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Originally posted by Monts
Hey everyone...
So I’ve always been really interested in the whole subject of UFOs, ETs, conspiracies, and the whole like for as long as I can remember. The only thing that I have felt has been missing from my accumulated knowledge of the subject is a personal experience.
It was missing until a few days ago that is...
So my story concerns a friend that I have known for about a year now. I met her the summer of last year while I was working, and we spent a lot of time hanging out together this recent summer and fall.
I do have a reputation as being the infinite source of “mind-blowing” stories about UFOs, conspiracies and the like at work, and this girl was one of the ones who always loved hearing my stories... especially the ones concerning UFOs and ETS.
Sometime during this recent summer, she told me that she had a story to tell about being an alien or something. I kind of laughed and said we would talk about it someday. Then a few days ago, after spending a day hanging out, that comment she made seemed to randomly pop into my head, so I asked her to tell me about that “alien” story.
Then she told me she was an alien. I just kind of looked at her... hopefully not with an expression that was too weird or bizarre. She then went on to tell me that it was no big deal, and that she had told many people this before, including her family and a few of her friends.
So, unsure what to make of that, I started asking questions. She told me that there was a lot she couldn’t
answer; there was a rule against revealing pretty much anything about who her race was, why they here, and what they know.
According to her story, she is a part of an ET race that studies humans much like we would study other cultures; by living with them. In her case however, it involves living an entire life as a human on earth- right from birth to death.
She was born with a twin, and according to her, her race births genetically identical twins; twins that are exactly the same, right down to identical fingerprints.
She said that twins are usually given the opportunity to study other races; that way, if she should need a break or need to contact for any reason, her twin could hop in her place and take over for a while.
So after this little bit of background... I started asking obvious questions such as “why haven’t you revealed yourselves”, and “would you let us destroy ourselves without intervening?”.
At this point, I was still pretty confused as to what the conversation meant; she could be just playing some kind of play-along joke, or just trying to have some kind of interesting conversation with me- but either way, there was something about the way she could easily answer my questions with a certain tone that indicated to me that in the least that she was being sincere in some sort of way.
So according to her, her race has a harsh policy against interfering with human evolution or revealing themselves and their true nature and knowledge to people. However she says that there are many others who are just like her- seemingly average people living out full human lives- but in reality being not of this earth. She would be able to recognize who they were if she saw them. Some of them go against the rule of non-intervention. Some are trying to help us, but some are just trying to play tricks on us for their own amusement; she said this is one of reasons why there is so much contradicting stories and information in the realm of ET contact.
She also said that one of the reasons she loved hearing my stories about ETs was that she knows a lot of the truth about the matter, and found it amusing hearing what we think of them. She says that there is some truth laced in some of the stories... but she couldn’t tell me what truth was and what wasn’t.
Asking about the intervention aspect of her story, I asked her if her race would let us destroy ourselves in an apocalyptic fashion- even though the death of billions would result from the choice and quarrels of a select few. She said that all she could say is that with the current mandate, there would be nothing she or others would do about it. She said it’s our planet, and its considered wrong to interfere with any kind of aspect of our decision making.
I laughed and asked if she would be fine letting billions of people die, to which she responded that although it would definitely sadden her, she could do nothing. She also kind of laughed, commenting how humans seem to think that they are the only ones around with these kinds of problems. She said that they have known countless worlds that are a lot like earth is now- some pull through, but others do not- in fact she said many races have destroyed themselves in the same fashion that we all fear happening here.
Again, asking why her race wouldn’t help us in any manner, she said that even if they did want to help, the realms of their understanding of knowledge are so far in advance of ours that we wouldn’t have a clue what to do with any kind of technology or knowledge they could give us- let alone understand it. She emphasized the idea of not being able to understand the reality of who they were and what they knew throughout the whole conversation- an interesting time this came up was when I asked her how old she really was. I assumed that seeing as how she was one of the “researchers”, that she must have lived lives on other planets, or even previous ones on earth. She laughed and said that she couldn’t tell me how old she was because I “wouldn’t understand” what she would tell me... as in she was implying that age for her race was a totally different and impossible to understand than our concept of age.
So this was pretty much the entire conversation we had... I left out some details simply because I don’t remember the entire conversation and all of its details as it did happen a few days ago, and was indeed a lengthy conversation.
I am still quite unsure what to make out of all of this... however if there is truth to her story, I would definitely like to try and learn more about it. I have spent a lot of time thinking about this, and have some comments to make that have come from my own mind.
Some of what I have thought up of recent is as follows;
-She is literally as “average” a human being as anyone- there is absolutely nothing about her that would even seem slightly off to the most trained of eyes.
-I have wondered if maybe that her “insertion” on earth came with a few “side-effects”... such as being forced to forget a lot of what she knows simply so that she would fit in better, or even to keep her from potentially spilling any of the beans that her race seems to want keep jarred up.
-I have wondered about the nature of her race and “insertion” on earth. Is she an alien soul in a human body? Or is she “shape-shifting” somehow ... or is she simply in her regular “alien skin”; being identical to earth-humans.
-A good analogy I thought up during the conversation that she seemed to resonate with was the idea of comparing her life and the life of her fellow ETs on earth as being similar to the Harry Potter universe... i.e. belonging to an entirely different reality that exists on earth (the “wizard” world), but living around with regular people and doing everything possible to keep that reality from being revealed.
One of the comments she said that caught my attention was when she was telling me how she had told people about being an ET before; including telling her mother that she was an alien when she was 3 years old.
Again, I am entirely unsure as what to make of this experience... so all thoughts, comments, and conversations are welcomed
Originally posted by Ashphalt321
a good read .. but i don't think any of it is true... either you made it up or this girl is schizophrenic.
She told me that there was a lot she couldn’t answer