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My Friend.... An Alien???

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posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:16 AM
Many mentally unstable people develop this personality and belief.

I believe she may have been abused as a child.

A real alien appearing as a human,would possibly, casually say something to a random stranger in a open setting just to guage that persons response.

For a person you know and have known for a period of time that has been making these statements indicates a personality disorder.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:19 AM

First of all, very interesting story. Sure it's possible she made it up or you made her up, regardless it's still interesting and thought provoking. I will assume at the very least that you are telling the truth.

Regarding her credibility:
If she's never tried to manipulate you then chances are she's not going to start now. If she's never given you any reason to think she's delusional before then she probably isn't, plus there are a couple of indicators that she probably isn't operating on delusion or paranoia including her lack of details and apparent disinterest in convincing you of her reality. Sure her story is incredible but we live in an incredible universe that we know much less about than we'd like to think.

Assuming her incredible story is true and she really is an alien living among humans:
Maybe she shares the little that she does because even though she can't reveal more she wants humans to know that there is more to the universe than we've discovered, that there are aliens living among us, and that nobody is going to save us from our own mess. And maybe the reason humans would have trouble comprehending their reality is because it involves scientific truths that are far in advance of our most amazing discoveries and involves metaphysical truths far in advance of any religion or spiritual system we currently have.

If she is your friend then make sure all of your actions reflect that fact. If you want to know more about her story then let her know how interesting you find it. Maybe she wants to tell you more but was testing you to see if you can be cool about it. It is a good sign that you don't want to reveal her identity or have her secretly dna tested. That said, assuming her story is true then in that kind of world it could certainly also be possible that there would be professionals monitoring a discussion board such as this for stories such as yours, in which case you may have already compromised her identity. Consider keeping an eye out for anything suspicious, and telling her to keep watch as well.

And it she's pulling your chain and aliens don't exist at all then great story, thanks for sharing, and luck to you and her.


posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:26 AM
Man, I seriously hope you don't believe her. You shouldn't even begin to take her claim seriously unless you've seen her do something paranormal. Thinking anything otherwise is pretty naive. However, if she wants to do some roleplaying as an alien, it could get pretty kinky....

By the way to all those people saying to get a DNA sample: I'm pretty sure if an alien embedded itself in a human shell, it would be just that---a genetically regular human body with the quantum consciousness of the ET. Plus she said she'd been here since birth, so I'm pretty sure blood-work taken throughout her life, ontop of other things, would've revealed any abnormalities.

My advice. Next time you get into talk about aliens, mess around with her; tell her it's always been your fantasy to fvck an alien...etc. Hopefully she's attractive? You should get with that. As a previous poster brought up, she could have a mental disorder, or she's just looking for a reason to think she's special. Just because you've known her for a year, doesn't mean she can't easily have schizophrenic tendencies or just outright be "manipulating" you for a laugh.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:35 AM
She sounds like another one of those nut jobs New Agers who believe that their Alien incarnate. Nothing new really. I have met many of these kinds of people. Quite frankly if she doesnet possess any powers, and she refuses to share information with her- id tell her to go # herself.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by Monts

ARE U FREAKING KIDDING ME,so these gifts i have isnt because im a,my mother is a twin in fact i have 2 sets of twins .my mother her twin my aunt and her male twin,and i my self have twin girls.i always told my self ,i had these gifts of mine way before the alien abduction and well before the 2sightings and well over all that other stuff.
I thought it was because of my sign in which i have developed the use of the sign spells aswell.
'Somewhere down the line some alien dna got into someones blood in my family and it must of carried on.hey thanks for the story if not for the twin thing i woudnt of believed it,i actually thought u was going in the direction of the EVENT ON TONIGHTS SHOW.

So my mother is an alien huh..or maybe it was my grandfather ?
maybe my grandmother,they say she used to talk about aliens and such.
dont know but ill see what this path of info leads me a go,got to reprogram now..
i guess !

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 02:50 AM
a good read .. but i don't think any of it is true... either you made it up or this girl is schizophrenic.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Monts
Hey everyone...

So I’ve always been really interested in the whole subject of UFOs, ETs, conspiracies, and the whole like for as long as I can remember. The only thing that I have felt has been missing from my accumulated knowledge of the subject is a personal experience.

It was missing until a few days ago that is...

So my story concerns a friend that I have known for about a year now. I met her the summer of last year while I was working, and we spent a lot of time hanging out together this recent summer and fall.
I do have a reputation as being the infinite source of “mind-blowing” stories about UFOs, conspiracies and the like at work, and this girl was one of the ones who always loved hearing my stories... especially the ones concerning UFOs and ETS.

Sometime during this recent summer, she told me that she had a story to tell about being an alien or something. I kind of laughed and said we would talk about it someday. Then a few days ago, after spending a day hanging out, that comment she made seemed to randomly pop into my head, so I asked her to tell me about that “alien” story.

Then she told me she was an alien. I just kind of looked at her... hopefully not with an expression that was too weird or bizarre. She then went on to tell me that it was no big deal, and that she had told many people this before, including her family and a few of her friends.

So, unsure what to make of that, I started asking questions. She told me that there was a lot she couldn’t
answer; there was a rule against revealing pretty much anything about who her race was, why they here, and what they know.

According to her story, she is a part of an ET race that studies humans much like we would study other cultures; by living with them. In her case however, it involves living an entire life as a human on earth- right from birth to death.

She was born with a twin, and according to her, her race births genetically identical twins; twins that are exactly the same, right down to identical fingerprints.

She said that twins are usually given the opportunity to study other races; that way, if she should need a break or need to contact for any reason, her twin could hop in her place and take over for a while.
So after this little bit of background... I started asking obvious questions such as “why haven’t you revealed yourselves”, and “would you let us destroy ourselves without intervening?”.

At this point, I was still pretty confused as to what the conversation meant; she could be just playing some kind of play-along joke, or just trying to have some kind of interesting conversation with me- but either way, there was something about the way she could easily answer my questions with a certain tone that indicated to me that in the least that she was being sincere in some sort of way.

So according to her, her race has a harsh policy against interfering with human evolution or revealing themselves and their true nature and knowledge to people. However she says that there are many others who are just like her- seemingly average people living out full human lives- but in reality being not of this earth. She would be able to recognize who they were if she saw them. Some of them go against the rule of non-intervention. Some are trying to help us, but some are just trying to play tricks on us for their own amusement; she said this is one of reasons why there is so much contradicting stories and information in the realm of ET contact.

She also said that one of the reasons she loved hearing my stories about ETs was that she knows a lot of the truth about the matter, and found it amusing hearing what we think of them. She says that there is some truth laced in some of the stories... but she couldn’t tell me what truth was and what wasn’t.

Asking about the intervention aspect of her story, I asked her if her race would let us destroy ourselves in an apocalyptic fashion- even though the death of billions would result from the choice and quarrels of a select few. She said that all she could say is that with the current mandate, there would be nothing she or others would do about it. She said it’s our planet, and its considered wrong to interfere with any kind of aspect of our decision making.

I laughed and asked if she would be fine letting billions of people die, to which she responded that although it would definitely sadden her, she could do nothing. She also kind of laughed, commenting how humans seem to think that they are the only ones around with these kinds of problems. She said that they have known countless worlds that are a lot like earth is now- some pull through, but others do not- in fact she said many races have destroyed themselves in the same fashion that we all fear happening here.

Again, asking why her race wouldn’t help us in any manner, she said that even if they did want to help, the realms of their understanding of knowledge are so far in advance of ours that we wouldn’t have a clue what to do with any kind of technology or knowledge they could give us- let alone understand it. She emphasized the idea of not being able to understand the reality of who they were and what they knew throughout the whole conversation- an interesting time this came up was when I asked her how old she really was. I assumed that seeing as how she was one of the “researchers”, that she must have lived lives on other planets, or even previous ones on earth. She laughed and said that she couldn’t tell me how old she was because I “wouldn’t understand” what she would tell me... as in she was implying that age for her race was a totally different and impossible to understand than our concept of age.

So this was pretty much the entire conversation we had... I left out some details simply because I don’t remember the entire conversation and all of its details as it did happen a few days ago, and was indeed a lengthy conversation.

I am still quite unsure what to make out of all of this... however if there is truth to her story, I would definitely like to try and learn more about it. I have spent a lot of time thinking about this, and have some comments to make that have come from my own mind.

Some of what I have thought up of recent is as follows;

-She is literally as “average” a human being as anyone- there is absolutely nothing about her that would even seem slightly off to the most trained of eyes.

-I have wondered if maybe that her “insertion” on earth came with a few “side-effects”... such as being forced to forget a lot of what she knows simply so that she would fit in better, or even to keep her from potentially spilling any of the beans that her race seems to want keep jarred up.

-I have wondered about the nature of her race and “insertion” on earth. Is she an alien soul in a human body? Or is she “shape-shifting” somehow ... or is she simply in her regular “alien skin”; being identical to earth-humans.

-A good analogy I thought up during the conversation that she seemed to resonate with was the idea of comparing her life and the life of her fellow ETs on earth as being similar to the Harry Potter universe... i.e. belonging to an entirely different reality that exists on earth (the “wizard” world), but living around with regular people and doing everything possible to keep that reality from being revealed.

One of the comments she said that caught my attention was when she was telling me how she had told people about being an ET before; including telling her mother that she was an alien when she was 3 years old.

Again, I am entirely unsure as what to make of this experience... so all thoughts, comments, and conversations are welcomed

ASK HER THIS... What would have happened to her if she told you everything she knew???

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 08:42 AM
The way i understand it, she probably has a past life on another planet. She might have had some experience in her dreams or such that made her reach the conclusion. I am pretty sure there aren't any physical aliens masked in a human body who are openly interacting with humans right now.

There are a lot of people who have had past life's on other planets at this time, that chose to be born on Earth to help it reach positive polarity. A lot of them aren't even aware of this, and they don't need to be. They do it by being happy and doing what excites them the most.

About the quarantine, humans as a collective consciousness chose to experience this reality to see what it is like to rise from a deep illusion of separation and darkness back to light and oneness. The more you experience the dark, the more you will experience the light. "Outside" interference would lessen the effect of this experience. Of course, if we were to collectively ask for help, they would help us. But unlike us, they know exactly what we are doing and they are confident we are going to pull it through.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 08:47 AM
OK test her tell her your an alien as well, that you have been wanting to tell her but you had to check it out first to make sure she was telling the truth before you divulged the info to her and guage her reaction if she gets quiet then she is lying if she says oh yeah so tell me all about it ... then she is crazy and if she laughs and says no your not i have scanned you with this xsterian meterphorific anal probe.... you should probably run!

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 09:08 AM
Find the twin, get the fingerprints, and you are the only person in the world with proof aliens exist.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 12:29 PM
What i dont get is, she openly tells you she is a alien, knowing you are going to have a million questions, but yet she cant answer anything?? I say she is delusional. She is allowed to tell you she is a alien but cant tell you anything else. I smell a 55 gallon drum of BS. What is her motive?

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by LynCassady

Thanks Lyn... that was a very enlightening post, and reflects pretty much exactly how I currently feel about the situation.

I feel that, from the tone of the conversation, if she isn't really an ET, then she is telling the story to have a cool, fun conversation, or as a fun sort of comedic parody to play around with. Either way... what matters is that I feel any negativity or "bad vibes" about her and the conversation we had.

I didn't even think that It could be possible that posting this story could compromise her or my safety in any way... but I'm very hopeful and at peace with the idea that nothing will come of this... but nonetheless I will keep a sharp eye half open.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Ashphalt321
a good read .. but i don't think any of it is true... either you made it up or this girl is schizophrenic.

I can assure you I am not making this up; you can look up any of my history hear on ATS for proof that I'm not into telling stories about meeting aliens

If I were making it up... wouldn't it be much more interesting to claim that I was the alien?

I don't think she has schizophrenia... as this is a story she claims to have told as early as when she was 3 years old- far too early to be schizophrenia; not to mention she is also currently still quite young to have schizophrenia in the first place.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by SKinLaB

Well... if she was an alien and started telling me what she knew... I think that it would probably freak me out and make me not want to hang around her... while also making me tell everyone that she is a wack.

If she is just pulling my leg, it was for the sake of an interesting conversation, or the sake for some comic relief

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Monts

I believe u,i have seen alot on this earth.
point blank and simple and directly to the point,all it takes is a 1% factor in the genome to separate humans from anything that can breath.
u know what i believe,i believe one of these races on earth are aliens,funny huh.
scientist have the capibilty to add a genome or a couple and raise a god if they want to.
what is an alien foreal ?
Are we or have we really evoled forward or are we evolving backwards.How can u evolve with your alpha,its impossible.if humans was evolving forward then all the monkeys and apes would be extinct.i dont know,maybe im wrong huh?

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 08:23 PM
You humans are so linear minded! It's not your fault tho, you have been cursed with spiritual amnesia. You can and will recover from this through your individual spiritual awakenings. When you are able to remember who you are, a star child, it won't matter what kind of body you choose or how many "years" it takes to accomplish your goal.

Once you own eternity, anyhting is posible.

That being said, I have no idea if this woman is crazy or fanciful or a "visitor". I know a lot of Hollywood writers who would love to make a screen play out of someting like this.

Is she fun to be with? Has displayed any self distructive behavior? Be greatful for your freinds and live your life and be happy!

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 08:49 PM
It would be exciting if she was telling the truth. However, I see three possible reasons why she thinks she's an alien.
1. She really is
2. She's lying to and thought it would be funny to tell "the ufo guy" about being an alien. or
3. She is crazy and really believes she is an alien, but in reality she isn't.

If she is really telling the truth I am sure she is smart enough not to give out enough details to let anyone prove it. It would be cool though is she is.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 09:26 PM
I can top that, My friend Britt had a "friend" (sort of ) her name was sunny and she claimed she was an alien who could talk to the dead. We would catch her sitting on the sidewalk with her eyes closed and when we approached her she told us to be quite because she was growing. The sun appanrently helped her grow.. Uh..yeah weirdo..Anyways, I don't know what to think. She seemed to be calm about it but she could just be joking around with you since your so interested in that kind of stuff. Has she been "normal" the whole year? I would ask her for some kind of proof just for your own sanity. Nothing that would get her in trouble but if she is telling you shes an alien what would proving it be any worse? You would think telling people who she is would be against the rules..I dont know. Keep us updated. This is very interesting..

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 09:43 PM

She told me that there was a lot she couldn’t answer

Anyone else stop reading at that point?

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 12:56 PM
hello there, i saw this thread few weeks ago but i am a busy person.. i just got time to join ATS and i wanted to talk to you about your amazing experience which seems to be rational, it'll selfish for us to say we are the only one in the whole universe, and if people believe so, well, we can not change them. have you noticed something strange about her eyes?

i know a young lady, one day she had eyes shapeshifting in front of me, even if i am extremely colorblind, the change was flagrant and fast, she turns her head for a second, like she was looking somewhere else, my guess was she tried to hide it, i havent tell her that i saw it and i acted pretty natural, even if i kept thinking alot about this unique event. it happened only once even if i know her for several years, she is a real shy, kind and fragile person, she wont let anyboby in trouble or get hurt. and she is extremely beautiful and uncredibly smart even if she tries to be stupid on purpose, i mean purpose cause sometime, what she pretend to dont know doesnt make sense when its about what she is smart for.

she will pretend to be very bad in math but sometime she counts or calculates a way faster than average or explains simple things by involving atoms and molecules... but i just pretend i believe that.. in an other hand, i have believe for a long time that there are no non-smart being, we all thing, our ways. and she spokes several languages in a such perfection for somebody who has never been "abroad". also, she is very tall, abnormally tall, but i dont mind, she is a very cool friend.

one day she asked me if i believe in aliens, but then she mentioned the word "extra-terrestrial", i do believe since my young age, since then she talks alot about aliens and she has amazing theory such as :" there are advance aliens as same as late aliens" she explained her theories about many kind of being since the universe is big, she never mentioned that she was one of them even if i am sure she is one but i wont mind if she hides it for her all life. somehow, i would love to talk about that.

i dont mind about people who dont believe in what i am saying, it s not my point here. what i saw was not halucination, i have been studying physics and math. so i am a person that thinks in a rational way and i wanna point out that believing we are not the only living being in the all universe is not irrational, it will be irrational to say we are!

ps: i am not an english native, there might be some mistakes, my bada reply to: Monts

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