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Government Plant? 737? American Airlines? New Video "Eyewitness" Just Released 9/11

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posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by cluckerspud

Did you read what i wrote? I didnt once say im more patriotic than anybody or patriotic at all. There are so many people trying to claim it was orchestrated by the government yet we are none the wiser. There is nothing to suggest that is true, that is all im saying. There are people turing against their own country on a whim. It's obviously a touchy subject to some because of their 'passionate' replies.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Yeah... this video leaves me with a rather creepy feeling. I had never seen this, and although I didn't watch that channel too much, really, I'd have thought it would've been posted somewhere before. Thanks for spotting it and bringing it here.

Anyway, this Eisler guy does, I suppose, know his planes to a degree, but like the fellow before him said, whatever happened was all a bit on the quick side to be able to see things quite that well.

They all seem rather calm, considering, don't they? I know they're New Yorkers, but, really. Even the "scene" seems a bit too calm.

Yes, it's a tad eerie for me. They are probably all actors on assignment... as was mentioned, even lawyer-boy. Should look into that guy. Ripe tomatoes? Eww. How callous!

It really just does not feel right.

edit on 10/25/2010 by PixelDuster because: que?

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by jexmo
There are people turing against their own country on a whim.

7 years of researching the huge coverup going on with 9/11 is no mere whim- so you can go right back to your spot of tea and show your allegiance on your royal hiney, k? - thank you.

You ever done any research into the amount of money the American government spends, and the effort they put into Psyops alone? Have you? The black budgets and secret programs this country has are by themselves reason to suspect they would dream up a scheme as elaborate as 9/11. So I don't want no crap because I find a video that feels like the guy's a plant, ok? Or did you miss the notice of the 5 dancing Israelis who were sent and planted to "document the event?" Yes plants, so live with it.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Originally posted by jexmo

Please don't feed the trolls, True. Ta. But hear, hear, man! Starred that. Hear, hear.

Originally posted by TrueAmerican[...] the amount of money the American government spends, and the effort they put into Psyops alone? [...] The black budgets and secret programs this country has [...]

2.3 trillion, wasn't it? More than the GDP of a whole bunch of countries combined...

edit on 10/25/2010 by PixelDuster because: classified

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by PixelDuster
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Yeah... this video leaves me with a rather creepy feeling. I had never seen this, and although I didn't watch that channel too much, really, I'd have thought it would've been posted somewhere before. Thanks for spotting it and bringing it here.

Anyway, this Eisler guy does, I suppose, know his planes to a degree, but like the fellow before him said, whatever happened was all a bit on the quick side to be able to see things quite that well.

They all seem rather calm, considering, don't they? I know they're New Yorkers, but, really. Even the "scene" seems a bit too calm.

Yes, it's a tad eerie for me. They are probably all actors on assignment... as was mentioned, even lawyer-boy. Should look into that guy. Ripe tomatoes? Eww. How callous!

It really just does not feel right.

edit on 10/25/2010 by PixelDuster because: que?

amazing, you just throw things out there like it's fact just to support a theory. They're actors now? You know this how?

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 03:41 PM
It's funny he says he knows aircraft yet can't tell if it was a 737 or 757.. I work on aircraft and the difference between the two in size is imminence, the 757 is 5 times larger then a 737...If you can't tell the difference you have no right to say you know aircraft.
I would have to say he's either a SHILL PLANT or ATTENTION WHORE.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 03:50 PM
what I found odd about this guys
report is that he claims it was AA

Which tower impact was he referring to?

The AA plane hit the North tower first
and most didn't see it.

The UA plane hit the South tower second
and most eyewitnesses saw that one.

So the guys at the beginning of the video
are talking about the 2nd impact which was
the UA plane. Then this guy talks about
the AA plane. So which impact was he
talking about?

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

That is an excellent point.

Good ear for picking up on that.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by GammaRayBurst
It's funny he says he knows aircraft yet can't tell if it was a 737 or 757.. I work on aircraft and the difference between the two in size is imminence, the 757 is 5 times larger then a 737...If you can't tell the difference you have no right to say you know aircraft.
I would have to say he's either a SHILL PLANT or ATTENTION WHORE.

Pixelduster above says that it all happened too quickly for him to be able to tell properly, and his info is too accurate. And therefore he's a government shill.

You think he's an actor because his information is not accurate enough.

I guess the guy can't win.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by bl2k10

You missed the word 'probably.'

It's not like it'd be the first time.

Thank you.


posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Wow, boondock... like Dance4Life said... good ear.

That went right by me, I'm sorry to say. Did only watch it once though.

So... it gets even stranger!


posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by jexmo

Nice try buddy, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

You're either trolling or what not. You registered pretty much two weeks ago, and you are encouraging anger for your own purposes.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Well the hotel is right across the street and slightly north, so I suppose the fellow could have had a good view... if he was on the south side of the hotel, had been standing right in a window seconds before it happened, while looking up at the sky. Seems moderately unlikely, but possible, of course.

Said view might've lasted a good two seconds - tops. Especially if the plane was going anything like the 500+mph speed the OS gives, or even at a more realistic 300ish mph altitude based speed.

Just sayin.'

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 08:18 PM
The Harley Guy to me always sounded like a infomercial spokesman. Like he was trying to "sell" us something. Also another thing, when I saw 911 happen live on television the first thing I thought was this seems like something out of a movie. And just about everyone else said the same thing, it seemed like a movie. It seemed so scripted from day zero and within minutes of the event we were told what to believe. This all has the trapping of psychological warfare and is still being played out to this day.

As for the English poster above, you are not American, so worry about your own country. You have no firsthand experiences of how much the government has gotten out of control and overstepped it's bounds. You have no right to speak on questioning authority which you have no dealings with. Please shut up.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:44 PM
"Of course, IMO 90% of that day is an outright charade."

Only 90%

So our "witness" is a big corporate/insurance defense attorney. Now why would he lie?

Gotta love the way he empasizes the point for a second time without being asked, "but it was not a bomb, it was an American Airlines jet that crashed into the tower."

Doth do protest too much.

"I looked up and I thought, what is this plane doing coming so fast and just slammed right into the first tower."

I don't know which room the guy was in on the 50th floor, but from his angle and the speed of the plane, it would have been very difficult for him to positively identify the first plane. Have a look at the photo on the following link

The first tower (North Tower) is on the right side. The plane would have been approaching from the right side as well. Conclusion: not likely that he was able to identify an American Airlines jet. Who knows, maybe in his dreams.

As he stated, the plane was "hauling ass" and in that short time he was able to identify it as an American Airlines plane and either a 737 or 757. It is almost impossible to identify the marking on a plane which is coming toward you at such a high rate of speed. The markings are on the side of the plane, not the front. Is this guy yet another "fake witness", like the Harley homey?

By the way, the linked page with the image of the hotel and towers also has an interview with another apparent fake witness, Tami Michaels, who was also in the Millennium Hotel at the time. Check out this statement:

"I awoke to an explosion and a rumbling from across the street. I believe I saw parts of a plane in the sky."

Yeah sure, these metal and aluminum plane parts were just floating in the sky for such a long time for her to see them. She states that her husband took a video and never released it out of good conscience. What a bunch of garbage.

Or how about this beauty of a quote?

"I was standing with my back to the wall, looking out the windows and watching the horror before me when I saw a plane. I heard it throttle up."

So let me get this straight. In the split second she had, she heard the plane throttle up? Wow! Who writes this stuff?

By the way, this Tami Michaels person is also part of the media. Do we see a pattern developing here with these media types and the numerous lies they have spread and continue to spread about that day? I would love for these people and some select Government Offficials and building owners to take lie detector tests and see how many of them would pass.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:56 PM
After seeing the videos, yeah, some appear to be doing more than answering a question My concern is with witness #2. Just because he has handled aviation cases does not mean he has any aeronautical or airline knowledge. 50th floor in a hotel and he heard engine noises from an aircraft supposedly moving at 500 knots (impossible at sea level)? the noise comes after the aircraft passes you......Hi statement is bogus....

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 02:27 AM
No i am not encouraging anger whatsoever. It isn't my fault you guys can't take a debate on the subject and you are upset. What does joining the forum two weeks ago change? I have looking at the crap you guys have been writing about 9/11 for ages and its hilarious. If you are so sure, why has nobody been arrested.

It is a whim because it is other people interpretations of different videos and coincidences that makes you believe your government did it. Nobody has been charged or even taken to court over the matter which means you have got nothing.

"One of the major components of online debating is countering points. No one has countered any of the "debunkers" (as in, de bunker doesn't exist) points, all you've really done is accuse us of "trolling" which in itself is a sign that you've nothing to counter our arguments.

Remember if you or your argument can't stand the slightest bit of scrutiny on here then you've got no hope trying to prove it to the wider world". (a fine quote from a deltanine post.)

Go back to your little world where you are always right and nobody can argue anything you say even though what they have said is the most likely. We will all leave the forum because we don't agree with you.

I'll go to buckingham palace and have a cuppa with the queen then, Real mature guys.

Check the stars on my first post in this thread. Clearly im not the only person here who thinks you are both idiots and your ridiculous accusations are laughable.

Im done.
edit on 26/10/2010 by jexmo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by jexmo
...but you arent thinking about the people who think your talking crap and lost loved ones and want to try and forget about it.

Let us know when you will get in touch with this guy and tell him he is "talking crap".

Victim Family Member Bob McIlvaine gives a powerful introduction to 9/11 Press For Truth. 9/11 Symposium: family members, first responders and experts Speak Out! West Hartford CT. 11/03/07

And these people -

Carol Ashley, mother of Janice Ashley, 25
Fred Alger Management, 93rd floor, WTC Tower One
Hometown: Rockville Centre, NY
Member: Skyscraper Safety Campaign, Voices of September 11th,

Kristen Breitweiser, wife of Ronald Breitweiser, 39
Fiduciary Trust International, WTC Tower Two
Hometown: Middletown Township, NJ
Co-Chair, September 11th Advocates

Patty Casazza, wife of John F. Casazza, 38
Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, WTC Tower One
Hometown: Colts Neck, NJ
Co-Chair, September 11th Advocates

Beverly Eckert, wife of Sean Rooney
Aon, WTC Tower Two
Hometown: Stamford, CT
Member: Skyscraper Safety Campaign, Coalition of 9/11 Families,
Families of September 11th, Fix the Fund, 9/11 Families for a Secure America,
9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, 9/11 Families to Bankrupt Terrorism

Mary Fetchet, mother of Bradley James Fetchet, 24
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, 89th floor, WTC Tower Two
Hometown: New Canaan, CT
Chair, Voices of September 11th
Member: Skyscraper Safety Campaign, Coalition of 9/11 Families,
LMDC Families Advisory Council

Monica Gabrielle , wife of Richard Gabrielle
Aon, WTC Tower Two
Hometown: Manhattan, NY and CT
Co-Chair, Skyscraper Safety Campaign

Bill Harvey, husband of Sara Manley Harvey, 31
Fred Alger Management, 93rd floor, WTC Tower One
Hometown: Manhattan, NY
Member: Voices of September 11th

Mindy Kleinberg, wife of Alan Kleinberg, 39
Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, WTC Tower One
Hometown: East Brunswick, NJ
Co-Chair, September 11th Advocates

Carie Lemack, daughter of Judy Larocque
Market Perspectives; passenger, American Airlines Flight 11
Hometown: Cambridge, MA
Co-Founder and Vice-President, Families of September 11th

Sally Regenhard, mother of Christian Michael Otto Regenhard, 28
Probationary Firefighter, L131, Red Hook, missing at WTC
Hometown: Bronx, NY
Founder and Chairperson, Skyscraper Safety Campaign
Member: Coalition of 9/11 Families, 9/11 Families for a Secure America,
LMDC Families Advisory Council

Lorie Van Auken, wife of Kenneth Van Auken, 47
Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, WTC Tower One
Hometown: East Brunswick, NJ
Co-Chair, September 11th Advocates

Robin Wiener, sister of Jeffrey Wiener, 33
Marsh Risk Technologies, 96th floor, WTC Tower One
Hometown: Washington, D.C.
Board Member, Families of September 11th
Member: Voices of September 11, Give Your Voice,
WTC United Family Group

Source -

And these people -

300+ Family Members and Survivors Question 9/11

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by TiffanyInLA

I'll be sure to do that because we all know he speaks for the majority of victims families don't we.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by jexmo
reply to post by TiffanyInLA

I'll be sure to do that because we all know he speaks for the majority of victims families don't we.

Does it matter? He lost equally to them right? He wants to know. What does it hurt? I can assure you no family is trying to forget, so his asking extra questions hurts no one.

Also.. I want to see this "harley guy" everyone mentioned. Anyone have a link to that vid?

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