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A "Grey's Anatomy" - Alien Biology 101

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posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 12:25 AM
I like this discussion.

There were a previous mentions, that they live on smaller planet with a dimmer star. However a short stature may suggest a larger planet than our own, because a taller animal will hit the ground harder. Shorter is better with more gravity. With larger planet, means more atmosphere, which may indicate a dimmer surface, hence larger more sensitive eyes. Consider also the legendary saucer shape of the ship. Like the bank of a curve on a highway or race track, rotating the ship while visiting Earth will induce a greater G-force, the conic or parabolic shape of the craft would feel perfectly up and down. Are there any accounts as to diameter, approximate angle, and rotational speed that we can cross reference to come up with a common constant for their gravity?

I found the four digits thing interesting. My dog has four digits on its paws. The fifth one is useless 1/4 the way up the leg. This may be a timeline clue or an indicator of their evolutionary split.

I do however lean my speculations toward a common ancestor. A little naive to think we are the first intelligent life on this planet. I find it hard to believe that a vertebrate class animal evolved off of Earth. Personally, I think that the dexterity of tentacles would be cool, like Doc Oc, but without the tentacles taking over my mind. I don't think there has to be a cookie cutter form for the evolution of space traveling life off of this planet.

One thing that I'd like to throw in, at the risk of stretching this topic, is that it would take a few weeks short of a year on a ship to achieve "near light speed" a constant acceleration of 1 G. At that speed, a day passes on a ship but a year passes in universe around. Maybe these guys aren't that ancient, but are just frequent (space)flyers, that have observed us actually evolve. Their life expectancy does not necessarily need to be as short as ours either

Finally, I want to close with the mother of all... Roswell. Well actually, it is not the mother. I have read another forum at ATS (which I am too tired to find right now), that details numerous UFO sitings that are documented in newspapers from around the globe before Roswell. These seemed to have stopped abruptly with the Roswell event.

Great thread, and if you've read this far, thanks for reading my post.

edit on 12-3-2012 by spingoogl because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-3-2012 by spingoogl because: missed some words, didn't proof read before posting

edit on 12-3-2012 by spingoogl because: same

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 07:39 AM
I believe one of the first debunking questions that always comes up is why the similarity in biology to us?
One thing for sure life wherever is starts must evolve. Simple survival and staying on top are the rules to get to the end product, higher intelligence.
Light is the rule, light sensors. A planet with an atmosphere, sound vibrations, ears. A world with chemical signals for sex and danger, smell.
And to say why the two arms, two legs eyes and head like us? Probably for the same reason Stars are all round, planets revolve around stars. And if the biology as stated here is true, that is indeed a VERY, VERY different biology than us.

I like the idea of a hard cartilage for food mastication. No anus or urethra? Perhaps an engineered feature? Perhaps the space faring aliens have been modified for just that.
Vegetarian, makes perfect sense.
Mother alien teaching its child how to wipe its' skin after "going to the bathroom".

I would find the most interesting details of aliens would be their sociology. What they do with their lives. Their arts and achievements. Music. And do they feel love or emotion towards each other? Or are they more like insects? Not a good thought.

The thought many people have is why don't they show us how to make renewable energy or how make space faring vehicles or give us the cures to the thousand plus diseases that plaque us?
I believe it is for one simple reason. We as a species are still like children growing into adolescence. I we were to be given these gifts they would be taken by the greedy to make themselves richer and by the militaries to make themselves more powerful.

We cannot be trusted, yet. And for that they a very wise.

edit on 20-12-2012 by goldenhour because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 03:26 PM

I believe it is for one simple reason. We as a species are still like children growing into adolescence. I we were to be given these gifts they would be taken by the greedy to make themselves richer and by the militaries to make themselves more powerful. We cannot be trusted, yet. And for that they a very wise.

When you think about it, it's really the only explanation that makes sense, if you accept the idea of alien visitation. If they were here to take us over, they would have certainly done so by now. If they were here to help us, likewise. So, if one feels we are being visited, the logical conclusion is that whatever their motivations, helping or hurting don't seem to be the main aims.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:00 PM
But it is too late. If you believe the accounts of what went down in the late 1950s and early 1960s, a deal was made with the Greys who exchanged technology for the "right" to abduct x amount of humans every year. The military industrial complex have now run riot with technology such as the stealth bomber which is said to be the result of back engineering with recovered alien craft.

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 11:02 AM
Not so sure I buy that theory though. Why would they need our permission? They seemed perfectly capable of going relatively undetected, and even when detected, they could evade (from most accounts). Besides, after a small period of abduction, they could amass enough of a breeding population to clone human subjects for further needs, whatever they may be.

It's like the cow abduction accounts. Why? Couldn't they simply breed some cows on the mothership?

Why make a deal if you hold all the cards? Nope, can't swallow the abductions for tech theory. I think any tech we got was through being lucky and either finding a crash or occasionally downing one with a lucky shot.

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 11:32 AM
Most important detail left out, more important than "organ" placement. They're bots.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: Gazrok

I am bringing this thread forward, due to new information I found.

This is an odd book, produced in the last century, that purports to be written by a woman at Roswell who could communicate telepathically with the surviving EBE (Extra-Biological Entity). The publisher and editor are practically holding their nose to disavow their belief in what this woman wrote.

But it's an interesting read, for researchers if no one else. It's an odd 3-way interview, the Inteviewer asking questions, the telepathic woman asking the EBE and then telling the Interviewer what the EBE answered. (Whether this simple construct was receiving telepathic answers from elsewhere, is unknown.)

And some of what the EBE said, is now known to be correct. (The Roswell EBEs were cloned constructs, created specifically for space travel... Eisenhower was most concerned about Advanced ET Weaponry, and the interviewer asks about this early on ... The EBE claimed they were interested in that area in New Mexico because of the "Burning Clouds" (ET interest in our nuclear weapons and power continues today)... )

Start on page 27 for the "First Interview," preamble. Or page 29 for the actual interview.
edit on 19-1-2015 by MKMoniker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:04 PM
Just another reference for those that get to this thread via google, as I did

Leonard Stringfield gathered data on the aliens through various informants, some he considered better than others. Few of the informants were medical and claimed to help on the autopsies.

Starting at the bottom of page 3 of this document

Other Stringfield documents that have details peppered here and there
edit on 28-6-2015 by 111DPKING111 because: (no reason given)

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