Well said. I find it dissapointing when someone posts a hard stance on a topic, usually a topic that will ellicit a response, then does not reply to
anyone who questions his/her original post.
It seems to me when that happens the poster was just looking to get under others "skin" and really didn't have that hard a stance on the topic
At NO time a true soldier make a decision not to do something based on his belief that the person sworn by the Chief Justice to be POTUS is not
legally allowed to be one.
Even if Kenyan newspaper reported the first Kenyan born U.S. Senator.
Even if his paternal Grandmother remembers being at his birth in a Kenyan hospital.
Even if his wife says Kenya is his homeland.
Even if he(POTUS) has total contempt for the constitution and associates with known Marxists and communists.
Newspapers lie,his grandmother is senile and his wife mis-spoke.