are an individual but you need to look around you very carefully as a lot is done in our name as individually that we are no part of. There is a genuine misogyny out there and a hankering to go back to the good old days as the past always lok glorious.

Playing the ''misogyny card'' is the equivalent of playing the ''race card''. ie. highly redundant, unprovable and the easy way out.

''Misogyny'' is the hatred of woman. I can assure you that I hate nobody, let alone 50% of the world's population !

Originally posted by tiger5
Hatred is an easy activity understanding is by far more difficult. The next time you see a died in wool man hater remember that a man probably made her that way!

Doesn't that work both ways ?

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
...are you referring to the uk sexual offenses act (law)?... if so, read it again... there is no gender bias there... both males and females can get life in prison for forced penetration of an oriface...

But, as I've already proved, a woman raping a man can not be charged with the same crime, and more importantly, suffer the same sentence.

You've gone quiet on this, because you complicitly support this sexist legislation, and have been demonstrably proved wrong by me in our discussion.

Once again, you are doing a great job of proving my point about feminism !

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
Men and women were equally oppressed by having to live their lives within narrowly-defined gender roles. Anybody who fall outside these lines weren't treated very fairly by society.

The problem lies with the revisionist myth ( promoted by feminists who want to play gender politics ) that women had the monopoly on societal oppression.

Brillant, exactly correct... apparently these feminists believe that a young Man who wanted to stay home and care for the kids got pats on the back all around LOL.
edit on 12-11-2010 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
...even today, in the usofa, there are women who do the exact same work as their male counterpart and the women make less money... there are laws in place that are supposed to stop that kind of behavior but, as when civil rights laws were enacted, it takes a long time for society to comply, especially the part of society who believe their religion should dictate laws and social norms...

I just want to bring this point up, as this spurious and intellectually dishonest point always comes up on these discussions.

There are laws that prevent discrimination in the workplace. What exactly is the issue here ?

Firstly, I have yet to see or hear any actual evidence to support this claim that women are recipients of less pay for doing the same job, other than what can be appropriately described as urban myths or wishful thinking.

Some actual discernible evidence would be appreciated, rather than some emotionally driven apocryphal ''evidence'' of this supposed phenomenon.

Secondly, what exactly is the complaint here ?

There are laws to prevent discrimination, and anybody found guilty of this will lose their job, face a lawsuit, or face criminal charged.

What are some women whinging about, in regards to workplace discrimination ?

I can't logically fathom this.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

I thought that she was thinking that the only way a woman could rape a man would be to use an object and shove it... well you get the idea. If that is the case, obviously wrong lol.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
I thought that she was thinking that the only way a woman could rape a man would be to use an object and shove it... well you get the idea. If that is the case, obviously wrong lol.

Yeah, and that was where her point got dismantled.

Still, I didn't expect that she'd admit her mistake.

People say that it's sexist, but from my honest observation, women ( on the whole ) just aren't as adept at logic or reason.

I think that my premise has been supported by the female contributions on the last few pages of this thread.

edit on 12-11-2010 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:44 PM
...sexual offences laws in the uk have been decided by sharp minds who have clearly defined all imaginable versions of sexual violence and the penalities in a non biased way... if you dont like how your laws are worded, apply yourself to the task of improving said laws...

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
...sexual offences laws in the uk have been decided by sharp minds who have clearly defined all imaginable versions of sexual violence and the penalities in a non biased way... if you dont like how your laws are worded, apply yourself to the task of improving said laws...

Yes, sharp minds who say that rape can only be forcively penetrating an orifice. Sounds like a bunch of shallow tards to me.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
...sexual offences laws in the uk have been decided by sharp minds who have clearly defined all imaginable versions of sexual violence and the penalities in a non biased way...

All that has been demonstrated is your capacity for circular arguing, and the ability of copying and pasting the text of a law that I'm fully au fait with.

The minds of the lawmakers clearly aren't that sharp, because a woman can not be charged with rape if she has forcible sexual intercourse with a man. A man can get a life sentence for exactly the same crime, yet a woman can only serve 10 years.

Your problem here is that you are unable to admit that you're wrong, which is fine, as you probably think that I'd probably indulge in some ''gloating'' or snarky comment.

I can assure you that wouldn't happen though, as I have respect for people when they acknowledge their mistakes.

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
if you dont like how your laws are worded, apply yourself to the task of improving said laws...

Well, you are partially correct on this one. If you don't like a particular law, then you should take steps to improve it. You're correct.

However, the problem here is that there is a movement of people that purport to believe in gender equality ( ie. feminists ) yet do not complain at all when there is a lw such as this, that is demonstrably lenient on a woman for committing the same crime as a man.

Imagine if the UK defined rape as a woman forcibly having sexual intercourse with a man, with a possible life sentence ? But defined a man forcibly having sex with a woman as ''sexual assault'' , with a maximum 10-year tariff ?

The feminists would be absolutely apoplectic about this legislation ! ( with justification ), and I very much doubt that the likes of you would be attempting to defend the indiscrepancy of the law.

By ignoring and attempting to justify this UK law, you are further proving my point that feminists are frauds, and are only interested in women's interests... Which is fine, they are entitled to do so; however, the dishonesty in hiding behind a claim of gender equality, when they are interested in anything but, is not so fine !

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