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Why Would They Need So Much Money?

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posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:17 AM
This may be a dumb question but, why do they need sooo much money? If only 1% has all the money, and the rest of us are pretty much living either pay check to paycheck, or have realized that the "illusion" of the middle class is gone, if the consumers have no money to spend, how does that make sense?

What would be the REAL need of $$ to those who have most of it? Now dont get me wrong I know that $$ and Money are 2 very different things, but what ever they are hoarding why do they need so much of it?

Billions possibly Trillions of dollars are either gone, or unaccounted for. Whoever has it, I mean really, what can they possibly do with it? Everything has been bought and sold, somethings even 10 times over, or switched hands, what would someone do with $$/Money?

There must have been something to the saying "follow the money", but wasn't that when more people had it?

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Money = power = money = power..... the endless cycle of greed.

The top 2% obviously don't need the money - as many of them have fortunes so vast that generations of utter decadence and irresponsibility wouldn't even spend it all.

But when you have the power to literally effect billions by your influence...well...what a heady drug it is indeed. It's like having an ant farm filled with people.

In short, it's like being God. And if you're God then there's nothing to fear. Right? Right?


posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Ok I see what your saying, but here is something that I thought of when I read your post. We dont actually know what is owned, we just know that the $$ value is gone, could the illusion of the monetary gain, is what continues to make us spiral?

Could we all be in the same boat, because "we think" that others have more? But in fact they have a little more, or about the same?

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 03:00 AM
i could never figure out why the rothschilds need 300-500 trillion dollars.

i play video games, and one time i used a trick to get all the money you wanted in final fantasy. the game was boring after that. there was no need to fight, no need to explore, etc. my character had everything. i do not know how that would be in real life, but if you had all the money in the world, what would stop you from doing nothing but self indulgant 'activities' ha!

so i do not know why these people need all this money.

but i am not a sociopath. the fact you are asking this, proves you are not a sociopath. these people have been inbreeding for centuries now. when you inbreed, there is a higher risk for undesirable traits. so they were crazy to begin with, and now they are even more so.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 03:25 AM
So ultimately, we must realize that although there are few who are living better than from hand to mouth, from paycheck to paycheck, maxing out credit cards, etc., they are taking everything. So that if you are one with savings and a trust in your pension plan existing much longer, understand that they will take those too. They will take everything and still squeeze you for more. That's what is happening to a substantial segment of Western society at the moment - the unemployed. Those who still have anything are next.

Another realization must come into play here too: They can only have power over us using what we value. This is a basic Buddhist concept and it is being used on us now. Thusly, if you forgo attachments, they lose their power. If you attach your ego to your job or your home and all your things, they will use that to cripple you. If you attach too much concern to your family members, they will use those as weapons against you. If you attach too much importance to your education/intelligence, that will be their target. Do you understand?

The answer is to sit back and let things happen. Let the cards fall. They can't hurt you if you simply look on in amusement. Don't queue up for any of their tripe. Forget TV/film/pop literature -- it's blatant programming. Don't want the newest gadgets, fashions, trends, hype. Get rid of garbage that's weighing you down. Go light. If something you own breaks, fix it. If you can't, get something used -- and the older, the better. Go cheap. Eat raw foods. Cook them fresh or eat them uncooked. Don't use electricity/gas/oil unnecessarily.

You hand them their weapons. You give them their power. Shed the mantle of the illusion.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Greed becomes a Mania when those who Suffer from it are Seduced by the Power that Large amounts of Money can bring them . Case in Point , Mr. Soros . An Old Rich Man that suffers from a Irrational Belief that he is somehow a God , and must lead the Masses around him to a World that Only Exists in his Disturbed Mind....... Greed is a Mental Disorder that Eventually Destroys those who suffer from it .

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

I do agree with your thoughts and observations.
Attaching too much importance to unnecessary things is a problem.
However can one attach too much concern over family members?
If they can use anything you value or hold dear against you then,
Sitting back and letting things happen is not always an option,
It isn’t amusing to see people suffer, especially loved ones.
It may be a good idea to opt out of consumerism,
It may be a great idea and the ultimate solution.
But for society it is not really an option at the moment.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by midicon
reply to post by CosmicEgg

I do agree with your thoughts and observations.
Attaching too much importance to unnecessary things is a problem.
However can one attach too much concern over family members?
If they can use anything you value or hold dear against you then,
Sitting back and letting things happen is not always an option,
It isn’t amusing to see people suffer, especially loved ones.
It may be a good idea to opt out of consumerism,
It may be a great idea and the ultimate solution.
But for society it is not really an option at the moment.

CosmicEgg makes can be concerned over family members...but, trusting they can take care of themselves releases you from the worry and you can be there for support if called upon, yet set the example for them and others to follow.


posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Holly N.R.A.

I did say I agreed with the post, well at least in principle.
And ditto for yours, however it is too simplistic.
Trusting they can take care of themselves, might not be an option.
Indeed they might not be able to care for themselves,
And my support might not be enough.
And of course I may set an example,
But such examples are not always popular.
In fact are never popular!

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 07:24 AM
If the conspiracy is true than those Trillions of dollars and not to forget euro's are used for building underground bases and for all we know to built bases on the moon, mars and for the building of spaceships. I know it sounds unbelievable but it will be not the first time governments lie about what they are up to.

There is enough oil but still the price is going sky-rocket from time to time. When they need funding for some project....they just rise the oil price a few ceents and off they go with a few billion dollars.

And then there is this recent economic crisis all over the world....a gigantic money drain....There was the switch from european nations money to the euro.....the biggest money circus-trick in human history. I say,... if any of this is true 'they' know that time is short and preperations need to be made before TSHTF...

That is why 'they' need so much money....from us.

And if none of this holds is all true....they are simply greedy....and incompetent to govern a nation.

edit on 23-10-2010 by zatara because: grammar reasons

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 07:34 AM
POWER. Material possessions is just a bonus. Going to bed every night knowing you literally have the world and everyone in it by the balls? Priceless.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:22 AM
'Their' wealth is infinite.

They control how much ready available cash is in their system, we're being crushed by the unpayable 'debt' installed on what they print & put out in that system.

The breaks need to be put on this juggernaut of a cartel before the people are left with nothing & civil war errupts in the Western World.

End of.
edit on 23-10-2010 by L.J.C because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:36 AM
You know, I've asked myself this question many times. Recently I have come to the conclusion that it's not that they want more money - they already have billions if not trillions stashed away.

I think the purpose is to strip all the people of all their money because if people have no money the government then has total control over them. They can withold basic needs for food, water, etc, to keep the people under the brutal iron rod of tyrannical control.

All tyrants use the same tactic. That is also why they are taking control of all food production as we speak.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:28 AM
There is of course another explanation of the endless need for greed.

A battle or struggle between good and evil, God and the Devil, Light and dark.

I assume TPTB work for the fiends team

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 03:09 PM
And again I assert that if you give any single thing too much value, that will be their leverage over you. Family members have their own lives that they alone are responsible for. They have given you an incorrect morality as well. Just because you are a child or sick or elderly or female or male or anything else does not give you more nor does it give you less responsibility for your own life. You come in alone, you go out alone. That is absolute and non-negotiable. What happens to you in between must also be your doing.

To those of you not yet able to swallow this concept, please give yourself time to consider this further before discounting it out of hand. I have three now adult children so it is not without having done this exercise myself as well that I say this. I remember them as infants, toddlers, school-age, and high school-age. Even though they are young adults, the concern for their future and what they haven't experienced yet in life is no less of an issue *if you let it be*, but the fact is that what will happen to them will happen with or without your vigilance. What is meant to happen, will happen. You are in control of things but not in the way you probably think you are. If you give out fear, fear will follow you. If you give out ease and love, that too will follow. If you think it doesn't, please examine your perspective. You will find that all things happen for the best of reasons -- absolutely all things, without exception.

They cannot take anything you don't give them. Travel light in every way. This is of paramount importance at this juncture in history. Keep all things light. Keep the light in your smile and in your heart. Shine that light to others.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 03:28 PM
Good question OP.
One I have asked myself numerous times as well...
and also I wonder too, because in many discussions, as many times as I have seen people
post that they "cannot wait" until TSHTF-- everything will be on a level
playing field, and we will all be helping each other out... no one will be
better than the next person, and we will be "equal". I see mostly where people are eager, really willing to help their fellow neighbors out, and can't wait to do so...

I don't see where anyone wants more, really, I see where most people want to be
able to pay their bills on time, be able to eat, and provide for their family.

I don't see much of a modicum of greed, really.

edit on 23-10-2010 by thegoodearth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:01 PM
George Washington answered the question in his memoir book.

Why didn't he free the slaves during the Revolutionary War? He would have lost his elite status and his children would have to work for a living.

The stealing going on now by the elite ensures they nor their kids will never have to work, and they will buy up America on the cheap soon.

Hundreds of Trillions have been stolen in the last decade alone. Kings are being created in America who will enslave us all soon.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver

This may be a dumb question but, why do they need sooo much money?

They're building a spaceship for intergalactic star travel.

You can only imagine how exspensive those things are.

edit on 24-10-2010 by In nothing we trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

And with any luck at all, they'll all board it with all the leftover money and leave us forever so we can then continue our lives in peace and harmony. Think how nice it would be to never receive another bill or another paycheck or to have to wait for care or service or anything! We can all do as our hearts dictate because we don't have to worry about income levels or status. We can work as much as we need to, because our hearts are in it, and we can have as much free time as we like to be with family and friends. We would be sick less. We would be happier all the way around. No need for crime because everything is available to everyone.

GO, Money and Wealthy! Be off with your greed and selfishness! Leave us to our "poverty"!

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

You know what amazes me still...?

Almost everybody you will ask from any kind of life. Rich, poor, loving, hating... They almost all say peace and a life of their own bidding.

Yet people let them get rattled up like cattle and hate for no good reason then someone telling them it is the right thing to do... Even as a group species... You would think peace and love in life for everyone shouldn't be that difficult.

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