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Are You a Serial Killer? Is There A Serial Killer On ATS Right Now?

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posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by cluckerspud
I have been known to kill a thread or 2.


posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by onequestion
It's not so much the specifics of the profiling that i am focused on. There can be 100 different ways to profile anything. It is more or less, have you known, or do you know, could you be? You may be 22 years old and on the path to becoming a monster and not know it. Typically when you can identify something within yourself, in a way, you are facing it.

Well, I have been subjected to extreme psychological/emotional abuse. So if the abusers keep it up then I might harm them sometime in the future, who knows? The way I look at it, that's what they get for bullying and abusing innocent people! To me, fighting back against abuse like that is different than "serial killers" who often harm random/innocent people....

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by cupocoffee
reply to post by onequestion

I see. Well I'm sure many of us have fantasized about harming or killing an abuser, does that make us all potential serial killers?

yes, sure.
we are all 'potentially' anything we can conceive of.

We are all potential killers, all potential rapists, all potential abusers, all potential beings of light, allpotential gods, etc, etc etc.

What one of us is,
all of us are.

Until we learn to treat absolutely everyone with the proper respect and equality all beings deserve..
we will continue to "potentially" be all of those things.

It is true that We are a Whole, "All One"..
So what one of us is, all of us are.
It is as simple as that.
Difficult to accept for many, but just as true as the sky appears blue.

That said,
it wouldnt surprise me if there were some complete whackjobs on ATS that would frighten the hell out of all of us if we met them in person.. lol

But I think those folks would be more likely to hang out on 4chan/b or something.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by cupocoffee

Originally posted by onequestion
It's not so much the specifics of the profiling that i am focused on. There can be 100 different ways to profile anything. It is more or less, have you known, or do you know, could you be? You may be 22 years old and on the path to becoming a monster and not know it. Typically when you can identify something within yourself, in a way, you are facing it.

Well, I have been subjected to extreme psychological/emotional abuse. So if the abusers keep it up then I might harm them sometime in the future, who knows? The way I look at it, that's what they get for bullying and abusing innocent people! To me, fighting back against abuse like that is different than "serial killers" who often harm random/innocent people....

I have also been subjected to such things, emotional, psychological, and physical abuse.
and I cannot harm/kill a bug without getting saddened by it. lol

The universe does have an interesting way of balancing things out eh?
edit on 24-10-2010 by Ahmose because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by onequestion

That pretty much sums me up except for a few things, I'm not involved with my parents at all, and I am usually successful in what i try to achieve. I haven't killed anyone yet, even though I do get the urge to sometimes lol, but who doesn't?

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Lol, the serial killers are in the police and gov, ruining peoples lifes with useless profiling like this thread.

OMG someone is day dreaming, he is a monster(even though everyone day dreams).

The real serial killers are in the police period.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 04:32 PM
Great post! It was very interesting! I have a lot of the traits that a serial killer would have. But I feel like if I were a serial killer the sight of blood wouldn't cause me to pass it like it does now...and death probably wouldn't make me cry like it does now. So if I ever did get to the point of killing someone I don't think I would have a chance to become a serial killer.. because I'd probably would still be right there at the scene of the crime either passed out because there is blood everywhere or having a mental break down because someone is dead right in front of me.
I would fail at being a serial killer. Which I'm pretty sure that is a good thing. I'm okay with that realization
S&F op!

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by IzzycomesinPeace

Yep that is like everyone with some normal emotions.

Its the types of serial killers in police that are most dangerous, as they can go through whole career getting away with this stuff, with no oversite, or gov job.

There must be loads of blood thirsty people that exist in gov and police, that commit so many crimes, while they are profiling others that are nothing like anything that fits the profile.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Hey 1Q!

If there was a serial killer on ATS we'd never know it because, despite what CSI wants us to believe, there isn't really a textbook profile that we could watch for. Though the media certainly tries to tell us that we'd be able to spot one in a crowd.

These are predatory people who master a variety of methods to camouflage themselves and to blend in. Some, like Ed Gein (Not considered to be a true serial killer, but the "model" for our modern interpretation of one) and John Wayne Gacy just seem to kind of blend into the background, as nobodies, and avoid attention.

Others, like Ted Bundy avoid suspicion by literally being the life of the party! Being super popular and a hit with the ladies is a great way to avoid being pigeon holed as a killer. After all, serial killers are outcasts with sex issues, right?

Or you could take the Richard Ramirez, David Berkowitz approach and just to way too creepy for your top... and thus avoid attention by way of being utterly marginalized by others on the basis of your strangeness. It's hard to find a suspect that everyone is deliberately avoiding knowing!

Then again, you could just read the list of serial killers, worldwide, by body count and come to the most frightening conclusion of all... That most of us have never even heard of most of the worst of them!

It is enough to make you wonder if that neighbor who likes to run their wood chipper at 6 am in a Sunday morning is just a workaholic pain in your posterior... or if he's working his way onto that list!

edit on 10/25/10 by Hefficide because: typo

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by andy1033

I agree with you now that I really put some thought into it. The warning signs of a serial killer that is suggested in this thread are normal emotions. I thought serial killers usually show signs of being a sociopath or psychopath who tend to think they are above any other life. They are incapable of having emotions. I took a psychology class in college and they taught us that it is almost impossible to know who would be a serial killer because they are very adaptable and are able to blend in and pretend to be like everybody else. But the first part of the article is actually pretty accurate there are some type of traumatic or isolating experiences in a serial killer's childhood. But their brain has to be wired a certain way I think in order for them to go that certain violent path. I don't know if this is very accurate I'm trying to remember what I learned in that class about serial killers right off the top of my head.

All I know is that if I would take this article seriously and use it to protect myself from a serial killer.. I'd be a very lonely person. I don't know anybody who doesn't have most if not all of those characteristics. In regards to your comment about the government...I'm not really sure I'm able to comment on that one since I don't know anybody in the government personally. I can see where you would come to the idea though. I think they are more greedy and power hungry than blood thirsty. There really isn't a full proof way to know who is a serial killer or isn't. Emotions usually lack though, and they usually suffer from a God complex. Hmm... actually after writing that out... maybe you're on to something here with the government being serial killers
who knows, anymore? I sure don't.
edit on 25-10-2010 by IzzycomesinPeace because: t5ypo extra DIV

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:13 PM
I actually have more sympathy for serial killers than for most other murderers. I feel much more sorry for an insane broken person who resorts to random killing than for someone who kills someone else for money say.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by 19872012

I could understand that. I sometimes find myself feeling sorry for the mentally ill who kill who are unable to distinguish right from wrong. Than for someone who kills knowing it's wrong but does it to benefit from it. But ultimately the person who is killed actually gets most of my sympathy. Talk about bad luck.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by IzzycomesinPeace

If you notice media often depicts, teh serial killer types in society as teh huamsn, and anyone that does not show strength or aggression, is an animal. The media especially in america, really pushes teh serial killer type profile for humans, and alot of people are closer to this profile than society admits.

I just love how a person that harms no one, in society would in media eyes be classed as an animal, while a type of person that could be serial killer type, is seen as human, as they show these traits that the media love.

So which is more human, the serial killer type human that media loves humans to be, or the person who does nothing to no one and the media depicts as a lower form of human or animal.

I would say teh tyope of human that is not aggressive is more human, but the media you will find and society will want to project the serial killer as the right sort of human for society.

Man do the police and gov people, like social workers have these traits or what.

Just think how many serial killers in polcie can murder anyone they want and do it over and over, and the police are given this free ride. ANy one with brains who is of this type would be attracted to power positions in society and to hide what they are.

The real serial killers of today are the polcie, and gov.

What made me laugh today, was that i found out a boy i went to school with as a kid in ireland, i found out he is in the police today, and guess what, he was a bully in primary school when i knew him. What sort of peopel are attracted to police, lol.

Sorts out your profile does it not.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:41 PM
I have watched various television shows over the years on the subject. One guy who studied many of the serial killers said it took three things to make a true serial killer. Severe abuse, mental illness of some type and most had suffered some form of head trauma early in their life.
I can not remember who or how many he studied but I do remember him interviewing some of them in prison.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 12:41 AM
Yes I am a cereal killer; it started when I was 14 years old when an older neighbor gave me a funny tasting cigarette to smoke.

Suddenly all I wanted to do was kill a box of cocoa puffs and I did, but yet still I wanted more and set upon a box of captain crunch devouring it all, yet my appetite was not satiated and I then attacked a box of lucky charms, and I realized as I finished those last magically delicious morsels, that I longed for something that really tasted great and attacked a box of frosted flakes so voraciously it made even Tony the Tiger blush.

As I sat there looking at the empty boxes piled on the floor, ripped and torn asunder I couldn’t help but feel a perverse sense of satisfaction.

I knew then and there I was a cereal killer but I was so addicted to that proposition I felt no remorse or shame.

They tell me it’s a disease, a sickness, that it’s not really my fault but simply a product of my bad upbringing.

Even as I write this I feel that familiar tug inside me, that gnawing in my stomach as I eye a fresh box of Fruit Loops, the bird on the box looks so defenseless yet I can tell it’s mocking me, it deserves what it gets, it’s asking for it!

It’s not my fault, it’s not my fault, it’s just not my fault, but yes, I am a cereal killer!

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by onequestion

The only things I have killed,besides threads...
spiders,bugs and 1 squirrel.I forgot about mice.

edit on 24-10-2010 by mamabeth because: changed mind

So your answer is yes? When did the murderous rampage take place?

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 12:57 AM
too bad there isnt any real serial killers in ATS.
they might go take care of the real business at hand and put america back on track

instead all the real ones work for the government
edit on 26-10-2010 by aliengenes because: bloop

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:02 AM
I was a serial killer in every sense of the word. I knew how they thought. I knew how they felt. I know why they did what they did.

It truly does come from isolation. I was an only child. When I was about 11 years old my parents would react to something on tv about a killing and I would quietly think to myself I knew what the killer thought and why they did it and I wanted to do it. I wanted to be a hit man for the longest time. I once cut letters out of a magazine and put them on a note and left the note in a girls locker at school reading that she would be my next victim with gloves on and everything so they couldnt figure print it.

I would play video games like golden eye on n64 and aim for the head and take my time with the virtual people imagining they were real and truly enjoying killing them.

I did however never act on the impulse but I think about it a lot. Every now and then I will just day dream about it. So the OP is quite spot on...

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by onequestion

Looking through this thread I think I can pick out the serial killers... and I am not even a cop.

Now watch for edits and deletes.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by rusethorcain

Bah... my edit timer expired.... will you take bribes?


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