I want to add an example of something similar that has happened in our recent past. Please correct me if i am wrong and although in the below example
the time span of difference is less than your example i think it i very relative to the discussion.
So lets look at Astrology, mathmatics and astronomy for a moment.
Putting aside my beleifs and theories regarding Egypt as seen in my recent thread :
Lets have a closer look at the Greco/Roman area around the 300BC-300AD time-frame. Now Ptolemy came up with amazing theories for the study of the
planets, stars and solar system, along with mathmatics, Medical and other thoeries and '' science '' - for all those that dont know for themselves
please take the time actually reading for a change.
Now flash foward to the 1600-1700AD era, according to many in charge or the so called monarchy etc, the world is flat, we are the centre of the
universe blah blah. Anyone that tried to oppose this was accused of blasphemy or withcraft etc and pursocuted by the royals and religous leaders.
Although in this time they had documents and history that pointed to the complete opposite of what they pushed and forced the public to believe!
How is it over the course of almost 2000 yrs we were set back and lost all that history? In 1000 years they will ask the same question and may
possibly say '' well how eas that civilasation so far advanced '' rather than ask what led to the loss of that knowledge?\
What was it? I know exactly what it was, religous and politcal leaders trying to cover certain facts and beliefs to suit their own agenda at the time,
no different to what is happening in this day and age, and that will continue to happen time and time again. If information and knowledge gives the
masses popwer over leaders they will stop at nothing to cut it off and persicute thoose who have knowledge! Look at history, any civilisation that has
something of value is generally overtaken and invaded by someone else that wants that power and knowledge.
WE talk about myth and legend, Atlantis, Egypt and aliens, Roswell etc etc, the list goes on and on, things many people believe are being kept secret
from the masses and that we are being controlled. It is human nature or maybe the nature of those trying to manipulate us... who knows.
So what, a spear was created in way that was 50,000 ahead of the next person that used the same technique. Maybe the knowledge was lost, maybe the
next civilisation found the same types of spear head and tried to replaicate it, they were human, and did have some intelligence.