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Interesting Commentary! Why Socialism Breeds Racism

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posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 06:53 AM
I caught this piece this morning during my coffee review and it certainly got me thinking because it rang a familiar bell. I have a neighbor who moved to the states from the Netherlands only a year ago and one of the first things I noticed from him was his rather colorful language. So, one evening after several beers, I had to ask him to tone things down a bit because it was unacceptable. He then preceded to tell me a thing or two about his life back home. A few more beers later we reached an agreement and he has made the effort to check some oft used terms at the door

Enough of the background, time for the article.

This week’s Sports Illustrated featured an article on French soccer star Thierry Henry. Henry, who is black, signed with the New York Red Bulls this season after spending over a decade playing in Europe. What shocks Henry most about America? Whereas European fans routinely insult and slur black players, Americans don’t.

“I’ve been to a lot of arenas to watch NBA games and the Yankees, and I have never heard anyone have a go at a guy because he’s from Puerto Rico or the Dominican or Africa or wherever,” Henry marveled. “I can understand why people in America are kind of shocked [by European racism], because that doesn’t happen in their sports.”

Time to start scratching your head

Europe is far more racist than America. Yet the left is in love with European values. They love Europe’s emphasis on promiscuous sex. They love Europe’s redistributive economic policies. Most of all, they love Europe’s willingness to abandon all principle in supposed gratification of multiculturalism.

Unfortunately for the left, Europe has proved itself a failure on each of these elements. Europe’s emphasis on free love without commitment has created a childbearing holocaust—Europe is not reproducing at even replacement rates. That failure to reproduce is hastening the decline of Europe’s suicidal economy, which is so top-heavy with aging union workers that it makes Dolly Parton look like Keira Knightley.

We are slapped with these news stories on a daily basis and as a prime example of the declining birthrate and a culture shift it was just released that Mohammed most popular name for newborn boys -- in England!

That failing economic structure means more and more reliance on impoverished immigrants, who are not interested in assimilating into what they perceive as a morally bankrupt culture. And that failure to assimilate destroys precipitating societal fragmentation.

As Europe collapses, however, the left clings even more tightly to the European model. They cannot allow the utopian socialist dream to die its well-deserved death.

How true. Apparently, we have an administration that refuses to see the forest through the trees. The model is failing yet they think that we can do better on a massive scale that pales in comparison to that of Europe.

So, rather than examine the problems within their system they choose to blame capitalism as the root of the problem.

Capitalism requires individual responsibility and accountability. People are seen as atomized units in a capitalist system—they are either useful or they are not. They are not seen racially or ethnically or religiously. They consume and they produce, and those are their only relevant characteristics.

This seems cold, but it isn’t. It’s profoundly fair and profoundly anti-discriminatory. It creates a colorblind system—the only color that matters is green.

Socialism, by contrast, requires a justification for why certain individuals should give money to other individuals for no apparent reason. Socialism has no moral justification whatsoever; poor people are not morally superior to rich people, nor are they owed anything by rich people simply because of their lack of success. Charity is not a socialist concept—it is a religious one, an acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty over property, a sovereignty the left utterly rejects.

socialism rests on seeing people as members of groups, not as individuals. Rich sons are responsible for the existent or non-existent sins of their fathers; poor sons are due benefits because of their fathers’ tough lives. Racism is a critical element of the socialist agenda—focus on group identity provides the only supposed moral justification for redistribution of wealth. It’s no surprise that when socialism fails, racism bubbles beneath.

Sound familiar?? We have heard the same rhetoric uttered from the mouth of our very POTUS. He and his backers have strived to reignite the flames of Racism in this country by the constant name calling, finger pointing and baseless race baiting. Just look at the concerted effort to demonize the Tea Party Movement, Fox News and even singular broadcasters like Glenn Beck. They must construct an enemy to fight or they cannot exist and their model and dream then self destructs. These are textbook tactics folks.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 07:34 AM
Maybe there is less racism in the states because a lot Americans still have that guilt in the back of their heads about the old slave business. Just a thought.

I'm not certain but I'm sure America probably has more black people than most countries in Europe although don't quote me on that. So maybe Americans have just "Evolved" too tolerate and respect black people.

I live in England, Am part white, Part Jamaican and have rarely come across racism. If I have it is usually by a person from a much older generation or from an ignorant child. I know it can be really bad in some European countries though.
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 07:51 AM
remember back when all sports in the US were mostly white? there was a good bit a racism then and there still is now when people say that blacks have taken over what ever sport....

I am a socialist an I am most assuredly not racist. I don't think that you can really lump such a big group under one term.

Look at the KKK or the Neo Nazi Aryan Brotherhood Black Panthers any gang they are all racist in America and Im pretty sure none of the are socialist groups or even agree with socialism.

Most Aryans in prison are registered republican.

Peace Patriot

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by DisIllusioned PatRiot
remember back when all sports in the US were mostly white? there was a good bit a racism then and there still is now when people say that blacks have taken over what ever sport....

I am a socialist an I am most assuredly not racist. I don't think that you can really lump such a big group under one term.

Look at the KKK or the Neo Nazi Aryan Brotherhood Black Panthers any gang they are all racist in America and Im pretty sure none of the are socialist groups or even agree with socialism.

Most Aryans in prison are registered republican.

Peace Patriot

Please don't forget about the Democratic/Reformer roots and actual founding of the KKK especially in West Virginia, Mr. Byrd, and that Democrats have worked hand in hand with the KKK for generations. The DNC would rather see this piece of history disappear forever.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by jibeho

That is true... but the "Southern Democrat" isnt quite the same as it was. the klan was mostly democrats though not socialist. and Wv is rather quickly change from blue to red as we speak.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:45 AM
here's what the UK Socialist Workers Party says....

Who gains from US racism? Big employers in the racist South. Modern racism emerged with capitalism. The Atlantic powers had to justify slavery and colonialism. They invented "biological" differences between so called "races", to legitimize white domination over African and Asian peoples. Today racism is used to divide working people across the face of world capitalism, hoping they will fight each other rather than unite against their common exploiters.

I agree with them completely
edit on 29-10-2010 by DisIllusioned PatRiot because: edit

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:53 AM
You would find that theiry henry is one of the most racist footie players on earth. He had a massive chip on his shoulder all his playing career, and loved his black racism against whites attitude.

the geezer is a hypocrite.

Though he is right about americans, americans and europeans may have the same sort of society but we have had different histories, and the fact we had all these wars tends to give grounds to all sorts of ill feeling, to anyone not them.

Americans may be not racist to there sports stars, but man are they racist in everything else, lol.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 08:00 AM
Great, making you think, thread!! S&F

This is spot on. Just look at things like racial quotas when filling jobs and minority scholarships. Programs like that "Give something of benefit to a person based on how they were born, without a requirement for merit." That is the definition of racism. You can't fix racism by legislating it. Only through social perception can you eliminate it. The minute you start giving someone an advantage at birth, regardless of color or culture, you're taking the problem out of one hand, and placing it in the other.

Please don't start on me thinking this post is blatantly offensive. I'm in the south, I catch it from all sides. There is a two way street of hate here. It's starting to die out though fortunately. I get along with and am friends with all types.

For those who jump on me and say these programs are good things, I only have one question and I have asked this question face to face before. If you think these things are so good, does that mean that you think certain races are inferior to others and need an advantage in order to compete and thrive? If you do, then you're only furthering racism and stereotypes.

We are all equals and should be treated as such.
edit on 29-10-2010 by PayMeh because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 08:13 AM
I'm a white male living in the Netherlands.

I think the way socialism is PUSHING us the multicultural agenda down our throat is doing more bad then good.
They ( socialistic and political correct) politicians force us by law to favor minorities in many ways. There are even laws around here that force companies to hire people of ethnic minorities above the original occupants. (In simple English: If You do not have a job, it is of no use to sollicitate because in the application it says: Minorities wanted to get our "quotum" )

They want to help "integrate" those people that way, but of course a ten year old can tell you that by passing other people systematically by law, it will not help "connecting" or friendship.

Besides that, we have a lot of trouble with people not willing to work or learn to talk Dutch very well, do not obey our rules and customs, and they are not punished when break the law..

All this combined makes it a mess with future disaster written all over it.

Although intentions might be good... They (Politicians) are just ignorant, blind and have been for many years. They are creating a split in our community, and i think this could have another political agenda itself...

Divide and "rule"

edit on 29-10-2010 by EarthOccupant because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-10-2010 by EarthOccupant because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Equality of Opportunity, Capitalism, as long as their are programs that ensure emplyment, and there are wage laws.
Equality of Outcome, Socialism, as long as there is no liberty,

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