posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 12:40 AM
Originally posted by franspeakfree
I get where your coming from OP really I do. I have taken a back seat lately and I have noticed not just from u2u's that others are as well.
I would be one of those people FSF. I've lost my passion for Aliens & UFO's (which was why I joined) and am taking a much needed break from that
forum. It's depressing for me to go in there and see all the good work that people try to do in the interests of denying ignorance go to waste. I
still come to ATS to partake in other topics though, and there still are many interesting and worthy topics to emerse myself in.
Hopefully I will come back refreshed at some point in the future and take on the good fight again, but as far as I'm concerned, that fight is
currently unworthy of my efforts and passion. It has been hijacked by tabloid-ism and sensationalism and exemplifies everything that is wrong in
UFOlogy. I can't be a part of that when the odds are so clearly stacked against me and many others that are trying to do the right thing.