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Uncovered 9/11 Footage Shows FBI Director Asking Firefighters About “Secondary Hits” On WTC

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posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:34 PM
First off,DO NOT turn this thread into a prisonplanet/alex jones bashing thing.
Its not about where the videos were posted,keep to the videos and the theory being presented,thank you.

(PrisonPlanet)-An intriguing video has appeared on You Tube that appears to show a FDNY film crew being interviewed in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks by the the director of the FBI’s New York office, who has suspicions that one of the World Trade Center towers took a “secondary hit” before collapsing.......

............On first viewing it appears to be nothing special, just the horribly familiar scenes of dust and rubble from the aftermath of the attacks. However, it contains a stunning exchange between officials and firefighters.

The action appears to be taking place immediately after the collapse of the South tower and before the collapse of the North tower.

(Prisonplanet)-The video is a fascinating piece of evidence to be added to the hundreds of other accounts and descriptions of secondary explosions in and around the WTC on 9/11. This clearly indicates that the FBI believed that a secondary attack, aside from the use of air planes was under way.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 01:36 PM
Damn, good find!
However you shouldn't be afraid of bashings, like they say "Don't shoot the messenger."


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