posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 07:31 AM
Hi, my name is Jeff and I come here every day, but I haven't been inspired enough to respond 20 times yet, which would allow me to start a new topic.
There's an important series of videos by a reknowned toxicologist who is seeing massive numbers of human eco-poisonings since the spill.
We left the Gulf in May (Sanibel Island, FL), one month after the spill. I'm from New Orleans and we also witnessed 9/11 from about 20 blocks away,
living in NYC. So, this was strike 3. The Federal Government now is a danger to its citizens. People are being poisoned and millions may suffer.
Sorry, to conflate my introduction with a real subject, but this is important information.
FWIW, many of you already know me from my paranormal activism... if you're curious, check out the URL on my SIG.