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Who thinks we should give debunkers a nickname?

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posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 12:06 AM
Since truthers get called "twoofers" so often

I think we should start using the term "dabonkers"

I believe it could do some damage if it catches on

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 12:09 AM
I think that anyone that has an opinion. Should be called "researcher". Degrading names will get us no where, and fast. Just because we disagree doesn't mean we have the right to give them a nick name. This is actually the way that most things get diluted, because they are labeled and people ignore the issue at hand.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by patriots4truth
Since truthers get called "twoofers" so often

I think we should start using the term "dabonkers"

I believe it could do some damage if it catches on

Ahh, don't you already have a plethora of names for them?

Dis-info agents, CIA, Sheeple, etc etc?

Nice try however...

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by patriots4truth

nahh I just think truthers should have a nickname for whenever they want to type debunkers since they got "twoofers"

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 12:54 AM
I don't know what it is about the varsity team sports like atmosphere when it comes to looking at skeptics & debunkers. We have to remember that close to 100% of conspiracy pictures / videos are fakes or misunderstood.

If debunkers want to containerize 911 activists as twoofers etc, fine. It's their game to lose.

If you can't beat em, join em doesn't apply here. By joining them in this behavior activists will indeed portray themselves as full of vitriol and hate, missing the opportunity to open a mind and instead repel naturally curious folk!

Debunkers are necessary and we should thank whoever we thank for miracles. Otherwise the conspiracy world would simply evolve into doomsday & suicide cults with nothing to govern. Think lord of the flies but with no ceiling on the potential panic & unrest.

To debunkers out there: smarten up an leave ad hominem / profile containers at the door.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:07 AM
.quote: Debunkers are necessary and we should thank whoever we thank for miracles.

To debunkers out there: smarten up an leave ad hominem / profile containers at the door.

You claim "debunkers are necessary?, Then on the following sentence you claim debunkers need to smarten up? Living proof on how contradictory the left is! BWWAAHHHHAA!!

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:09 AM
I think that this would definitely create problems and bring a new inlet of hostility to the forums as using a name like this would indicate a provocative stance on the people discussing which is not productive in an environment like ATS or infact most other places. This would not be good because it would then distract from the subject being discussed and would infact derail the thread which could be addressing an important issue.

edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by TechUnique

Furthermore, opening the door for ignorance, ( see above contradictory statements ), only to elicit a prescribe response~

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by patriots4truth


LOL ! Excellent Dude !

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by 2Rotten4u

Very true, De-bunkers are essential for getting a fair un-bias set of accounts and opinions about a subject which then leads to a much better personal conclusion. De-bunking is one of the fundamental concepts of ATS, as you said to deny ignorance. Without de-bunking we would never be able to come up with a decent conclusion in a thread because there would be no brainstorming, only accepting what others say as fact. To demean de-bunkers would be like punishing the kids in school who question the doctrine (Which may happen in school but like you said it would be going against the motto of ATS to Deny Ignorance)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by TechUnique

And what I find entertaining, is how a person of sound mind, who may not agree with the comments at hand, exercise their freedom of speech with common sense, dignity, and proper demeanor, are commonly targeted and labeled a "right winger" or a TPTB, and such. Did it ever occur to some that maybe someone isn't affiliated with either party, may even have a bit more intelligence than some on this very site? And because we actually think outside the box, we're labeled, and accused of going " against the grain"?

As I have said on numerous occasions, ignorance is bliss for some~

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:36 AM
I suggest people read this thread by Springer


and this subsequent post from March this year by Intrepid


Please keep the 9/11 forum a place for sensible, civilised discussion, not petty bickering and schoolyard namecalling.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:40 AM
I fear that the the threats from the ATS staff will only negatively impact the site? I have seen many leave for what ever reason...and no matter how one looks at it, I guess the First Amendment right isn't appreciated anymore....tsk tsk....But I guess the ATS dudes have to try something?

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:41 AM
(paid by the word)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:43 AM
Kill em with kindness, thats my philosophy.

Don't argue with fools, because from a distance... no one can tell who is who.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by Retikx

Well I think people get upset when others wont listen to others evidence, or Facts....many wish to base their decisions on what ever the topic is on emotion rather than fact, and that's where the problem lies. If more were susceptible to listening to common sense and reasoning, and researching the facts, we wouldn't have this much division.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:13 AM
My idea of using "dabonkers" is entirely political in the sense that stereotyping can shine a negative light on debunkers. If truthers want to gain more support they might want to demean opponents after these opponents post something really stupid for instance

(and I wouldn't call debunkers in this forum dabonkers because I respect this forum... people can start using it on JREF or something)

A tried and true method of influencing the masses and getting newbs to listen to truther talking points is to slander the opposition right off the bat so that "twoofers" aren't the only ones starting off in a weaker position since newbs will undoubtedly hear "twoofers" right away.

"Dabonkers" is just the equivalent of typical political slander on TV (how many of you in America are watching smear commercials right now in the wake of election day?). The fact is that smear campaigning works wonders in public influence

"it's like fighting fire with fire"
"it's a dog eat dog world"
"if you can't beat them join them"

It's all about evening the firing ground. Let the public portrayal of debunkers be the same as twoofers. The first image of people is very influential
edit on 28-10-2010 by patriots4truth because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-10-2010 by patriots4truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by 2Rotten4u
I fear that the the threats from the ATS staff will only negatively impact the site? I have seen many leave for what ever reason...and no matter how one looks at it, I guess the First Amendment right isn't appreciated anymore....tsk tsk....But I guess the ATS dudes have to try something?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Skeptic Overlord et al are not congress, therefore the first amendment doesn't apply to them.
Do you have a right to stop your children swearing in your own home?
Same principle. ATS is private property and we agree to a certain set of standards when we enter here.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 03:01 AM
People really shouldn't accuse these people who believe the OS as being government agents or what not. I was sure the OS was more true than fiction just a year ago..I'm quite glad we have -debunkers- it keeps the truth movement more focused on the facts and less on hypothesis and speculation....The burden of proof shouldn't be on the truthers, it should be on the ones who used taxpayer money to fund their time-constrained reports based on first hand data or so it says....even though 'hypothesis' is exactly the term used by NIST in their solicitations regarding all WTC7 objectives stated in their awarded contracts.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 03:09 AM
Truthers are being called twoofers by a few morons. Posters who commonly resort to name-calling and ridicule are not contributing to discussions, they are trying to stop other posters from contributing. If logic supported the side of the argument they cling to, they would be able to present an argument instead.

You want new posters or readers to see you arguing from a position of strength. Calling debunkers DaBonkers doesn't achieve that. All it does is justify their tactics by using them ourselves. We don't need to sink to their level because we have logic on our side.

Trust those who are not PBTW to be capable of judging arguments. Present interesting and well researched posts and don't get into slanging matches. You will never get the last word in if an opponent is paid to post, as all you are doing is giving them reason to post again and make another $10 to $50. (I know someone in accounts in an advertising placement firm who writes the cheques for such people.)

As another poster pointed out, good debunkers are a godsend, because they keep us on our toes, keep the threads alive with their criticism, and, in order to increase the money they can make, (for those that do,) they keep bumping threads. I've posted on a few forums in their early days which had great people posting, but no debunkers. Everyone agreed, so threads were boring, just a few posts long, with nothing to do there but preach to the converted. The forums improved greatly when the debunkers arrived on the scene.

If you were to ask Skeptic Overlord to instruct the mods to ban the term "twoofers," I'd back you on that. It is ridicule, ridicule is meant to be banned here, and I believe allowing the term is evidence of partisanship on the part of the moderators. Sadly, it's in the interests of the PBTWs to become mods, and most of the rest of us don't have the time to do that.
edit on 28/10/10 by Kailassa because: in to if

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