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In the conference room, the group decided they would turn the immigration idea into a model bill. They discussed and debated language. Then, they voted on it.
"There were no 'no' votes," Pearce said. "I never had one person speak up in objection to this model legislation."
Four months later, that model legislation became, almost word for word, Arizona's immigration law.
They even named it. They called it the "Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act."
Glenn Nichols, the Benson city manager, remembers the pitch.
"The gentleman that's the main thrust of this thing has a huge turquoise ring on his finger," Nichols said. "He's a great big huge guy and I equated him to a car salesman."
What he was selling was a prison for women and children who were illegal immigrants.
"They talk [about] how positive this was going to be for the community," Nichols said, "the amount of money that we would realize from each prisoner on a daily rate."
But Nichols wasn't buying. He asked them how would they possibly keep a prison full for years — decades even — with illegal immigrants?
"They talked like they didn't have any doubt they could fill it," Nichols said.
That's because prison companies like this one had a plan — a new business model to lock up illegal immigrants. And the plan became Arizona's immigration law.
Thirty of the 36 co-sponsors received donations over the next six months, from prison lobbyists or prison companies — Corrections Corporation of America, Management and Training Corporation and The Geo Group.
Originally posted by Soldier of God
Yeah, if they actually start enforcing the law it's going to create jobs and make money, so what?
Second line.
Originally posted by BigTimeCheater
There isn't any problem with putting illegal invaders in a prison, be it privately owned or publicly funded.
At least someone is trying to do something to stop the invasion, who cares if profit is their motive?
Originally posted by BigTimeCheater
There isn't any problem with putting illegal invaders in a prison, be it privately owned or publicly funded.
At least someone is trying to do something to stop the invasion, who cares if profit is their motive?
Originally posted by Maxmars
Originally posted by BigTimeCheater
There isn't any problem with putting illegal invaders in a prison, be it privately owned or publicly funded.
At least someone is trying to do something to stop the invasion, who cares if profit is their motive?
I am unclear as to how imprisoning them 'stops' the invasion?
Originally posted by BigTimeCheater
At least someone is trying to do something to stop the invasion, who cares if profit is their motive?
Published on Tuesday, January 4, 2011 by OtherWords
The For-Profit Con to Criminalize Immigrants
In addition to directing funding towards enforcement-only policies that criminalize immigrants, CCA lobbies for immigration policies that get more undocumented residents locked up.
by Catalina Nieto
The only time four-year-old Logan got to play hide-and-seek with his dad this year was through a Plexiglass window at the Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, Georgia, nine hours from his hometown.
A person might be detained in a for-profit center like Stewart for any number of reasons, many of them bureaucratic. Some detainees were seeking refuge in the United States as victims of U.S.-sponsored military training and atrocities in Latin America. Other detainees are farmers, whose only economically viable option was to find work in the United States in order to provide for their families. Trade policies beneficial to American agribusiness are often at the root of this type of migration.
In Logan's dad's case, the issue was bureaucratic: his elderly mother became confused during a residency interview and the official paperwork was sent to an out-of-date address. Although Pedro Guzman Perez came to the United States as an eight-year-old child, is married to a U.S. citizen, and has an American-born son, he has been held in detention for the past 15 months as his case is processed.
In the meantime, life in a detention center can be harsher than federal lock-up. The Stewart Detention Center is run by Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). The company prioritizes its profit margin over maintaining minimum standards for health care. As a result, thousands of detainees across the country are left suffering in prison cells without access to sufficient medical attention. In March 2009, Stewart detainee Roberto Martinez Medina died of simple infection that went untreated at the detention center. Pedro's fellow prisoners have resorted to hunger strikes to call for better conditions.
"You show me a for-profit prison and I'll show you a human rights violation," said one former Immigration and Naturalization Service commissioner at a 2009 panel on immigration detention.
CCA's executive team wasn't always swimming in money. In 1999, independent auditors doubted CCA could even stay in business after the corporation suffered a net loss of $72 million, primarily due to beds left empty in their detention centers.
Then CCA began to lobby for harsher immigration policies. From January 2008 to April 2010, CCA spent $4.4 million lobbying Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Department of Homeland Security, both houses of Congress, and other government bodies. Five of CCA's most lucrative contracts with ICE have no end date. And as a result, less funding is going to immigration policies that meet basic human rights standards.
Meanwhile, CCA executives, who refer to detained immigrants as "product," are set to reap huge profits.
In addition to directing funding towards enforcement-only policies that criminalize immigrants, CCA lobbies for immigration policies that get more undocumented residents locked up and thus fill empty beds. In fact, NPR uncovered the company's role not only in lobbying for the anti-immigrant law Arizona SB 1070, but also in drafting it. CCA already has six detention centers in Arizona. For CCA, laws like SB 1070 mean big bucks.
"We've never seen the wind at our back like it is today," CCA's president and CEO John D. Ferguson said after discussing $1.3 billion in revenue during a conference call with investors. The federal government is spending $60.50 per inmate per day at the detention center.
And that's too bad for kids like Logan, who didn't get to spend Christmas with his dad again in December.
"Emotionally, it's really hard and mentally draining. I don't see my wife very often," Pedro told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution following a vigil at the Stewart Detention Center. "For my son, I want to be there. I want to play with him...I cannot smell him and feel his skin and give him a hug. I wish I could have that time."
Every additional day Logan's dad languishes in at the Stewart Detention Center, a family is further torn apart and CCA's profit margin grows.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License
Catalina Nieto is the National Grassroots Organizer with Witness for Peace.