posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:00 AM
I think some of the posters above have missed the point.
It's not your personal information they are after - your birthday, your eye colour, where you live ... they couldn't really give a toss.
It's your browsing history they are after ... your browsing habits ...
What ever site you visit, what ever banner you click, your likes, your dislikes, your comments and your downloads etc ... they have access to that
... if you want it or not, if you know it or not ...
The marketing and advertising opportunities when they know this info is HUGE ... and that is how they make their money ... essentially, they sell your
browsing habits ... and then of course there is the security information that they sell ...
So what Disconnect does, why it is so powerful and why it is such an important development, is it puts the power back in our hands, gives us control
over one of the most important online commodities there is ...
It might even open up a new market where people can choose to sell their past browsing history or sell access to their current browsing habits
edit on 23/3/12 by Horza because: (no reason given)