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Autumn Blend: FEMA and DHS (the Beast) Preparing Your (Mark) Identity !!!

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posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:50 AM
Hello ATS!

Autumn Blend, a Secure ID platform developed by Northrup - Grumman in cooperation with several Federal, State, Local, and Private entities has debut in a Demonstration of the application presented by - you guessed it - FEMA.

lol, oh yeah... FEMA!

Northrop Grumman and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Conduct Successful Nationwide Identity Authentication Demonstration for Emergency Preparedness

Autumn Blend participants were electronically validated for physical access using mobile and fixed devices that verified identities through personal identification credentials, personal identification number, and biometrics; and logical access through personal identification credentials that allowed participants use of computers for secure e-mail collaboration. As participants' identities were cleared and individuals permitted access to the demonstration venue, Virginia's Interoperability Picture for Emergency Response (VIPER) geospatial application tracked and displayed their actions in near real-time at fusion centers and emergency operations centers throughout the United States.

Identity through "Fixed Devices", and "Biometrics" that allowed every action of the participant to be monitored via GPS tracking, anywhere in the U.S. (reminds me of that credit card ad: 'Anywhere visa is accepted')

What do you think this program involves folks? The above quoted applications sure sound like verichip implants, invisible bar codes, and Digital Angel to me! Here's a list of acknowledged participants:

Autumn Blend participants included the Department of Homeland Security; FEMA; Buckley Air Force Base, Aurora, Colo.; the Pentagon Force Protection Agency; the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency; Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council for Trauma; as well as numerous state and local representatives from across the country. Other personnel included Northrop Grumman's Newport News Shipbuilding sector, the city of Newport News Fire Department, the Virginia Governor's Office of Commonwealth Preparedness, and technology partners ActivIdentity, Fremont, Calif.; CertiPath, Herndon, Va.; and Monitor Dynamics, San Antonio, Texas.

The question remains: Why is it that FEMA made the presentation?

The natural answer is so that you can be tracked at any given time, held accountable at any given time, and that so you as an asset can be monitored.

We'd hate to think that you'd somehow be stolen or something! We should be happy our Government holds our value in such High Esteem! Just imagine if Al Queda abducted you! They could hook up the Lo-Jack antenna and pinpoint your exact location, and rescue you before they could move to behead you in thier ferrocious Jihaad!

Oh, and about that Mark of the Beast thing, lol, we should all remember, it's just a human thing, no worries here!

Be Advised, Be Prepared, and Be Free !

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 06:31 AM
I'm going to start by saying good find. is inevitable what is coming in this day in age.
Our technology has gotten so smart and so fast, that this seems to be the next step.
It's only a matter of time when you will be asked, or forced, to accept a microchip.
Everything in this country, or world perhaps, comes on stages.
Almost like it's all pre-planned.

The way that the consumer market is setup, microchips will be the fastest way to purchase goods.
And we all know how many commercials we see about long lines and Visa.
No one has patience anymore.
So...they will make it alluring to have.
They will market this new technology as a 'faster way to pay'.
FEMA is just a group of people who already know what's coming.
They're just waiting for all the cards to fall into place.

In my opinion, when I see the ridiculous number of people who are addicted to cell phones, or credit cards, or debt even, I secretly laugh inside.
I see people accepting any form of technology that makes their life easier.

No one wants to have to work to pay for something.
Pretty soon there won't even be a discussion about the Mark of the Beast.

Microchips will be commonplace.

For some...

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 07:05 AM
Autumn Blend? Sounds like some kind of air freshener to me.
I always hate those cheap scents anyway.
This stuff scares me. My bet is if the economy crashes they will offer this so that people can get food, medical care etc - or CAN"T get it if you WON'T take the chip. Very few Americans would willingly enter this program.
This is one area where I agree with Christians, as they're worried about the mark of the beast and frankly, I do too.
Thanks for posting this as my holiday cheer was getting the best of me.

I live in Virginia, so this would be monitored by VIPER. Nothing to worry about, right? Am I a G.I. Joe movie?
edit on 27-10-2010 by Asktheanimals because: added comments

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 08:23 AM
Yeah, I had to request a GPS tracker to locate this thread, as it was moved from US Political Madness to ? The virtual Garbage can?

lol, I always wonder why my choices in post locations seem to somehow not be good enough, but I don't have the ATS book of commandments on such things, otherwise Ida posted it in the right forum - lol!

SO - anyone else know anything about this?

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

lol, VIPER - gee, sorta has a reptilian ring to it, ya think? Yeah, COBRA runs VIPER, you can bet that GI JOE will soon be in a mortal combat situation with it soon!

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