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dream concerning money

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posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 07:00 PM
In my dream, I just got paid. I had in my hand a stack of cash. I was going to put in the bank - I think. When I looked, there was a blank piece of paper in my hand but I could see some traces of ink. I looked at the next dollar, blank, the next was fading, all the ink on the money was fading away in my hand leaving just blank pieces of paper. I started freaking out because I figured the person who gave it to me must have given me counterfeit money.

When I woke up, I thought it could mean a few things. The end of paper currency. The continuing downward spiral of the economy. Most importantly, not to rely on finances because of what's ahead.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 07:04 PM
It means hold onto your cash till the hiccup is over.
Notice it didn't fade until you were 'going to the bank'.
If there is a hiccup in the electronic systems cash on hand is priceless.

David Grouchy

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 07:25 PM
I had a dream two nights ago that I was in Paris and mercenary squads were policing the streets. I live in Jersey ... and I've never been to nor dreamed of being anywhere in Europe. This is random but I can't make my own topic yet.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 07:47 PM
Thankyou for those comments. I really think something is going to happen to make cash obsolete. Imagine what would happen. The greatest effect would be on druggies, drug dealers, illegal workers, cash under the table, strippers. There would be no more bypassing the system which would be good for the government but can you imagine the chaos that would come because of this. Is this the step that leads to martial law?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by iamnot
The greatest effect would be on druggies, drug dealers, illegal workers, cash under the table, strippers. There would be no more bypassing the system which would be good for the government but can you imagine the chaos that would come because of this.

What do you mean? Why would this group of people be affected more than others?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by sodakota

All they deal with is cash. Have you ever heard of your regular junkie buying illegal substances from his supplier with debit/credit card? Actually, that happened in my own town but they got caught. Illegal workers in North America work for cash only. Any other way would require them to have social insurance numbers and be in the country legally. They would eventually be forced to turn themselves in due to hunger or be totally reliant for everything from their friends and family. Just imagine the situation in strip clubs!

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 07:37 AM
It isn't junkies. The underground economy is mainly dealing with marijuana. It's a game and a lot of dirty $$ passes through the hands of my generation (I'm a junior in college). I feel that more people smoke now than ever before in US history. Not to brag but I know a lot of people, and only a handful don't smoke. Let alone more and more kids are starting to smoke every single day. Why? Why not is the question

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Rahjian

It was just an example
Now how do you suppose in the situation you describe, the transactions will be made without cash?

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:32 AM
They won't. Which will really suck ha. But if it does happen people will trade drugs for other drugs. Or services or food or weapons. Bartering in the drug world happens often, it's not always about the cash$money haha.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by iamnot
Thankyou for those comments. I really think something is going to happen to make cash obsolete. Imagine what would happen. The greatest effect would be on druggies, drug dealers, illegal workers, cash under the table, strippers. There would be no more bypassing the system which would be good for the government but can you imagine the chaos that would come because of this. Is this the step that leads to martial law?

hi iamnot,i dont think there will ever be a cashless system,and i also think that u dont see the big picture.You start by assosiating druggies and illegal workers with cash under the table.its that under the table money that is supporting funds for covert ops,ileagal wars and propaganda.a cashless system would destroy this and nasa would probably change to some other fancy not saying you are wrong all im saying is that if and when it b ecomes a cashless society we will all be R.F.I.D and basically mindless robotic humans no thoughts are for us only much like orwells 1984..

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by iamnot
In my dream, I just got paid. I had in my hand a stack of cash. I was going to put in the bank - I think. When I looked, there was a blank piece of paper in my hand but I could see some traces of ink. I looked at the next dollar, blank, the next was fading, all the ink on the money was fading away in my hand leaving just blank pieces of paper. I started freaking out because I figured the person who gave it to me must have given me counterfeit money.

When I woke up, I thought it could mean a few things. The end of paper currency. The continuing downward spiral of the economy. Most importantly, not to rely on finances because of what's ahead.

I think the money symbol is referring to your own financial situation. I have the bank dreams quite a few times. It was always pleasant. Are you into the stocks or any other investments? I think I would hold that off for a while.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Rahjian

Well it's important that you know that the whole financial situation concerning dirty drug money is really going out to help black projects. In fact the CIA + NSA back in the 60's started importing drugs from every part of the world. This is simply because, money from drugs, is harder to trace, easier to make, and people can make a fortune very easilly. The big bucks get injected into the black projects. Those of underground millitary bases created after the TAU 9 Treaty.

Now the reason our kids, and our kids kids, will smoke weed, is very seriously linked to the control of money making for black budget operations. Furthermore, it has the second effect of people not carring about anything anymore. When you smoke weed or you party hard, you don't want to think about politics, economy, science etc etc. All you want to do is party. Thats how most people get distracted, while most of your liberties are taken away from you. They can do whatever they FEEL like doing. And you will offer no resistance.

Just like the war in afghanistan and in Irak, or even the FEMA camps that were built, or the blattant obvious fact that america is slowly becomming like the Germany of Hitler. Or a better compare would be the senate of rome that was overruned by bribes and corruption, and emperrors.

Now today money that was obtained illegally is also invested in the stock market. Imagine that those to BIG to fail companies, were bailed out because they had "information" and the others were simply in a position were they "had" to fail. Imagine 9/11 and the buildings that were destroyed having some of this information.

Imagine even greater that the whole system was built for and by the politicians that have power, that do not even need to be elected, but are chosen few from a group of global elitists that dominate the world by power of money and corporation.

Imagine freedom and the constitution just a paper that no longer exists. This is how this all relates together. That is how drugging everyone is good for your "governement".

Next time you take a spliffy, think about it and light it up to those that control you!


posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 11:41 AM
"When you smoke weed or you party hard, you don't want to think about politics, economy, science etc etc. All you want to do is party. Thats how most people get distracted, while most of your liberties are taken away from you. They can do whatever they FEEL like doing. And you will offer no resistance."

Uhm.. when people smoke weed they think outside of the box. Why do you think the hippies "woke-up" in the 60s and protested Vietnam so hard? Everyone I know who smokes gets more curious and digs deeper. It's not a distraction, it's an eye opener. That is why it is illegal.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 11:46 AM
Also, many people that do drugs and "party hard" as you say are involved with gangs or just tough cliques that pack heat. Guerilla units against the government, not talking about drug cartels, I'm talking about underground groups of music scenes ready to protect, rebel, and resist.

Weed and alcohol make intelligent and slick people curiosity driven, aware, and ready for the STHTF.

Weed and alcohol make sheep/swine lazy and unaware. Which was going to happen anyway most likely.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by davesmart

Originally posted by iamnot
Thankyou for those comments. I really think something is going to happen to make cash obsolete. Imagine what would happen. The greatest effect would be on druggies, drug dealers, illegal workers, cash under the table, strippers. There would be no more bypassing the system which would be good for the government but can you imagine the chaos that would come because of this. Is this the step that leads to martial law?

hi iamnot,i dont think there will ever be a cashless system,and i also think that u dont see the big picture.You start by assosiating druggies and illegal workers with cash under the table.its that under the table money that is supporting funds for covert ops,ileagal wars and propaganda.a cashless system would destroy this and nasa would probably change to some other fancy not saying you are wrong all im saying is that if and when it b ecomes a cashless society we will all be R.F.I.D and basically mindless robotic humans no thoughts are for us only much like orwells 1984..

I associate all those who rely heavily and solely. Destroying what is illegal is exactly the point. Order out of chaos. Getting rid of cash would create alot of chaos and bring us one step closer to a new world order. I'm not sure what you mean by nasa changing it's name.

Alot of people use their debit/credit cards for transactions. It won't be a straight jump from cash to RFID, but a jump from cash to debit/credit card only at least for now.

The bigger picture to me is that it's about God. It really isn't about money at all. Give to caesar what belongs to caesar, give to God what belongs to God. Well Caesar, whoever he is, wants to be called God, this is what it's all about.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:10 PM
There is only two ways our US economy can go: either we default on our debts (which are already so high "we" have individual debt burdens approaching $500,000 per family and governmental debt in the trillions that can never be paid back within our lifetimes or the next 100+ years) or we can print worthless dollars backed by nothing (which is what the Federal Reserve wants to do) and will still, in due time, default on our debt.

Two possibilities for the "fading" money syndrome:

1) Inflation/hyperinflation. As more worthless money is printed and placed into circulation, the value of your current dollars are "fading" away as inflation reduces their worth.

2) Dollar default. The system crashes and the value of the dollars is essentially no more than the blank paper that they were printed on. Essentially the dollar will then only have any value for a week or so and then it will be either scrapped entirely, replaced by another version (and if not backed by any thing of value will have the same inherent problems as the current dollar), or devalued by half or more. Hanging on to any great amount of "cash" on hand is only going to help you for a short while during the default -- after that it will be dramatically worth less (if at all). Which is why precious metals and useful commodities in hand are better that cash on hand.

The best suggestion is that any one who can, invest in gold, silver and "economic meltdown" commodities (things that have intrinsic value when there is no official currency to use, from razors and toilet-paper to guns, long-term food stocks, water filter, etc.).

One of the things that leads to "hyperinflation" (ala Germany in pre-Hitler days) was that the real value and the perceived value of the paper money was so low, as soon as people got it, they tried to exchange it for real commodities (as mentioned above). Since the economy was so poor (people out of work, very little production of any kind), the commodities that were available were very limited -- the less available, the more "fake" money was needed to trade for them and ultimately the million-dollar loaf of bread became norm.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by ChiForce I don't invest but thankyou for commenting. I agree it could be my financial situation, I'll leave my mind open for that idea. Usually though, when I am stressed about money, I dream that I work in a place I use to work in a long time ago. It was a very physically strenuous job that I kept longer than any other place. It became my personal dream symbol concerning financial situations.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by seircram

thankyou for those comments. Your explanations are very logical and I can agree with them. I do believe the dream was more about the amount of security place into money rather than the cash dollar actually disappearing.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Rahjian

Well thing is, booze and dope does make some people think outside the box. But it rarrely makes them act against whatever is wrong. You are right that some people that smoke weed are not bothered by its effects and do become enlightened. But not most of the people anyway. If you would come to research the subject you would see that drug use on a prolonged basis, has in no way increased their will to overcome obstacles, nor has it given them the means to fight back against any economic resistance that can be forwarded against them.

We live in a society that accepts and encourages you to have fun by manipulating ones own feelings through consumption of substance. Nothing you can ingest or inhale, will ever change your life. It is but a mere illusion. That is why they call it drugs. It is because of their addiction and their influence on the primal center of reasoning of the brain.

Of course some "gangs" will pack up heat. And some of them are willing to revolt. But tell me something, when you are with these pallies, try and talk to them about aliens, conpiracy, JFK assasination. They will not give a "/%?. And that is a normal thing. And unless you got friends that really connect with you it is rare that you can go on the buzz and talk about such things with someone. I mean as much as their is an embargo on the truth in america, concerning everything that is conspiracy touched, as much as the people you describe will have a very low will at changing things around them. The lack of desire to better oneselve outwheighs the problems of the world and the rest. So as to the problem that it is becomming, that of drugs, it is most certainly a game of distraction.

I respect your opinion but I am affraid I cannot share it.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:43 PM
If you have any money making ideas or dreams of starting your own business, it probably means you should not waste any more time in getting it off the ground. Fate is probably telling you to act on that dream before the dream fades away and someone beats you to the punch.

Also, if there were any numbers in your dream you may want to make them your new lotto numbers.

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