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ATS StreetView: 2: Global Warming & McDonalds' Food

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posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:59 PM
I just wanted to say that I found the video to be really interesting. I like the ATS street view a lot. It's really intelligent. I liked the kinds of responses people gave when they were asked to justify why they believed in global warming or why they didn't believe in it. Some people just believed in it because they thought it was true and had no justification for it. Other people mentioned how it was getting warmer when it shouldn't be and said it was a threat. That one guy that spoke about how Al Gore was doing it to make money made some really interesting points. I agree that global warming is a concern but we also have to be concerned about people profiteering over it. I really liked that segment.

I also liked how people even knew that what they were eating was bad for them but they still ate their anyways. They knew that McDonalds has all these chemicals in there but now we know the reason why they do it. They eat there because it's cheap. They don't eat their because the food tastes really good or it's addicting. That video segment makes me harbor less negative feelings towards people who eat at McDonalds. They aren't mindless sheep. They're just doing it because they have no real alternatives to McDonalds. That one guy made a really good point though in that Burger King does the same thing and that people shouldn't only be going after McDonalds. I really loved that whole segment as well.

reply to post by highlyoriginal

I agree. I noticed that too! It was kind of scary to actually see some people just say they believed in global warming just because Al Gore said so, or just because it was pop culture and cool and what not. There were people who had justifications for it... but like it's amazing how easy it is to tell when someone is uninformed about an issue or not.

I really love the show! Keep it up! I can't wait for the next issue. It's so much fun actually seeing what the average person thinks about these things.

I just have one criticism: try to be less confrontational. I'd agree with people that you should try to ask people about what they think about at first... and then maybe be confrontational after they've said something and you know what they think. That's just my $.02.
edit on 24-10-2010 by Frankidealist35 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 04:18 PM
I dug it. Good job! The show has already taken a step forward in design and presentation. Keep coming.

Anyone who is hating is forgetting that J and Bonnie are actually DOING something, getting out there with a camera and microphone, and doing their best. I think the show is great so far and will be even greater with each passing episode. If you disagree, that is fine...but try and remember we are humans living life and using our brains, and these two people are doing just that, and bravely with the intent of documenting it.

I dunno...people seem to be more impressed with multibillion dollar enterprises making movies about CGI blue people and forget that regular people are still alive and making "art".

I thought it was very impressive and polished nicely.

The only thing that REALLY bothered me was the skateboarding on the side of a car!!! AHHHHH! DANGER DANGER DANGER!!! Lol...but I'm a sissy and refuse to run with sissors for ANY reason at all.


posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 06:02 PM

For your next (hopefully you're doing this already)

You need to get an I-Pad, with the video of the cell phone carrying time-traveler in the ATS thread loaded on it.

Give people on the street minimal context, let them watch it, capture their reactions, and then ask them what they think it is.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 09:46 PM
Or maybe not.

Takes off his make-believe producer's hat and walks away mumbling...

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by neformore
I had issues watching - reinstalled Adobe DRM and Flash player 10.1 and it worked.

There was a Firefox update earlier this week - maybe it knocked the recent Adobe update off kilter.

Try reinstalling and see what happens.

Be careful with emails from Xbox....

Dam thing stopped me reading my Yahoo e-mails, take a harder look at your updates for Firefox.

I had to uninstall and change all my security details.

Also be careful with e-mails from Xbox, please scan them first...

Well done again.. Street view

Take a trip to Denver Airport and ask people questions about the infamous Murial

all the best...

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto


posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 11:04 AM


posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 05:23 PM
I was hoping that this would be about McDonalds being the nations largest producer of bio-diesel and how they are buying used oil from other fast food places to keep the regular person from making it.
Try taking computer printed manufactuerer's coupons to Wal-Mart and see what happens.
(yes I'll have three Mcdoublers,a small fry and a small drink)
As for gobal warming not a problem until we get another three degrees C then we're in trouble.
of course if it falls three degrees we'll be in touble also

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by Curling1
I was hoping that this would be about McDonalds being the nations largest producer of bio-diesel and how they are buying used oil from other fast food places to keep the regular person from making it.
Try taking computer printed manufactuerer's coupons to Wal-Mart and see what happens.
(yes I'll have three Mcdoublers,a small fry and a small drink)
As for gobal warming not a problem until we get another three degrees C then we're in trouble.
of course if it falls three degrees we'll be in touble also

Got any sources for your McDonalds claims?

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by Seventytwo

Originally posted by neformore
There was a Firefox update earlier this week - maybe it knocked the recent Adobe update off kilter.

take a harder look at your updates for Firefox.
Maybe you folks need every dang windows and Firefox update that comes out, but I sure don't. I only update windows and Firefox about once a year and have far fewer problems than many others, and never get viruses or trojans.

Regarding the video, it was good, but I think you're being a little too hard on McDonalds.

I hate McDonalds and never eat there, I only tried it a few times many years ago and never went back, so I'm not arguing that it's good. However I am arguing that you're wrong to say people shouldn't have McDonalds as a choice. I think freedom of choice is important and like the poster on page 1 who lost 90 pounds since he/she stopped eating at McDonalds, we should have the choice to eat there or not. I choose not, but if someone really wants to eat there I think they should have the right to do so.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by

Great work. Well conceived, produced, presented.

A key addition to ATS media diversity. ...and it motivates me to get back to my own stuff.


posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 03:17 AM
Out of curiosity, where did we find these guys? They did a great job.... From a production quality standpoint,my only issue is that the camera man/men/people need to learn to hold the camera a bit more steady... but that is just nit picking...

I loved the video... and for what it is worth... some of those interviewees... yikes...

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade

For your next (hopefully you're doing this already)

You need to get an I-Pad, with the video of the cell phone carrying time-traveler in the ATS thread loaded on it.

Give people on the street minimal context, let them watch it, capture their reactions, and then ask them what they think it is.

Interesting idea, except common sense would tell you that it is not a cell phone... Sure a time traveler might have a cell phone on them but they would be unable to use it... No cell phone towers or companies......

Waste of time in my opinion
edit on 30-10-2010 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 07:09 AM

Ideas for Next Street View

When will it be by the way?

Idea 1) Do the citizens of New York know what Bisepanol A (BPA) is, and that 90% of them will be showing traces of it in their bodies?

Ans: Probably not, and it is a sex hormone present in most of your food packaging.

BPA Thread

Idea 2) Do the citezens of New York know that their soldiers are being killed in Afghanistan in order to make money for China?

Ans: Probably not, but it is the truth.

The Truth About Afghanistan: All the Evidence You Need

Idea 3) Do the citizens of New York feel like they have got a choice as to who they buy their products from, hear music by and get their news from?


Secret World Monopolies

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by carlitomoore

I really like these questions. We will be posting the 3rd episode very soon, and we ask some questions about Afghanistan. This week we focused on the Wiki Leaks Files. The answer to your third questions might surprise you when we ask new yorkers next week.

As I continue to talk to people on the street I find they are more informed than I expected. Most New Yorkers I meet have a thirst for knowledge and culture that goes deeper than i have seen in many other regions. That is not to say that all new yorkers have the most keen research and information gathering skills.

Carlitmoore I will definitely work your questions into my list next week. Thank you very much!

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by j.douglas

Hey, thanks for the reply Mr. Douglas!

Just noticed episode 3 is up, I will be watching tomorrow!

In regard to my last post, all three subjects have been woven into one thread concerning Foreign Nation Building:

The Biggest Fraud In History ~ And We Have All Fallen For It! (Ultimate Conspiracy)

I think you are after more direct questions though, so I will have a think. Its good to know you are open to ideas, I like that. There should be a suggestion thread so that you don't have people like me bothering you all the time!

Liked the McDonalds topic by the way

Why McDonald's Happy Meal Hamburgers Won't Decompose ~ The Real Story Behind The Story

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by

Watched the video, and it is obvious at least those New Yorkers who were interviewed have no real knowledge about Global Warming/AGW. One of them even says it is a trend, another one said that even though he knows Al Gore is getting rich off AGW/Global Warming that he believes everything Al Gore says...

Even after the scandals most people are not educated at all about the subject. No wonder the rich elites are so confident that their global plans for a One World government will come to pass. The average person, all over the world not only in the U.S., has been brainwashed to no end that there is no possibility for people waking up to the scam that is AGW/Global Warming.

I would like to know Bonnie, and Douglas(?) reasons for believing in Global Warming/AGW. What do they consider as proof that Anthropogenic Global Warming is happening, or has been happening?

Also, why didn't you guys mention the Climategate scandal?
edit on 9-11-2010 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:51 PM
OMG!!! I can't believe the flaming IGNORANCE!!! "Al Gore said it so it must be true." I feel ill... very ill... I wish I could unplug everyone from the matrix all at once.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:58 PM
Fact: Humans give off CO2

Fact: Plants breathe CO2

Solution from NWO perspective: Create a tax for carbon emissions, convince people it is for the "good of humanity."

Logical solution: Plant more green plants.

Fact: Levels of Aluminum up to 60 times emergency levels are being found in areas where aluminum is not even native. Barium salts and Aluminum oxide are believed to be coming from the 'chemtrails,' an act that is to this day being denied as happening. Due to the levels of Aluminum being "sprayed" plant life is being stunted and even halted in some places. Through the denial of "chemtrail spraying" it helps reinforce this fake global warming agenda.

Fact: Monsanto has already created "aluminum resistant" seeds, thus positioning themselves to further their near world monopoly of food bearing plant life.

Fact: Record cold spells in various regions of the world this season. NWO leaders blame "global warming." Huh???

Fact: Temperature changes in small amounts are a natural cycle of our world. What caused the "ice age" of our ancient history? Did the dinosaurs fart too much and cause "global warming???"

We are being taken advantage of by NWO leaders exploiting natural occurrences that eventually correct themselves, naturally.
edit on 13-12-2010 by upfediam because: spell correction and added more content

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by j.douglas

I thought you were going to ask questions about Afghanistan. Maybe I missed it.

In any case, here is something for you to chew on.

I believe the reason for the campaign in Afghanistan has recently become more evident.

"The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves..."

So what is the connection? It goes like this.

Afghanistan has an annual GDP of only $12 billion. Most of that is from their cash crop of opium producing plants.

In all, over the last decade, there has been an outside struggle of power, the battle of the superpowers, virtually setting a geo-political dominance in the region. The country that has the control of the region wins and claims dominion over the vast untapped riches beneath Afghanistan's soil.

If 9 years ago our federal government told us "Hey there is a trillion dollars of untapped minerals in Afghanistan and we are going to go steal it" what would the people have said in response?

Now, if our military is there, for what is now the longest war in American history, and when we feel confident enough that we have dominated the region, it is easy to say "Hey look what we found!"

So over the years we make sure we kiss Afghan butt and protect, help produce and help distribute their cash crop of opium to the world, Why? In exchange for a great deal on lithium, which is reported in Afghanistan to be one of the worlds largest deposits.

So what does this lead to? USA currently only has 2% of the world market on lithium batteries, however, as part of the plan that is now being vocalized, we have several manufacturing sites being built and are near completion. When they started being built, I don't know, but it is obvious the plan was waiting for the right time to be revealed.

Bill Clinton, a currently unelected public official upstaged President Obama at a recent public address. Apparently Obama did not have the right answers as Bill took control of the address. Obama voluntarily yielded the podium to Bill.

Bill brings up the battery plants nearing completion that would put the US's market share at 20% nearly right away and further lays claim that the US market share would reach 40% by as early as 2014.

Our federal government has never been good at running a business for profit. How many trillions have we spent to gain access to this rich untapped mineral farm? In the effort of job creation, which of course the federal government will expect a pat on the back, how many lives have been lost?

The sad thing is, most people will ignore those facts, and in fact, praise Obama once again. This could be what gets Obama back in the running for a second term, and a miracle of epic proportions will have been executed in changing public opinion of a president, when the cold truth will be that the jobs created in the battery market that "save this country" cost well over a million lives on foreign soil. That, in my opinion, constitutes war crimes on a level that our current generations have not seen.

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