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The "Do Men fear Strong Women?" Myth

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posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 02:32 AM
Anybody that has done even limited research on issues involving the Male/Female relationship has probably seen this question surface from time to time. There are many forums and blogs discussing the implications of this statement and whether it holds any validity. While the use of the word "Strong" in this context is worthy of debate, in this thread I will use the phrase to refer more to women who identify themselves this way (independent, ambitious, opposed to the idea that women are nurturers.)

Let me be the first to say the answer to the question is clearly NO, Men do not fear Strong Women. In fact, by and large, they seem to be attracted to women who have a strong personality and determination to achieve happiness and success in their lives. But the question itself is not posed with the intention of being answered; it is more rhetorical. "Of course men fear strong women, that is why they are not happy until they get a woman that is subservient and praises the ground they walk on." Therefore, if men are not willing to be subservient to women and accommodate all her wishes and desires - despite the cost to HIS freedom and happiness - then they are afraid.

Men are not afraid of Strong Women. They are actually turned off by what many modern Feminists describe as Strong because these characteristics are the opposite to what most men look for in a women. In terms of biology, physiology and psychology differences, it is obvious men tend to excel in some areas where women tend to struggle, whereas women tend to excel in some areas where men tend to struggle. This has little to do with equality and oppression but more to do with accepting that men and women are different, and the way their brains and bodies operate in certain situations can differ dramatically.

The next time you hear somebody use the "men just fear strong women" card, remember that they are probably doing so to justify why they have trouble finding members of the opposite sex who are attracted to them.
edit on 24/10/2010 by Dark Ghost because: grammar

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

I remember going to a training class for supervisors and in this class was a woman who was like many of us make up foreman.or foreman in training.

In the class introduction this woman came up with the M1A issue standard propaganda line about men being afraid of a strong woman. It was all I could do to not break out laughing. I had to ask myself if this woman had an original thought in her brain and or emotions..or was she all ..someone elses thoughts or someone elses ideas.
It was straight propaganda out of the feminist handbook. Just like a textbook political speech.

I dont have alot of use or respect for women like this. I consider them to be high maintenance if this is the best they have..someone elses thoughts, someone elses emotions, someone elses lines.

Once you as a man or male..get your head out of your backside and or the sports page and start thinking, all you have to do is ask yourself ...what does a strong woman do with her strength? Does she provide more for her man or does she provide more for herself?? Does she provide more for the children and leave the man behind or in second or third place?? It is not difficult to think it through.

The most difficult commodity I have found to get from a woman is Peace..not Piece...children or no children. Peace requires real genuine commitment from a woman..Piece does not. This is the ingredient I have found missing from the thought or thinking/understanding abilities of most women. The stronger a woman thinks she is ..the more you will find this missing from her abilities while trying to justify/promote her strength. This makes her high maintenance if she does not understand this in dealing with a man.

What is also true about that it is missing from the understanding and knowlege of most men and males out here. They are so incredibly ignorant they will settle for Piece at almost any cost ..including their soul. Not a good tradeoff.

This is why it is important for a man or male to have enough savvy to ask the question ..what does a strong woman do with her strength?? If you as a man or male can think outside the sports and cheerleader will not take long for you to come up with an answer. Most "strong women " are highly overated.

A real woman knows her strengths and does not need to boast about it. So too with a man.


posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:22 AM
I feel context is a factor here, i def would fear any woman who could wrestle the tv remote from you

I suppose it depends on her strengths. Aggressive woman scare me but mentally strong and assertive qualities are attractive i feel. Emotionally strong woman can be hard edged & so fall into scary mary catagory.

I went out with a manager in the civil service for some years and although she was headstrong and definately assertive she was also cute and feminine and left her stronger personality aspects outside unless i was in dog house

Edit to add, that most men like life to be peacefull and without drama and they do like for the most part not to have to make day to day decisions etc so willingly let a strong woman take charge unless its important like what tv or car

edit on 24/10/10 by cropmuncher because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 06:12 AM

I feel context is a factor here, i def would fear any woman who could wrestle the tv remote from you

If I watched that much tv I would get my own televison or get rid of such an woman. I dont care for such drama or drama queens that I need to waste my time fighting over the televison or remote.

I can wrestle most women without breaking into much of a sweat. I dont do it because I would rather take another approach. I expect the same from the woman with whom I spend my time as well as my hard earned monies.

I dont care if a woman is aggressive or not. I expect Peace from her..children or not. I expect more than beauty and sexual values. If that is all she has combined with aggressiveness she is high maintenance. These women are all over the place ..a dime a dozen. Peace not just Piece.

I suppose it depends on her strengths. Aggressive woman scare me but mentally strong and assertive qualities are attractive i feel. Emotionally strong woman can be hard edged & so fall into scary mary catagory.

I dont care if a woman is aggressive or not. I expect Peace from her..children or not. I expect more than beauty and sexual values. If that is all she has combined with aggressiveness she is high maintenance. These women are all over the place ..a dime a dozen. Peace not just Piece. I too know scary Mary types. Not impressed with them as well.

Most men do indeed like to be peaceful and without drama. A hard thing to do today with peoples raised on a television/movie education highly laced with drama ethics and concepts...that this is glorious. I dont think so.
I like a woman who is capable of creating a peaceful enviornment where I can be protected from the outside world ... a sanctuary if you like. A place where I dont come in last behind every cheap transient thing the televison, movies, peer group and public education non standard can conceive.
A knowlegable woman knows and works towards this goal. Not living the home and garden television life with someone else taking risks to make it happen. This is not peaceful.

I can get Peace without a woman or woman and children. It would be wonderful to have this with a woman.


posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 01:05 PM
Well, I am certainly not afraid of strong women. In fact, I cannot stand the company of weak subservient women. I like a thinker and a doer. Someone who can have an opinion and discuss it.

I have met men, though, who hated that sort of woman. Usually, they were in love with themselves, though, so the idea of a woman who was not grovelling at their feet was abhorrant. They wouldn't want the "competition".

For me, at least, it comes down to induvidual personality. If a women is strong, but chooses to rub it in your face that she is her own woman, it comes across as weak and submissive, but not wanting anyone to know.

Confidence is a turn of, not a turn off.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:02 PM
gee and what do we think of "strong women" gentleman?
is a strong woman who can work a greet carreer herself,be a wonderfull loving wife and a great mother.
or is a strong woman the ^@#% %#% from high school or work that would insult you for no reason and try to slap you if you say anything back? afcourse i am turned off by that kind! who loves being emasculated or insulted.
i dont think women are pathetic and worthless,why must women think i am pathetic and worthless?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:54 PM
There was an article in the entertainment section of the local paper the other day that discussed the lack of female role models with "substance" in current TV programming. The article was basically a Feminist rant about how there are no "real" women characters in modern shows. When the writer was reflecting on female characters from past TV shows, one of the lines that stuck out was: "and the male characters were empowered by having such strong females near them". This made me laugh.

Strong characters of either sex are good for the show. I'm sure actors prefer to have good actors of either sex to work with as opposed to "strong women". My reply to her article was this: "Men are NOT empowered by what you classify as Strong Women. They are in fact turned off by women that fit your definition of strong. Don't try to scapegoat male writers as the reason why there are no female characters with substance - blame the actors for their lack of skills and inability to bring the character to life.

edit on 25/10/2010 by Dark Ghost because: spelling

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Stillalive

The answer is Reverse Sexism.

It's no big deal if the average person says something like, "men are pathetic and worthless". They will probably be joined with laughter afterwards or given an approving smile and nod.

Claim that "women are pathetic and worthless" and you are in deep water. It's no longer funny and you are a Misogynist responsible for the Oppression of Women.

edit on 25/10/2010 by Dark Ghost because: fixed typos

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:38 AM
Society is constantly telling my daughters that they must become a "strong woman."

Apparently, that is a pretty rigidly defined role. It looks like you must.

-Have a plurality of sexual partners, without attaching to any one of them long-term.

-Have a career in a celebrity or non-traditional field. It seems that strong women can be actors or lawyers or doctors, but not piano teachers or physicists....


-Spend all your effort on your appearance. Apparently, strong is codespeak for "slutty hot."

Why don't we hear about the need to be strong men? Because men do it without trying? Because we have an overabundance of strong men? Or do we want fewer of them, because they are crowding out the women??? Personally, I think it is because society has so badly screwed up its image of "male" that it has given up and moved on to making the females miserable, as well.

My wife has always complained about the fact that she is told that she shouldn't want traditional things, that she shouldn't have taken a break from her career to raise kids. She is hilarious, and has countered with, "I always thought that feminism means I can try for the things that make ME happy." Amazing to watch people who want to tell you how to live, as they tell her she wants the wrong things for herself.


posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:03 PM
Bah, I like strong women. I had a weak woman for a girlfriend once, and it drove my batty. She was cute, worshipped the ground I walked on, and that was great at first (I was 17 and dumb, ok?), but it got old real fast. Lucky for me, she had a crazy ex who got back in the picture, and allowed me a rather graceful exit. (he showed up at my door one night, ready to duke it out...but thought again when I answered the door with a shotgun...

Just didn't need that kind of drama or complication in my life then.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Bah, I like strong women. I had a weak woman for a girlfriend once, and it drove my batty. She was cute, worshipped the ground I walked on, and that was great at first (I was 17 and dumb, ok?), but it got old real fast. Lucky for me, she had a crazy ex who got back in the picture, and allowed me a rather graceful exit. (he showed up at my door one night, ready to duke it out...but thought again when I answered the door with a shotgun...

Just didn't need that kind of drama or complication in my life then.

Noted Gazrok..Noted. I dont fight over many of them out there. An intelligent woman is capable of making up her own mind. A fellow does not have to do this for her by fighting.

I dont like Drama from strong or weak women...both. I reckon I dont have much use for drama in my life period.

The concept of a strong women I find highly overated..even phony. Any woman or man either who is strong does not need to so advertise. It will become quickly clear on it's own merits or demerits.

The only question I need answered from a woman is what can she do to compliment the areas or arenas in which I am lacking. Is she savvy enough to see and understand this in me. Everything else is drivel/overated..especially the strong concept.

Thanks for your post,

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Bah, I like strong women. I had a weak woman for a girlfriend once, and it drove my batty.


Is that weak, or merely suffocatingly clingy?

Clingy can be strong, even tenacious, in a 'stalker who boiled your kid's bunny' kind of way.

Guess I'm not into strong women, then.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:22 PM
If you mean strong as meaning being confident in themselves and not afraid to express opinions then I am the other way round.
It's the weak ones you should be afraid of, lack of confidence leads to far more paranoia, suspicion, bossiness and argumentativeness the over confidence, a woman that fears she is not good enough for you is far worse to be with then one that thinks she is an equal and will always be looking for reasons to have her own feelings of worthlessness justified by you or try and find a reason for them from within the relationship when in fact they are from within the self.

edit on 25-10-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

I know I am replying to my own post, which is kinda weird, but I did it so readers can see what I am referring to in this post. The author of that article I mentioned earlier in the thread also wrote that "men [characters] were strong when they had strong women [characters] around them", which again made me laugh.

I think I am going to steer clear of women who define themselves as "Strong" in this sense. I think "Strong" when used in this context refers to emotionally insecure.

edit on 26/10/2010 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 07:13 AM
Heh, if men don't like Women of man is going to be in for a hell of a lot.

*shows muscles*

edit on 26-10-2010 by BlackPoison94 because: because Women of Strength rule. And so does BH

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 09:02 AM
I don't know if there's really a difference, but I like to think that I'm a Woman of Strength. And a man who is comfortable with himself and secure in his place in the world will definitely be attracted to a Woman of Strength.

A strong woman works out everyday to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings, and capitalizes on them

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

But I agree that it's a myth that men fear women of strength.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 09:09 AM
ALL women can be tamed.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

I'll take a different approach here for the sake of discussion.

I will say that both men and women sometimes "fear" strong women, but respond differently.

During the entire history of human evolution children are introduced to women first and foremost as thier mothers...caring, gentle, supportive, unconditional love. That expectation dominates all interactions that follow.

It requires a paradigm shift to accomodate the strong, commanding, less sympathetic woman into a world-view.

I am a strong proponent of women's equality...they are different than men, but those strengths and weaknesses both physical and intellectual are absolutely equal in merit and application to daily living to the strengths and weaknesses that men posess.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

I am a strong proponent of women's equality...they are different than men, but those strengths and weaknesses both physical and intellectual are absolutely equal in merit and application to daily living to the strengths and weaknesses that men posess.

Who is going to go out and take the RISK in application to make this equality and strength apply and happen. Men or women??? You know what I mean right?? make up the difference in different???

No one seems want to put light on this while claiming equality. Equality is easy to push over on people when much of the RISK taking in every day life is put off on others to handle and make happen.

Originally posted by davespanners
If you mean strong as meaning being confident in themselves and not afraid to express opinions then I am the other way round.
It's the weak ones you should be afraid of, lack of confidence leads to far more paranoia, suspicion, bossiness and argumentativeness the over confidence, a woman that fears she is not good enough for you is far worse to be with then one that thinks she is an equal and will always be looking for reasons to have her own feelings of worthlessness justified by you or try and find a reason for them from within the relationship when in fact they are from within the self.

edit on 25-10-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

This is called high maintenance and it is very common out here among the wildlife. The problem is that among males...raised primarily by women is now common among them as well. Some of them are more high maintenance than many women/females.


edit on 26-10-2010 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
reply to post by maybereal11

I am a strong proponent of women's equality...they are different than men, but those strengths and weaknesses both physical and intellectual are absolutely equal in merit and application to daily living to the strengths and weaknesses that men posess.

Who is going to go out and take the RISK in application to make this equality and strength apply and happen. Men or women??? You know what I mean right?? make up the difference in different???

No one seems want to put light on this while claiming equality. Equality is easy to push over on people when much of the RISK taking in every day life is put off on others to handle and make happen.

Sorry. Please elaborate. I don't know what you are talking about here. "RISK"??

Risk taking in what form?

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