Trust that there is this group in China with connections throughout the planet with their trigger fingers and muzzle's pointed at each and every
member of the their hierarchy. Once China is threatened that opens the door for every last one of them to be systematically executed.
China is an ally of The USA and will not expect Beijing to agree to launch a pre emptive against The US or any foriegn nation for that matter as that
would cause way more chaos then it would solve.
We have allies in Asia, Europa, South America, Africa, The Middle East whose numbers are significantly larger then most estimates that have the back
of the people universally, unilaterately and unequivocally.
Make no mistake, any nation that launches an all out nuclear war with another will get wiped off the face of the planet and be bombed back to the
Moves are being made in The US, China, Russia, England, France, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Egypt, UAE, Pakistan,
Germany, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Mongolia, Jordan, Israel, Palestine to shut them down by non
violent and non militatial means.
At least a million new people a month are waking up to them and this has been going on for quite a few years now. Any play they attempt will be
knocked back.
There is 2 lists being made now,
1 is those for the people. Persons on this list will be allowed to live and have their lives spared while those who stand with them will be
systematically executed. This is how things truly are. Unfortunately for those demanding disclosure on everything this will not be made public to
protect those interests involved. If you've ever seen a "007 James Bond" movie is that you do not reveal your plans until after they have gone into
effect, all of Bond's enemies used to reveal their entire plan before Bond and in all cases they were killed before they can carry them out. The same
rule applies here. You don't show your cards until the card is to be played.
edit on 29-10-2010 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason