Martial law is a system of absolute miltary control over all military and civilian activities of a country, in a theoretical or actual war zone,
during civil disorder, in occupied territory, after a coup d'etat, or during a state of emergency caused by a natural disaster such as an earthquake
or flood. In the United States only the President as commander-in-chief has authority to impose martial law and it must be limited to the duration of
the warfare or emergency. It cannot be imposed in a manner resulting in a long-term denial of constitutional rights.
Is the US not in a state of emergency as we speak? Unemployment, Illegal Immigration, Health care, Welfare, Foreign policy, oil dependance, the
lobbying of politicians by huge corporations that have no interest in the betterment of the US, corrupt politicians, the constant erosion of our
constitutional rights, the waste of our tax dollars, and the list goes on and on.
I would call this a 'warzone', I would also call this 'civil disorder'. Lets think about this, During martial law, or at least the type that
Im suggesting, Washington would be EMPTIED , all politicians and office holders all the way down to the cleaning staff would be relieved and replaced
by military counterparts. (TEMPORARILY). This emptying would go all the way down to the state, county and city levels.
No more civilian employees of the state, no more non military law enforcement of any kind. Eliminate all corporations, wal-mart, mcdonalds, ALL
of them. Can we all agree that the US military is one of the most efficient machines on the planet? It would be like a nationwide audit. A
restructuring if you will. We would trust the military to protect us while we the people cleaned this mess up. NO ONE who has ever held a public
office or had an immediate relative in public office would ever be able to do so again..EVER. Large corporations would be outlawed. The health care
system and insurance system would be COMPLETELY nationalized, along with the banking system. ALL of our troops would be brought back to the US and ALL
foriegn bases would be abandoned.The US would issue a proclimation that if any of our allies were attacked by another country that we would nuketify
them post haste.Voting would become a requirement for EVERYONE. No more foreign aid to anyone period. No more foreign trade. Let nature take its
course. This would not mean a round up of firearms,etc. It would just mean that the PEOPLE of America could start from scratch and elect a governing
body that was actually for the people by the people.
I will just stop here for now.
edit on 25-10-2010 by psyko45 because: (no reason given)