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Why Would They Need So Much Money?

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posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg

Think how nice it would be to never receive another bill or another paycheck or to have to wait for care or service or anything!

We can all do as our hearts dictate because we don't have to worry about income levels or status. We can work as much as we need to, because our hearts are in it, and we can have as much free time as we like to be with family and friends.

Sounds like utopia

Who will do the jobs that humans don't want to do though?
edit on 24-10-2010 by In nothing we trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
This may be a dumb question but, why do they need sooo much money? If only 1% has all the money, and the rest of us are pretty much living either pay check to paycheck, or have realized that the "illusion" of the middle class is gone, if the consumers have no money to spend, how does that make sense?

What would be the REAL need of $$ to those who have most of it? Now dont get me wrong I know that $$ and Money are 2 very different things, but what ever they are hoarding why do they need so much of it?

Billions possibly Trillions of dollars are either gone, or unaccounted for. Whoever has it, I mean really, what can they possibly do with it? Everything has been bought and sold, somethings even 10 times over, or switched hands, what would someone do with $$/Money?

There must have been something to the saying "follow the money", but wasn't that when more people had it?

Peace, NRE.

Money is power and money is the route of all evil and it makes sense to me as why they need the money because all that money gives them power and what do they do with that money? They cause destruction and evil. That's my answer

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Either they are replaced by things that are more acceptable (who really *wants* to be a coal miner?) or the fact may be that there simply *are* people who want to do that job! I have been a pastry chef and a diplomat's assistant in my day, but recently I've found that foot care for the elderly and cleaning people's homes is what I really enjoy. All of this after having studied Medical Lab Technology in college.

And what's wrong with utopia? Everyone has their idea of a perfect life. The trouble now is that people don't really know what they want to do, in their heart of hearts. And that is because of money. Money and the pursuit thereof has skewed the view of what is really valuable. I mean, if you want to have a shop and sell vegetables or soap, do you really want or need a degree in retail? Do you really care? No! You want to have a shop that sells that product.

Our lives are unnecessarily complex. Take money out of the mix and our *genuine* need for degrees and the associated papers (it's really just spinning business, in fact) is eliminated. You can't scam anybody when everything is available to all. You don't worry about *losing* all the time when there is abundance.

We create deficit in our minds. We can equally create abundance. We just have to choose to do so. It will follow.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:25 AM
Has anyone considered that they hold onto all the money because if they gave it all to us: #1 Inflation would occur and we would buy up all kinds of stuff. #2 They wouldn't be rich anymore. #3 They have given it to us constantly but they can't spend it as fast as it comes right back.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Either they are replaced by things that are more acceptable (who really *wants* to be a coal miner?) or the fact may be that there simply *are* people who want to do that job!

I doubt there are people that would mine for coal unless they received payment of some sort.

The trouble now is that people don't really know what they want to do, in their heart of hearts.

They want to buy and sell stuff and work tons of hours to accumulate stuff - NOT

Seriously their time would be put to better use if they worked on my spaceship plan

I'm not sure if coal would be the best fuel source to power an intergaltic star cruiser
edit on 25-10-2010 by In nothing we trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:51 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

I see multiple reason why money seems in short supply.
First, I think that some of what we are seeing is limited resources of the planet finally hitting a peak where their cost to harvest goes up so likewise does their cost acquire. Secondly, we are seeing an equalization of standard of living between the western world and places such as China and India. As their standard of living goes up, ours goes down, again this is mostly due to limited resources. Finally, I have known some fairly well off people, and they seem to have one thing in common, they all cry poor constantly. It seems no matter how much they have, its never enough to compete with their other rich friends and outdo them. A lot of it is nothing more then for show, to surpass the guy next door in their elitist little clicks.

Maybe there is something else going on, but those are at least some factors that I know of.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

It's a response to fear. You know how to eliminate that response? Take away our media sources for a while. They exist to manipulate our thinking. When I was younger, I used to have to go for sometimes three months without reading the newspapers or watching any TV at all, just because it produced so much stress and angst in me that I couldn't sleep or concentrate on what was important at that moment. I was worrying after nothing, and that's what people do all the time. They don't even realize it. It's very easy to manipulate the masses when they're confused (read: over-informed). You can get expert opinion on anything, any answer you want, you can find an "expert" who will either confirm or negate any view of anything. How can we possibly know what's "right" and "true" then? But we could try something new now. Gather knowledge the old fashioned way: See it with your own eyes. Trust your eyes. Trust your heart.

When we know our neighbors, our community -- our family -- our worlds become much easier. We have safety. We care because they are what we know. They reflect us. We are all part of each other. Who can say that right now? Who would want to? The fact is that we would all love to say it. We would love to feel it. We would love to know that if one of our kids were playing outside a few blocks away and they fell and hurt themselves, that some kind soul would take them home and wash them up, put a bandage on the wound, give them a glass of water and wipe their tears and send them on their way. Now all we can do is huddle in fear that someone will molest them. We worry about our jobs. We worry about everything. We don't need to. People are good and kind when they aren't afraid.

There will always be incidents of serial killers and child molesters and what-have-you. But they aren't the norm. They aren't so prevalent that we should cower in the corners just waiting for them to come and destroy our lives. And yet, that's exactly what our public policy does. It assumes perversity before anything else. That's not us. It's not right that we're frightened out of our wits. Ever wonder why people use drugs? It's not to explore the inner realms. It's to escape. How sad.

We have the right to live our lives with mistakes, with blunders, with successes, with feeling that we're alive and bouncing through life. There is no reason to drag through things as they are now. Maybe getting rid of money is the real start. Maybe we could become involved with people again.

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