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What happens when China says "NO to the New World Order" and Nukes America?

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posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 05:17 AM
Reply to post by theregonnakillme

All roads lead to Rome. Its said propheticly to be the whore of Babylon... Many other negative issues arise from the Catholic religion, and the pope recently called world powers of economy (working well with russia to make new currency I might add). They throw a bomb at the "saint" the whole world feels empethetic. (Never truly seeing the real greed of the churches) and "badaboom" WW3 (nukes included) all at your door. The christian nations will be against the islamic or "other" nations. Quite sad. Quite sad indeed. I've done quite a bit of studies to actually see much relevance to this theory of mine. (That I just realized from replying to your thread!)

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posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 05:25 AM
Its no secret to china that we've had no real money since 1933 or so. Its an illusion... We've been broke for quite some time. And (the federal reserve, a separate entity from the united states) has control of our monetary system. The media puts a lot in to miss lead, control and contort. Chinas leaders know full well of the federal reserves true lineage... (Which reaches far beyond america) so did the "federal reserve" barrow money, or the United States, or was it the UNITED STATES (corporation)

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posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by belial259
There is no reason for the Chinese to nuke or attack the US in any way. There is no need for anyone to do it.

The US will destroy itself. It's citizens are largely not interested or don't know the dire circumstance they are in. And by the time they work it out it will already be too late.

Disinterested you say? How about borderline retarded? That is why we are so apathetic. We are just too dumb to connect the dots, so we don't see what is happening all around us. We are more concerned about the next episode of Jersery Shore than our own well-being. We deserve every bit of what we get, and then some. Our intelligence level has dropped to the 8th grade level. Our behavior has dropped to the 8th grade level. Frankly, I'm scared to even drive on the roads here anymore. I was almost killed 3 times in the past week by our populace. I recall one person who attempted to pass me by using the suicide lane. Here is the kicker: I was speeding. The other two drivers pulled out right in front of me and I had to slam on my brakes.

I wish this country would hurry up and implode. I will be gleeful when all these idiots get what was coming to them.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 05:53 AM
Agreed. And we the sheeple people have allowed it, and will allow it so as the sheeple get free commodities and don't question anything. (Egh) some days, it kills being one of the few who cares nothing about smoke screens and illusions. But, I'd rather die then force myself to nod n smile at mundane, uneducated people.

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posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 03:54 PM
If they were that stupid to nuke us.
well china would cease to exist. our second strike capabilities would level the place.
I'm pretty sure that India would follow our lead and nuke em too since they would now be weakened.

and as soon as our other subs in the atlantic could get over to china they would drop a few nukes on what was left remaining.

it's not a pretty picture any way you look at it.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 04:05 AM
Trust that there is this group in China with connections throughout the planet with their trigger fingers and muzzle's pointed at each and every member of the their hierarchy. Once China is threatened that opens the door for every last one of them to be systematically executed.

China is an ally of The USA and will not expect Beijing to agree to launch a pre emptive against The US or any foriegn nation for that matter as that would cause way more chaos then it would solve.

We have allies in Asia, Europa, South America, Africa, The Middle East whose numbers are significantly larger then most estimates that have the back of the people universally, unilaterately and unequivocally.

Make no mistake, any nation that launches an all out nuclear war with another will get wiped off the face of the planet and be bombed back to the stoneage.

Moves are being made in The US, China, Russia, England, France, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Egypt, UAE, Pakistan, Germany, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Mongolia, Jordan, Israel, Palestine to shut them down by non violent and non militatial means.

At least a million new people a month are waking up to them and this has been going on for quite a few years now. Any play they attempt will be knocked back.

There is 2 lists being made now,

1 is those for the people. Persons on this list will be allowed to live and have their lives spared while those who stand with them will be systematically executed. This is how things truly are. Unfortunately for those demanding disclosure on everything this will not be made public to protect those interests involved. If you've ever seen a "007 James Bond" movie is that you do not reveal your plans until after they have gone into effect, all of Bond's enemies used to reveal their entire plan before Bond and in all cases they were killed before they can carry them out. The same rule applies here. You don't show your cards until the card is to be played.
edit on 29-10-2010 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 04:55 AM
Well just from the the Russian and Chinese, self interest - it seems pretty straightforward to see what they have been planning for a long time, especially considering that they know another Ice-age is possible with very little warning. Russia will lose it's entire territory and China needs the living space.

Ie Russia takes Europe and the M.E, whilst China takes the US.

They can accomplish this remarkably easily by simply starting a M.E conflict in which Israel is obliged to deploy it's Sampson option against the major Arab cities, the refugees will flee across the Med and spark a Euro-wide jihad civil war together with turkey and Iran. Europe will collapse, be left de-populated and defenceless, the Russians can simply waltz in and act like rescuers all the way to the M.E.

The US is equally vulnerable to civil collapse fro a variety of ways - even an EMP blast from an annonymous sub or freighter would send it back to the middle ages, 95% of people would die within a year - the Chinese could just roll up on cruise ships and take it.

What gets me is: - what on earth is the UN/NWO, the Anglo-Saxon faction, the Jesuit/Vatican doing - why are they apparently handing the world over to the Russians and Chinese! - because the groundwork for all of this took a long time to implement, and was not the work of iether the russians or Chinese.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 05:01 AM
Why would China nuke America when they need the land to produce food for their own people?

I know I'm in a We-are-the-USA-and-we-are-so-great-that-China-would-be-destroyed-if-they-attack-us, but how many nukes can you drop in an orchestrated 45min time window?

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by Dumbass

Well they wouldn't - all they need is an EMP blast - ie even a fairly crude nuke detonation at an altitude of 400 km would fry every piece of electrical apparatus in the US from coast to coast.

launched from an annonymous freighter or sub - would Obama even retaliate if he knew where it was from, it could have been Iran, NK, Russia, China or others - someone seems to have very publicly demonstrated that very threat only last week.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Someone did demonstrate something yes, but that "someone" can be foreign as well as domestic.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 09:01 PM
I laugh it was the Russians instead. Actually, I wouldn't be laughing at all.

edit on 22-11-2010 by makemap because: (no reason given)

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